Periodic Reporting for period 2 - 5G-MoNArch (5G Mobile Network Architecture for diverse services, use cases, and applications in 5G and beyond)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-07-01 al 2019-06-30
These challenges have been addressed by 5G-MoNArch, through its ultimate goal to create a 5G system that is actually usable in practice and proving its feasibility and applicability in real-world environments. The objectives have thereby been to: i) provide a detailed and fully-fledged 5G mobile network architecture design together with key innovations enabling the operation of 5G network slicing (i.e. logical isolated network sharing a common infrastructure); ii) develop features required to implement two verticals-defined use cases (industrial and M&E); iii) deploy and implement the architecture, use cases, innovations and technologies in real-world testbeds; and to iv) evaluate, verify and validate the developed solutions on their technical and economic performance. The overall project approach is shown in Fig. 1.
The 5G-MoNArch goals and objectives have been fully achieved. Based on the requirements and use cases of directly involved verticals, a flexible and adaptive network architecture framework that allows to fully integrate features for industrial, M&E, and smart city applications (and beyond) has been developed. The applicability of this framework and the developed features for reliability, resilience, security and resource elasticity in real-world environments has been showcased and proven with the Hamburg Smart Sea Port and Turin Touristic City testbeds and the simulation-based verification. The socio-economic verification has gone beyond this technical feasibility and highlighted the economic advances of the developed solutions, which has been finally validated through stakeholders.
Second key result has been the development of the features for industry and M&E use cases. The industry use case focused on features to achieve failsafe and secure network operation through: i) high RAN reliability by implementing full data duplication (Fig. 3) and network coding techniques; ii) telco cloud resilience through cognitive fault identification and mitigation, robust network controllers and the 5G islands concept for autonomous NF migration; and iii) security through E2E threat analysis and the security trust zones concept. The M&E use case focused on AI and ML based features to achieve computational resource flexibility and efficiency in edge and central clouds (Fig. 4) through: i) computational elasticity providing graceful resource scaling based on load, through computational resource-accounting VNF design; ii) orchestration-driven elasticity for VNF scaling and placement reflecting NF interdependencies; and iii) slice-aware elasticity for E2E resource allocation across different slices exploiting multiplexing gains.
Third key result has been the successful verification and validation of the architecture, use cases and features, conducted through: i) implementing the two real-world testbeds; ii) verification of technical KPIs through network-level simulations (Fig. 5) allowing a wider deployment than the testbeds; iii) analytics tool-supported techno-economic verification of the results based on three evaluation cases, pointing out the commercial advantages and opportunities of the 5G-MoNArch technologies; and iv) validation of the results through direct interaction with 5G stakeholders (Fig. 6).
The Smart Sea Port testbed (Fig. 7) in Hamburg has implemented three slices for industrial applications: a traffic light control (reliable and secure), mobile air quality sensors on barges (reliable machine type communication), and augmented reality for port operations (latency-critical mobile broadband). The Touristic City testbed (Fig. 8) has implemented two slices for M&E applications: a 360° live video stream transmission (enhanced mobile broadband) and a real-time multi-user interaction (ultra-reliable reliable low latency). Both testbeds have been implemented by operators using pre-commercial vendor equipment and have been integrated with the vertical’s operation (Hamburg) or involved real end users (Turin).
The evaluation of the 5G-MoNArch technology has shown that i) RAN capacity gains of 10-20% and latencies down to 5ms can be achieved, ii) reliability levels of 99,999% can be provided for selected services, iii) new services can be deployed in minutes, and iv) slices are effectively isolated. The techno-economic analysis has shown a TCO reduction of 44% and ROI improvements up to 16% for industrial services, and a TCO reduction of 38-68% for demand hotspots.
The adoption of 5G-MoNArch technology has been strengthened by the involvement of stakeholders outside the consortium through direct interaction (e.g. interviews, presentations) and the project presence at numerous events, including MWC 2018 and 2019 with booth presence and winning a GSMA GLOMO award, EU ICT 2018 with a well-visited networking session, three highly attended stakeholder events at the testbed locations with participation from different vertical industries, and at EuCNC 2018 and 2019 with own demonstrator booths.
The aforementioned activities clearly contributed to creating a sustainable business model for 5G through the proposed features that result in higher flexibility, lower cost, and improved service quality and user experience. These commercial opportunities positively impacted the business of the involved industrial partners already during the project runtime. Moreover, the high interest and positive feedback by verticals within and outside the consortium – on the use cases, testbeds, and socio-economic results – confirmed the relevance and timeliness of the project work and results and the promising business opportunities.