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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Towards Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Eurasian Boreal Forests: a Novel Stable Isotope Approach

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - ISOBOREAL (Towards Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Eurasian Boreal Forests: a Novel Stable Isotope Approach)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-07-01 bis 2023-12-31

Boreal forests are key to the Earth's climate system, acting as major carbon stores and playing a crucial role in the carbon cycle. Yet, they're threatened by rising temperatures, drought, and increasing CO2 levels, which may affect their growth and carbon sequestration ability. Understanding their response to these challenges is essential for predicting their future role in climate regulation, a critical issue for global environmental policy. Our project aimed to examine carbon (δ13C) and oxygen (δ18O) isotopes in tree rings to gain insights into climate, tree physiology, and environmental interactions. By adopting innovative isotopic techniques, we have significantly improved our understanding of forest adaptation to climate change. Key strategies included:

(1) Analysing tree sugars: We studied sugars in different tree parts to grasp how δ13C and δ18O values change with environmental and physiological influences. This helped us uncover how trees adapt and record these changes on a molecular level, and how these isotopic signals are eventually integrated into the tree rings.

(2) Innovating tree-ring analysis: Our team advanced laser ablation for δ13C, making it efficient and user-friendly, and were the first establish this technique for δ18O analysis, creating a new benchmark. This progress allows for detailed analysis of tree-ring isotopes, illuminating tree responses to environmental shifts through time.

(3) Refining tree-ring analysis: Initiated the development of position-specific isotope analysis (PSIA), aiming to offer detailed insights into oxygen isotope changes in tree rings. This promising method is in the process of further development and refinement.

(4) Integrating data for a holistic view: By merging isotopic data with observations of gas exchanges in leaves and ecosystems, complemented by process-based modelling, we have achieved a holistic understanding of forest interactions with climatic variables.

This project has significantly contributed to our knowledge of boreal forest dynamics amidst climate change, laying a foundation for future research in this crucial field.
During the ISOBOREAL project, we conducted extensive fieldwork over two growing seasons in Eurasian boreal forests and a controlled drought experiment to understand how stable carbon and oxygen isotope composition (δ13C and δ18O, respectively) in tree rings respond to environmental and physiological factors. This research aimed to provide a deeper understanding of tree physiology and climate interactions, offering insights into forest adaptation to climate change.

Our approach included collecting a wide array of samples, such as tree tissues, soil, atmospheric CO2, and water. By integrating isotopic data with observations of tree and ecosystem gas exchange, we developed a comprehensive view of forest dynamics. This combination of direct field observations and process-based modelling helped us to understand how forests respond to and interact with their environment.

A significant part of our research focused on isotope analysis of individual sugars (i.e. compound-specific isotope analysis, CSIA) in leaves and other tree components. This technique allowed us to trace the metabolic processes affecting isotopic signals from photosynthesis to their incorporation into tree rings. For example, our findings indicated that the environmental signals captured in leaf sugars are consistently reflected in the tree-ring data, suggesting the value of δ13C and d18O records for studying forest responses to climate change.

Within the project, we established a laboratory for high-resolution isotope analysis of tree rings using laser ablation-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (LA-IRMS). This method enabled us to examine seasonal climate signals in tree rings and contributed to our ability to interpret tree ring chronologies. We also introduced a new technique for δ18O analysis in tree rings, enhancing our capacity to produce detailed climate data.

Moreover, ISOBOREAL introduced a novel method for analysing tree ring cellulose, aiming to clarify the mixed climate signals in δ18O values. This development and its ongoing refinement promise to advance our ability to interpret environmental and physiological signals in tree rings.

Overall, the ISOBOREAL project has significantly advanced our understanding of boreal forests and their responses to climate change. The project's findings and new analytical methods have been disseminated through scientific publications and collaborations, contributing to the broader scientific community's efforts in forest management, carbon cycling, and climate adaptation strategies. The establishment of a stable isotope laboratory and the development of advanced analytical techniques ensure that the knowledge and capabilities gained will continue to support research in this field.
The ISOBOREAL project has significantly pushed forward our understanding of boreal forests and their reactions to environmental shifts, particularly through pioneering work with stable isotopes. Key achievements have broadened our scientific horizons and set new benchmarks in isotope research:
(1) CSIA on Plant Sugars: By examining the isotopic makeup of individual sugars, we've unlocked new understandings of plant adaptation to environmental stresses, marking a leap forward in this area.
(2) LA-IRMS (Laser Ablation Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry) analysis enhancements: We've streamlined LA-IRMS for d13C in tree rings, transforming it into a practical tool for researchers. This enhancement has widened its use and deepened our grasp of boreal forest dynamics.
(3) Novel d18O LA-IRMS Method: Introducing an innovative approach for d18O tree ring analysis, set for publication in 2024. This technique, with its high resolution and precision, is expected to be a valuable tool for investigating fine-scale variations in δ18O in organic matrices.
(4) Process-based modelling: Our cutting-edge modelling of needle sugars and tree-ring isotopes has offered new perspectives on boreal forest responses to climate variability, informing climate action and forest management.
Outcomes Achieved:
(1) Publication of innovative methods: Our developed LA-IRMS methods for d13C (and soon d18O) are accessible to the global scientific community, driving progress in stable isotope research and expanding the analytical toolkit available to researchers worldwide.
(2) Boreal Ecosystem Insights:: The project's findings have illuminated the complex responses of boreal forests to climate change, enriching our scientific comprehension and providing actionable insights for sustainable management of these ecosystems.
(3) Widespread dissemination of knowledge: Through publications, conferences, collaborations, and media outreach, we have ensured our findings are widely accessible.
(4) Enduring scientific impact: The methodologies and insights generated during the ISOBOREAL project have practical implications for forest management, carbon cycling studies, and climate change adaptation strategies. These advancements will continue to benefit scientists and practitioners worldwide, leaving a lasting scientific legacy.
In conclusion, ISOBOREAL has met its scientific goals and significantly contributed to our knowledge of boreal ecology and isotope analysis, aiding our efforts to combat climate change and conserve boreal forests.
Fieldwork in Hyytiälä ICOS station (southern Finland)