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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions.

CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.

I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .

Risultati finali


Development of InnoSpaceTool, testing with beta testers group, upgrade with feedback from the beta testers and deployment for free public use.

Advanced communication modules ready

Preparation of the satellite modules for shipment to end users (at least 10 units of each module). They will be produced, X-ray checked, software-programmed, functionally verified, cleaned, packaged and stored in the warehouse in proper environment. All warehouse units will be ready for immediate dispatch to end users.

Outreach metrics achieved

Achieving outreach metrics set forth in the objectives, namely 1500 potential customers reached, 20 publications, 250 000 online views and delivery of minimum 150 free space demo modules to the approved applicants.

Online SW for GS

Software infrastructure deployment - Ground Station software identification, installation, setup and maintenance - software for monitoring and control and data acquisition; Ground station configuration - tuning of the software and motors controlling the angular position of the antennas. Development of unique user interface for remote access to Ground Station services and support.

Ground station built

Assembly and integration of all components together with supporting structure and deployment of the Ground Station on a suitable location with proper base; Software defined radio capable of supporting the developed advanced communication modules and others - selection, installation, setup and maintenance. Design finalisation - update in the design of the supporting structure or other elements if needed; Final elements procurement, assembly and integration - update of supporting structure and/or other elements of the ground station and their integration in the overall system.

GS space link report

Ground station space communication link establishment and submission of report including functional verification of the ground station with communication modules in space (not necessarily InnoSpaceComm developed) and Ground station service deployment - capability for data transfer to and from space through online user portal after registration and validation.

Commercialisation plan

Commercialisation plan for the InnoSpaceComm modules and service with estimated dates for the release of each product and the ground station service including types of communication channels, relevant space events and any other means for communication - leaflets, online brochures, info graphs, etc

Video content plan

Filming video content plan preparation with tentative dates of filming for each video.

In-house test report

In-house test of the performance of all modules in the specifically deployed RF laboratory and preparation of report with all measured technical specifications of the modules.

Completed communication activities report

Preparation and submission of report on the completed communication activities with conclusions and comparison of actual outreach achieved vs defined metrics.

In-house GS test report

In-house test report writing including testing of ground station with advanced communication modules developed within InnoSpaceComm project.

User manuals

User Manuals of all modules including option sheet for the potential customisations for each product. The User Manual for the Ground Station service will include detailed information on supported frequencies, bandwidths, modulations and protocols.

Advanced comm modules produced

Advanced satellite modules production: X-band transmitter for CubeSats/NanoSats (2X flight models), S-Band receiver for CubeSats/NanoSats (2X flight models), Field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based Radio Frequency modulator (essential element of the satellite communication system for both receiver and transmitter - 2X flight models), X-Band antenna for satellites (2X flight models), S-Band antenna for satellites (2X flight models). The modules produced may be with updated design after the in-house testing, in which case a follow-up in-house testing will be performed again. This work package will be finalised with the production and verification of the final versions of all five products that will be ready for shipping to end users as well as the free demo space modules.

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