Periodic Reporting for period 1 - TECAM (Theory, Computation and Application of Characteristics Modes)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-03-26 al 2020-03-25
Antenna analysis based on the Theory of Characteristic Modes (TCM) provides a set of feed-independent characteristic modes (CMs) with characteristic currents orthogonal to each other at the source region (nearfields) and characteristic fields orthogonal to each other at infinity (far-fields). Orthogonality allows the modes to be considered as separate or uncoupled, greatly simplifying both the mathematics and the concepts underlying antenna radiation. These modes can be controlled by setting a suitable feeding position, amplitude, and phase. Adjustment to antenna structure or feeding type controls the modes’ response, hence this information guide antenna parameter adjustment and optimization. The Theory of Characteristic Modes (TCM) now is the most popular and reasonably general antenna design methodology.
While the methodology promises to revolutionize antenna design, many of the key issues in the application have not been solved to realize the ideal vision. These are the issues that the project addresses:
Theoretical aspects – Relatively little attention was given to develop TCM for real materials compared to that for perfect electric conductors (PEC). However, many antenna-related problems involve materials that are both penetrable (dielectric objects and magnetic objects) and lossy. Yet, researchers have not successfully applied integral methods in extracting the CMs of inhomogeneous anisotropic dielectrics. The development of TCM based on integral methods in analyzing practical inhomogeneous anisotropic material is a primary and unfinished task, but this kind of material is indeed used in industrial antenna design.
Computational aspects –Regarding computational complexity, current strategies of CM analysis can only deal with small-scale problems. The capabilities of TCM in solving electrically larger problems are limited. However, when the antenna system is multi-scaled with multi-scale structures, the acceleration purely on mathematics regardless of the actual physical structure is less effective. Also, to restrict the condition number of the matrix, the minimum mesh size is used as the standard which leads to the sharp increase of the number of unknowns. Hence, to reduce the computational load in extracting CMs under multi-scale conditions is an urgent task.
Application aspects – In the massive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) technology for 5G cellular systems, base stations are equipped with hundreds to thousands of antennas to satisfy the need for high-speed and reliable wireless communication. One major challenge in designing massive MIMO systems is the design for a single element with the best performance. The lack of a suitable design and calculation method makes the implementation very costly. The development of TCM for application is, therefore, an urgent, critical and extremely promising task.
Theoretical aspects: Low-ordered pulse functions and point matching method are successfully realized to construct the volume-integral-equations-based impedance matrix needed for the characteristic mode analysis for inhomogeneous anisotropic dielectric bodies. Taking the results given by the conventional method of moments (MoM) as a benchmark, the proposed method exceeds the conventional one in speed. Meanwhile, the extraction accuracy of the characteristic eigenvectors and eigenvalues can also be guaranteed and spurious modes can be effectively avoided. The indoor code package is eventually realized.
Computational aspects: The rationality of the sub-structure CM theory is demonstrated. A comparative study of sub-structure CMs and full-structure CMs reveals that the similarities and differences between the two types of CMs in specific conditions are largely dependent on the strength of the coupling between the sub-structure and the background. Further, the focus was on investigating the extent to which the sub-structure CM method can be used for multi-scale and large-scale practical antenna design problems. We concluded that the sub-structure CM method enables CM analysis of multi-scale and large-scale practical design problems, which could not be handled by the conventional full-structure method.
Application aspects: A wideband dual-resonance monopole-like patch antenna and a low-profile tri-polarized MIMO antenna are designed based on CM analysis, which is suitable for indoor wireless communications and highly integrated MIMO systems, respectively. The performance achieved by these antennas is currently the best by some measures.