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Final version of the platform, including additional technology required for dealing with OER, cross-lingual, cross-site and cross-media data, as well as completed integration with components developed or under development in WP3 and WP4.
Prototype of cross-language recommendation engineExtension of recommendation engine to support cross-lingual recommendations for multilingual users.
Final prototype of user modelling architectureFinal version of the user modelling prototype specifically focused on OER and taking advantage of rich meta-data and behavioural data available through OER social network.
Visual InterfaceFinal version of the visual interface, including exploratory interface for analysing the platform and user behaviour.
Learning Analytic Engine 2.0The integration of further and richer information from the social network, and of topic maps will allow to build more complex alignments between learning traces and educational resources. Multi-lingual dimension is taken care with: courseware of different modes and languages can be aligned together.
Learning Analytic Engine 1.0Building the alpha version of the system. This version will rely essentially on language modelling for the conception of the different maps. Building of evaluation tools and methods to monitor the progress to be made with the different choices.
Final set of X5gon products and servicesFinal version of the three products and services including corresponding APIs.
Final prototype of recommendation engineExtension of recommendation engine to better handle cross-site OER and users.
Initial prototype of user modelling architectureFirst version of the user modelling prototype, mostly based on pre-existing news-recommendation algorithms.
Early prototype of recommendation engineFinal version of the recommendation engine specifically focused on OER and taking advantage of rich meta-data and behavioural data available through OER social network
Prototype of cross-site recommendation engineExtension of recommendation engine to support cross-site recommendations for multilingual users.
Learning Analytic Engine 3.0A finer analysis of contextual information is proposed allowing the alignment to correspond to intent: topic maps allow to recover the type of question a learner may want to make at any given time of his learning experience. The system is fully operational and running.
Construction of advanced content representation models and publication of the models at a conference/journal.
Final support for cross-lingual OERFinal version of the cross-lingual component, focusing on translation of OER such as subtitles of videos.
Second report on pilotingThis deliverable will report on the on the final analytics infrastructure and the second set of tools.
Privacy and user oriented guidelinesReport on the privacy and copyright issues relevant for the project.
First report on pilotingThis deliverable will report on the devised piloting scenarios and first piloting on the first infrastructure and first set of tools.
Evaluation methodologies for content representation models and release of datasets for measuring quality of OERsBuilding evaluation methodologies for measuring quality of content representation models and quality assurance models, publication of the models at a conference, and making labels obtained for measuring OER quality publicly available through the release of a dataset
First real-world and online learning community engagement planThis deliverable will be based upon a study of which “real world” activities (meetups, focus groups, user analytics), the social media channels (mailing lists, wikis, blogs) to be strategically targeted by the project, and will plan a series of X5gon organized events. A plan will be put in place for feedback solicitation and continued engagement. In particular we will propose how impact related to those channels will be monitored throughout the project’s timeline.
Final real-world and online impaired, business and policy makers community, analytics, and networking reportThis deliverable will report on the complete 5Xsite participation in online, external learning and dissemination events, social media engagement, dissemination of the marketing materials, and the feedback received. A longevity plan will outline successful events and their potential adoption by new projects and collaborations.
Quality assurance modelsConstruction of quality assurance models and publications of the models at a conference/journal.
Final Evaluation ReportFinal evaluation of the platform and connected components
Project HandbookThe Project Handbook aims at supporting X5gon partners to manage all the administrative and organizational aspects of the project. The document provides introductions to the overall administration and reporting procedures, referring to the official EC documentation and to the contractual documents where details can be found. Other aspects treated in the document are project management and coordination procedures.
Requirements & Architecture ReportReport on existing technology available within consortium, as well as the core requirements for the platform with respect to the social network (WP1) and plugin components (WP3 and WP4).
Final report on pilotingThis deliverable will report on the on final solution implemented at the extended set of user sites.
Report of in-the-wild studies investigating performance and usability of the initial services for virtual and real-world adaptive learningThe report will include the findings from in-the-wild evaluation of the service performance and studies about the adaptive learning experience of both virtual and real world meeting groups. The results will feed back to WP1-4.
Initial content representation modelsConstruction of initial content representation models and publication of the models at a conference/journal.
Interim real-world and online learning community and analytics reportThis deliverable will report on our participation in online and external events, and learning and on the delivery of, and feedback from these events. The plan from D7.2 will be revised in light of this feedback.
Report on selected and evaluated quality assurance modelsReport analysing the quality of the quality assurance models built.
Impact assessment reportThrough collaboration with both internal partner organisations and external potential customers, a set of value-add metrics will be prepared, and a report produced detailing the reasoning. For each iteration, M12, M24, M36, the progress of the project will be assessed against the criteria, and the feedback distributed to all participants.
Report of the OER network model and interface design evaluationThis report summarises the key findings of the evaluation studies of the OER network and user interface designs. The findings and recommendations will inform the next design decisions and revisions for technical WPs.
Report on selected and content representation modelsReport analysing and comparing the quality of the content representation models built.
Report of in-the-wild study of OER user Experience, Engagement and EnjoymentThe third report focuses on the in-the-wild study about final products, installations, OER sites experiences, students’and teachers’ experience and incentives for the OER sites community to join the network.
Early support for cross-lingual OERFirst version of the cross-lingual component, focused on shallow language-independent representation based on canonical correlation analysis.
The deliverable will comprise two sections the first on Ethical data management will cover: * Report on the privacy policies that will be used by the project and the different OER sites. These should specifically include the use of user data for research purposes * Details of consent gathering for minors (forms and data management policy) * Ethical clearance from the relevant DPAs or existing ethics boards for the activities in different countries * Report on the legality of the final product under GDPR * description of the algorithms used for machine learning and their ethical implications * identify data controllers and processors The second section of the report will be the Data Management Plan as part of the Open Research Data Pilot and will cover: the handling of research data during and after the end of the project * what data will be collected, processed and/or generated * which methodology and standards will be applied * whether data will be shared/made open access and * how data will be curated and preserved (including after the end of the project).
Ethical Data Management and Data Management Plan: year 3Final update of the report.
Ethical Data Management and Data Management Plan: year 2Update of the year 1 report.
The website will be cross linked from/to other relevant EC, OER and community sites. The website will be maintained and updated for at least 5 years after the project has ended. Documentation manuals and screencasts shall be specifically identified as project deliverables and prominently published on the website.
Stefan Kreitmayer (UCL), Yvonne Rogers (UCL), John Shawe Taylor (UCL)
Veröffentlicht in:
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (ACM Proceedings) 32nd Human Computer Interaction Conference, Ausgabe 07/05/2018, 2018
The Chartered Institute for IT
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