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Enhanced PLB, EGNSS receiver, and MEOLUT, according but beyond the standard, significantly improving the localization in difficult conditions, paving the way to a mass market SAR/Galileo service

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SINSIN (Enhanced PLB, EGNSS receiver, and MEOLUT, according but beyond the standard, significantly improving the localization in difficult conditions, paving the way to a mass market SAR/Galileo service)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-05-01 bis 2021-10-31

Problem: Search and Rescue beacon activated by person in distress, might not be located accurately when satellites are obscured, particularly in the mountains.

Importance for society - save life of people in distress and reduce search and rescue operating costs

Objectives: Improve Search and Rescue localization availability and accuracy, enable beacon user to get acknowledgement of distress alert.
Work done
a. Designed, built and tested the PLB prototype.
b. Implemented and demonstrated communication method between PLB and MEOLUT.
c. Tested, recorded and analysed Time of Emission (TOE) accuracy of the beacon, on which the enhancement of the localization at the MEOLUT is based.
d. Tested and analysed the localization enhancement at the MEOLUT.
e. Developed a prototype of a quasi-isotropic antenna for the beacon, enabling better detection at the satellites.

Summary of the status at the end of the first period
• SINSIN patent granted - EP 3267216, USP 10054663.
• The TESEO GNSS receiver integrated in the beacon.
• SINSIN localization enhancement tested and confirmed at the MEOLUT.

Exploitable results and how they can/will be exploited
a. PLB implementing SINSIN - planned to be launched to the market in 2020.
b. MEOLUT SINSIN option - a software option at the MEOLUT planned to be offered to MEOLUT buyers.
c. TESEO implementing SINSIN – a software option at the TESEO GNSS chipset planned to be offered to beacon manufacturers.
d. SINSIN patents – planned to be licensed to MEOLUT and DF (Direction Finder) manufacturers.

- Developing highly innovative and adaptive applications taking advantage of the Galileo added value
Our PLB and MEOLUT take advantage of the Galileo superior geometry compared to present LEOSAR and GEOSAR satellites, to improve the localization accuracy, based on the PLB isotropic antenna, and employing SINSIN, taking advantage of the accurate time keeping of Galileo; moreover, our PLB utilizes the Galileo Return Link Service.

- Clear intention to commercialise the products and services developed
Mobit, Thales Alenia Space and ST have a clear intention to commercialize the new PLB, MEOLUT and GNSS receiver, respectively.

- Improve the MEOSAR performance
The SINSIN method, if applied on all Cospas-Sarsat beacons and MEOLUTs, can significantly upgrade the MEOSAR localization performance, and in certain cases even enable localization where it is presently unachievable at all. Thus, we introduced SINSIN to the Cospas-Sarsat community, proposing to make SINSIN standard by incorporating it into the beacon specifications.

- Standardization
In the course of the first half of the SINSIN project, the following papers were submitted to Cospas-Sarsat, in support of standardizing SINSIN:
• JC-32/8/14
• CSC-61/4/16
• CSC-61/Inf.22
• JC-33/3/4
• JC-33/Inf. TBD