Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TeloChromatin (Dissecting the chromatin dynamics at telomeres during mouse pre-implantation development.)
Berichtszeitraum: 2017-07-01 bis 2019-06-30
The purpose of this research is to use mouse pre-implantation embryos and other embryonic cellular models to characterize the ALT (or ALT-like) pathway naturally occurring during early embryonic development. The research is organized into three aims: (WP1) developing tools to visualize and track telomere in mouse embryos, (WP2) characterize telomere regulation in mouse genetic models conditionally inactivated for Atrx and Daxx, (WP3) perform biochemical purification of proteins associated to telomeres of Atrx and Daxx conditional KO mouse embryonic stem cells lines. The identified proteins will be tested for their physiological relevance in mouse embryos.
The objective of WP2 is to analyze and understand ATRX/DAXX localization, and function on telomeres during mouse pre-implantation development. Immunofluorescence studies using antibodies specific to DAXX and ATRX, allowed to visualize the localization of these proteins during development from the 1-Cell until late morula/blastocyst stage. Other immunofluorescence experiments are still ongoing to determine the precise distribution of ATRX and DAXX with other known/putative candidates for telomere regulation. As described in the proposal, Atrx and Daxx conditional mouse lines will be used to determine the role of these proteins in regulating telomere dynamics and lengthening mode in mouse early embryos. An external company is in charge of transport and rederivation of these lines from the laboratory of prof. Antoine Peters (Friedrich Miescher Institute, Basel, Switzerland) to the animal facility of the host institute is planned for September 2018.
To understand how ATRX and DAXX modify and regulate telomeric repeats (WP3), I performed PICh from mouse ESCs conditional KO (cKO) for Daxx. Proteins purified from both Daxx wild-type and KO telomeres were analyzed by mass spectrometry. These results are now under analysis and will be compared with other datasets generated in the lab. PICh followed by Western Blot analyses and immunofluorescence on Daxx KO mouse ESCs will be performed in order to further validate the identified factors changing upon Daxx removal. Same procedure will be used with Atrx cKO mouse ESCs. These factors will be tested in vivo to asses for their role in mouse embryonic development.