"I formulated recently a conjecture that should allow to geometrize the local Langlands correspondence over a non-archimedean local field. This mixes p-adic Hodge theory, the geometric Langlands program and the classical local Langlands correspondence. This conjecture says that given a discrete local Langlands parameter of a reductive group over a local field of equal or unequal characteristic, one should be able to construct a perverse Hecke eigensheaf on the stack of G-bundles on the ""curve"" I defined and studied in my joint work with Fontaine.
I propose to construct, study and establish the basic properties of the geometric objects involved in this conjecture, this stack of G-bundles being a ""perfectoid stacks"" in the framework of Scholze theory of perfectoid spaces. At the same time I propose to establish the first steps in the proof of this conjecture, study particular cases in more details and explore consequences of this conjecture."
Meccanismo di finanziamento
ERC-ADG - Advanced GrantIstituzione ospitante
75794 Paris