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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Micro AIS Shore Station - MASS

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - MASS (Micro AIS Shore Station - MASS)

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-06-01 bis 2017-11-30

Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a VHF based system which is designated to enhance the safety of life and goods at sea by also assuring navigational and environmental improvements. The coverage of national AIS networks are limited because of many reasons (geography, weather conditions, insufficient number of stations etc.) and due to these limitations relevant authorities have difficulties to track and manage the marine traffic properly; causing safety and security weaknesses at sea which also means increased threats of accidents, illegal fishing, immigration & smuggling and water pollution.
MASS is a cost-effective, compact-solar powered Micro AIS Shore Station; which is easy to set-up & maintain with lower power consumption rates thanks to its innovative AIS engine. MASS increases safety and security of coasts by enabling advanced monitoring of sea shores, inland waters & lakes and thus eliminating blind spots which are mainly out of the coverage of conventional AIS networks.
The objective of this proposal is to prepare a proper feasibility study, which will pave the way to successful introduction and diffusion of MASS into global market and maximize its impact in order to better contribute to European transport and mobility goals defined in 2011 Transport White Paper of European Commission.
The feasibility study fully confirms the soundness of our technology solution and business proposal. Our market research draws the picture of the AIS Shore Station Expansion market as of a huge but mostly untapped opportunity. Complexity of existing systems, high costs of ownership, low consumer awareness and difficulty of integrating disparate systems still a down side for related authorities and end users from embracing such network expansion. In other words, consumers are still waiting for a comprehensive product that would be really cost effective.
As the first step of this project, we have contacted potential partners and customers to check the market. Once it's been confirmed again that none of the competitors are planning to work on a similar solution, we have proposed demo installation to potential customers close to our region. We have conducted two demo studies within Turkey with the Ministry of Transportation, Maritime and Communications. After the field demo revealed minor technical issues, our R&D department started working on solving the issues. We have contacted and had meeting with 15 different company and governmental authorities since the project start date and working on fixing of technical issues.
Once the technical problems are solved and project will move to the serial production phase, it will allow easier and cheaper alternative to an rapidly extending market.