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Risultati finali
This is a report on the systematic literatura review on the studied topic within work package 3.
Communication, dissimination, and outreach reportThis report is to specify and summarize all activities in relation with communication, dissemination and outreach activties during the implementation of the Project.
An inductive analysis of employee contribution to firm´s innovative capabilityThis is a report on the research outcomes from the inductive study within thework package 3.
Interim progress reportThis report summarizes activities carried out in this first period in terms of research progress, and any follow -up or adjustment needed.
Insights of cases in advanced and emerging economiesThis third report in the WP8 is to qualitatively explore the studied topic comparing emerging economies and advanced economies.
A review on expatriate knowledge transfer to and from emerging marketsThis is a report document in the work package 4 to present the literature review results.
Workplace innovation: A cross-country and crosssectoral perspectiveThis is a report of quanitative analysis based on survey dataset within the work package 3.
Overview of innovation collaborationsThis is a literatura review report for the research progress foressen in the work package 2.
A quantitative study on measuring sucess and failure of innovation collaborationsThis is a report on the reslt of second stage of empirical studies within the work package 2.
Empirical studies on technolgy and competitiveness across nationsThis report is the empirical results of the WP8 in the second stage of research implementation.
Qualitative interviews with different types of expatriate managersThis is a report on the qualitative study results in the work package 4.
Exploring knowledge and technology transfer in an international contextThis is a research report on the literature review carried out in the first stage of implementation of WP8.
Seeking for excellence: exploration from successful casesThis is a report on th first stage of empirical studies on selected cases.
The launch of KITFEM website is a key element for initiating the external communication of the Project and interact with public in general.
This is a second intermediate workshop after the implementation of research activties in the Project. This workshop serves for communication both internally and externally to general public, to sum up and disseminate the Project progress until the moment.
Final conferenceThis is the final conference to disseminate the research restult to different audiences: academic, industry, public institution and general public. The aim of this conference is to maximize the outreach influence of the Project.
Final conference proceedingsThis is outcome of final conference which shows all programs and activties carried out in the conference.
First intermediate workshopThis is the first workshop after starting research phase of the Project, in order to share the preliminar results if any with general public. Internally it also serves to monitor the progress, exchange knowledge and experience, and suggest posible adjustment if needed. This workshop shares part with general public, and other internally within the consortium.
Kick-off workshopThis deliverable is an organization of kick-off workshop which consists of both internal meeting of consortium members (CO), as well external communication of the launch of the Project.
Sylvia Rohlfer
Pubblicato in:
Journal of Evolutionary Studies of Business, Numero Vol. 3, No. 1, 2018, Pagina/e 112-136, ISSN 2385-7137
Universitat de Barcelona
Mu Tian, Ping Deng, Yingying Zhang, Maria Paz Salmador
Pubblicato in:
Management Decision, Numero 56/5, 2018, Pagina/e 1088-1107, ISSN 0025-1747
Engineering, Chemical & Marine Press Ltd
Yongli Tang, Xinyue Hu, Claudio Petti, Matthias Thürer
Pubblicato in:
Management Decision, 2019, ISSN 0025-1747
Engineering, Chemical & Marine Press Ltd
Claudio Petti, Yongli Tang, Elisa Barbieri, Lauretta Rubini
Pubblicato in:
Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 2019, Pagina/e 1-13, ISSN 1477-8238
Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.
Yongli Tang, Xinyue Hu, Claudio Petti, Matthias Thürer
Pubblicato in:
Science and Public Policy, 2019, Pagina/e 1-13, ISSN 0302-3427
Beech Tree Publishing
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