Periodic Reporting for period 3 - FELLINI (FELLowship for Innovation at INFN)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-01-01 al 2023-12-31
FELLINI combined best practice found across the EU with a number of innovative elements that provided all fellows with an ideal basis for their future careers.
Within FELLINI, INFN improved the 'standard fellowship programme' for incoming postdoctoral fellows, supporting Fellows through a three year full employment contract, offering the opportunity of a yearly secondment to an international laboratory or in the private sector and providing the fellows with their own dedicated budget to manage.
Fellows could choose freely their working place in any of the INFN divisions, and among a very large number of disciplines and topics where INFN has a tradition of excellence:
● Experimental Particle Physics
● Experimental Astroparticle Physics
● Experimental Nuclear Physics
● Theoretical Physics
● Applied and Interdisciplinary Physics
Fellows had the opportunity to broaden their skills using the numerous training opportunities offered by the programme and through their high exposure to an interdisciplinary, international and intersectoral environment. Also, they could profit from dedicated support arrangements like mentoring, tailor-made training courses, and the opportunity to engage in outreach activities.
FELLINI programme contributed to realize the full potential of the recruited fellows and to add significantly to the development of their careers. Indeed, many fellows obtained permanent positions (one of them in the private sector), accessed tenure tracks and other prestigious positions thanks to their research and training within FELLINI. The relevance of their research is well documented by the numerous and high quality scientific publications and invited talks at international workshops/conferences and in prestigious research institutes.
The FELLINI fellowship was widely recognized as a pivotal step in the fellows' careers, enabling 19 out of 37 fellows to secure tenure-track or permanent positions in renowned research institutions both domestically and internationally.
Despite challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, INFN adapted its policies, reducing the minimum duration of secondments to six months and allowing for interdisciplinary research in Italian institutions. Nonetheless, several fellows completed their secondment periods abroad, supported by additional funding from INFN. With the easing of COVID restrictions, fellows were able to fully realize their projects.
The outcomes of the FELLINI projects were disseminated through over 170 open access publications and more than a hundred presentations at international workshops and conferences. Monthly seminars organized by the FELLINI Coordination Board further facilitated dissemination. Fellows also organized six international workshops using allocated research training budgets.
The strong global presence of INFN research activities in more than 30 countries in all five continents, underlines the big network of international and national collaborations which involve large numbers of scientists and institutes from all over the world. In this context the FELLINI fellows, having the possibility to conduct their research always with the support of their supervisors and in collaboration with research teams present in the hosting INFN units, could operate well inside international collaborations.
As it commonly occurs for cutting-edge research projects, most of the FELLINI projects have given rise to results which are readily exploitable or even which have already started being exploited through new promising research roads. Just to provide a significant example, the Caravita’s FELLINI project resulted in the achievement of an innovative technique to realize a laser cooling of a large fraction of antimatter atoms with promising applications in various fields dealing with the studies of antimatter properties. Indeed, not only the paper reporting such result has been promptly accepted for publication in the prestigious Physical Review Letters journal, but also the APS editor of PRL has proposed this publication among the Editors’ Highlights and for its Press Release and the INFN Communication Office has delivered a special news about such important result. Caravita acknowledges at the end of the paper the support received by the FELLINI Cofund all along the research work leading to this result.
Furthermore, fellows gained valuable experience in managing research funds, enhancing their CVs and career prospects. The FELLINI programme significantly enhanced career perspectives through exposure to interdisciplinary, international environments, soft skills training, and engagement in outreach activities. Dedicated training courses, such as Public Engagement and project management, further boosted their prospects.
The FELLINI programme also introduced new talent within INFN units and established partnerships, evident from the numerous publications and dissemination activities related to fellows' projects. Additionally, the presence of young talented researchers stimulated students in university physics departments. Fellows also played a key role in preparing applications for competitive national research projects, notably PRIN projects of the Ministry of Research and University. Their impact on the scientific community was evident from the numerous seminars they delivered at prestigious research institutes and international events.