CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M)

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - INNO EEN-M (Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs through the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (INNO EEN-M))

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-01-01 bis 2018-12-31

The INNO EEN-M project delivered 17 (seventeen) 7-days service packages to local SMEs that enabled increasing their innovation management capacities. The services from the INNO EEN-M project provided in 2017-2018 have positive impact and contribution to the overall growth of the companies strengthening their innovation and competitiveness.
The general objective of the INNO EEN-M project is to increase the economic returns from innovation and enhanced innovation management capacities of the Macedonian SMEs through offering a standardized set of coaching and innovation management services while ensuring synergy with other innovation-related services of the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (EEN-M).The project met the general and strategic objectives of the call by creating baseline for accelerating the economic returns from improved innovation skills, processes, utilization of innovative ideas and quality improvements. Common practices and Code of Conduct are being exploited for ensuring high level of confidence and trust. In line with the strategic objective, the project provided necessary tools, knowledge and experience to the EEN-M for implementation of the specific activities in the context of innovation support (Horizon 2020).
The team of the INNO EEN-M project delivered the activity by ensuring synergy with the other innovation-related services of the Enterprise Europe Network in Macedonia (EEN-M) and in accordance with the Implementation Strategy. The project provided necessary tools, knowledge and experience for implementation of this activity. The innovation support services brought an added-value to the standard services of the EEN in Macedonia ensuring synergy with the business, technology transfer and R&D services.
The Macedonian SMEs were supported and innovation management assessments were delivered. The team used the IMP³rove tool as an assessment tool. Direct consulting support was provided to the companies for facilitating the process of creation and commercialization of new innovations.
The Key Account Management service was not performed as no Macedonian company was granted beneficiary of the SME instrument. Still, this service and its value are well promoted to the potential beneficiaries with high potential for internationalization.
The INNO EEN-M project delivered the Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity for innovating SMEs activity and 17 SMEs were supported. The project couldn’t deliver the Key Account Management service for the beneficiaries of the SMEs Instrument as none SME from Macedonia was granted SME instrument. The team supported the companies to apply for the SME instrument. Still, the team provided support for facilitating the process of creation and commercialization of new innovations. The team made available the necessary tools and knowledge for implementation of the specific activities in the context of innovation support. Additionally, the SMEs training needs related to innovation management was measured.
The INNO EEN-M team is composed of three members, two of which attended the IMP³rove training - Introduction to the IMP³rove Approach (June 27-28, 2017 in Berlin, Germany) and the other team member has already been trained in 2014. The team members actively participated on webinars organized by IMP³rove academy.
Following work and results were achieved:
- Through transparent and clear process the most appropriate and promising innovative SMEs were selected,
- The IMP³rove Assessment tool was used as a diagnostic tool for the innovation management capacity assessments and seventeen final reports on the innovation management service packages were delivered using this tool,
- The reports showed the companies' performances in the IMP³rove Assessment,
- All other EEN services and support are accompanied to the Action plans,
- Presentation on the SME instrument was conducted and organized meetings for the SMEs with the NCP for SMEs and Access to finance. The team supported the companies to apply for the SME instrument. The team provided support for facilitating the process of creation and commercialization of new innovations.
- The team made available the necessary tools and knowledge for implementation of the specific activities in the context of innovation support.
Concrete examples of the outcomes from the SMEs that were supported under EIMC activity:
- One of the companies reached ASO, i.e. the assessment helped the company to strengthen its cooperation with new partners and to bring new products on new markets which resulted in granting the national Innovation fund,
- One of the company went internationally to the UK,
- The other company expanded internationally and became the official representative of a UK company for Building Management System,
- One of the companies has changed the supply chain to increase its efficiency and the one company succeeded in finding partners from meat industry to promote their new software solution that helped them to accelerate their businesses.
The performed activities contributed to addressing the challenges that innovative SMEs in the country face. This had several effects on organizational and industry level. It helped to the SMEs to clearly identify their position regarding their innovation management capabilities. Through the inclusion of more SMEs it is ensured that on medium and long run will require every SME that wants to internationally and be innovative to evaluate it capabilities and make justified decisions on how to proceed. This will result in increase of the possibility for successful innovation and internationalization of the SMEs. The European-added value and provisioning of high quality innovation services on enhancing the innovation management capacities of the SMEs create synergy for maximizing the impact of these services.
The INNO EEN-M project activities have been performed in full alignment with the EEN-M Implementation strategy that provides introducing two new, distinct types of innovation services. Furthermore, these services add additional value to the Consortium to perform specific expert innovation services which relate to signposting of EIMC clients to other COSME services.
The direct impact of the services provided by this project on clients was evident in:
- Understanding the importance of the innovation management, their shortcomings and utilizing different sources of funding for enhancing their internationalization, innovation and resource efficiency capacities,
- Improving the innovation management capacities (new business model innovation, HR management, organizational management),
- Increasing competitiveness on the local market (introducing new products and services, new product’s design, new marketing strategy),
- Increasing the expenditures on innovation (including personnel costs, equipment, outsourcing),
- Increasing the participation in research and innovation programs (e.g. H2020, SME Instrument).
Unfortunately, no Key Account Management for the beneficiaries of the SME instrument service was delivered because none SME from Macedonia was granted SME instrument. Still, the team supports the Macedonian SMEs to apply for SME instrument. The new in-depth service packages increased the awareness about the importance of the development of the innovation management capacities within the SMEs. The promotion went also during the local and regional events and workshops.
SME instrument Conference