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Hack your Diabetes Experience

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SocialDiabetes (Hack your Diabetes Experience)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2018-07-01 al 2019-06-30

The direct annual cost of diabetes is more than €736 billion, with 15% accounting for antidiabetic drugs, 24% for other pharmaceutical compounds and 61% for primary care and hospitalisations. But the social impact is also huge, with 51% of patients experimenting emotional anxiety, 17% having depression episodes and 19% feeling discriminated because of the condition. Control of glucose in blood (combining diet, physical activity and medication if necessary), control of blood pressure and lipids, and regular screening for damage to the eyes, kidneys and feet, are cost-effective interventions in diabetes management. 1% reduction of HbA1c levels reduces heart attacks by 14%, microvascular complications by 37% and diabetes-related deaths by 21%. SocialDiabetes is a mHealth solution that can reduce HbA1c levels to normal values (6.4%) in 6 months of continuous use. It is based in a set of proprietary algorithms integrated in a mobile application and a web platform where patients can log data (glucose measurements, food intake, insulin administration, exercise) and doctors can monitor the disease. The app also calculates insulin doses, which is a unique feature compared to similar apps, and offers integration with glucose meters from major providers. Currently the solution is being exploited through a B2C model, with a free and a premium subscription plans. The aim of the project is to implement a B2B model catching the attention of major healthcare providers and stakeholders (public and private hospitals, governments, insurers) so they would adopt SocialDiabetes as the standard tool for disease management. The business opportunity lies in the benefits for the health of patients and ultimately in the reduction of costs for the whole system. Product and business development strategic plans have been designed accordingly.
SocialDiabetes seeks to simplify and improve the daily routine of people with diabetes. Our mission is to create a different diabetes experience by unlocking the potential of data driven digital innovation and community development.Our objective is to reach 5 million users by 2020, combining direct user engagement (B2C) and prescription from healthcare professionals (B2B). The B2B strategy includes first (2017) the generation of clinical evidence with the implementation of SocialDiabetes in the National Health Services in UK and Spain, and the analysis of regulation requirements
Our focus will be the refinement of the B2C model and the development of the B2B model involving hospitals, insurance companies, workplaces and governments, with strategic alliances with technology providers. The feasibility study confirmed the 4-year projection of 5 million active users with expected revenues of €40,7M in total.

The Social Diabetes H2020 SME instrument Phase 2 project officially started on the 1st of July 2017 and just finished the implemnattaion of the 1st proyect year. During the first year we implemented numerous relevant tasks on the technical level as for instance:

We improved the user experience adding supplementary features and reshaping the suite format with:
● New APP user interface
● New Navigation flow based on user education
● Social Network environment for patients
● Gamification features

We included specific features for DM2 patients to increase engagement among this segment
● New APP version with DM2 features ready

We integrated SocialDiabetes with almost all main glucometers in the European market.

In this moment we are in the process of negotiation to successfully integrate SocialDiabetes in 2 European and 1 American major hospitals. So far we gathered the requirements and protocols from hospitals and developled an API for IT integration with Hospitals. We also implemented a successful pilot in Hospital Sant Joan de Deu. Currently many conversations with European Hospitals already started to prepare the pilots

The data management relevant tasks are completed as for instance:
- To define the analytical processes for data exploitation.
- To develop user-friendly data visualisation tools.

Regarding marketing and business developement tasks, we produced an effective user on-boarding and engagement material and planned and implemented the marketing campaigns in Spain, Mexico and LATAM.

We also defined a clear strategy to solve all regulatory issues.
SocialDiabetes seeks to simplify and improve the daily routine of people with diabetes. Our mission is to create a different diabetes experience by unlocking the potential of data driven digital innovation and community development. We want to impact in patients’ quality of live as well as in the way how health care systems are facing the diabetes challenge both in terms of clinical outcomes and financial sustainability.
In order to reach as much users as possible our commercialisation strategy is two-fold: the previous B2C model based on free and premium licensing of the mHealth solution to the patients, and a new B2B model based on the implementation of the platform in hospitals and healthcare providers.

As was planned in Milestone 1 (M12), SocialDiabetes for HealthCare providers are ready to market introduction. One pilot was performed successfully, others are running with some delay and commercial activities have already started from a fully defined commercial strategy.

We are addressing our activities to two targets:
• Mainly insulin dependent
• Who are looking to better manage their disease through mobile technology
• Focus on the age range 25-50
• People with commitment and self-awareness
• Interest and ability to use mobile technology (telehealth, wearables)

• Hospitals
• Insurers with their own care resources
• Public to Private
• Doctors and private clinics

Our 2018 Measurable objectives are:
● 340.000 uses by the end of 2018
● 10 relevant press mentions internationally
● Launch SocialDiabetes Community in 2 languages
● Build a B2B marketing toolkit
● Develop a B2B lead pipeline in LATAM key countries
● 4.7 user rating on Google Play
● Reduce churn by 50%
● + 40 Net Promoter Score (average Apps industry 30, US)
● Top 3 for “diabetes” search in AppStore and Google Play
● First page for” diabetes app” search on Google

Regarding target 1 PEOPLE WITH DIABETES DM1 & DM2 and DIABETICS FAMILY/SOCIAL CONTEXT. In this first year, we have increased our user database and consolidated user engagement via social networks, blogs, specialised forums, digital press, CPC and CPM campaigns as well as platforms and internet strategies.