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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - AXIS (Assessment of Cross(X)-sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation)

Berichtszeitraum: 2018-01-01 bis 2019-04-30

The AXIS research programme aims to enhance the integration of diverse research disciplines connected to climate research in order to enhance the assessment of potential impacts of climate change on bio-physical systems and human society and to help design optimal pathways for transformation toward sustainability. Thus, it aims to use this synthesized knowledge in order to analyze possible transformation pathways leading to a society in agreement with the goals of the Paris Agreement of 2015. To this end the AXIS consortium of 11 European research funders has launched and is in the process of implementing a single transnational call for proposals with a total funding volume of about 15 Million EUR. Through an open process AXIS has developed three themes for this call. Each theme is intended to enhance collaboration across typical science community borders: between different sectoral views of climate impacts as well as between bio-physical climate impacts and socio-economic effects. Furthermore, engagement of stakeholders in the design and implementation of the research activities is given a high relevance in the call. The three themes of the Research Call opened on 08/04/2018 are:
(1) Cross-sectoral and cross-scale climate change impact assessments
(2) Integration of biophysical climate change impacts estimates with economic models
(3) Developing pathways to achieve the long-term objectives of the Paris Agreement, taking into account interactions with SDGs closely linked to SDG 13 (“climate action”).
The Call was closed for pre-registrations on 18/06/2018 with 42 pre-registrations received. Following eligibility checks and feedback to the registered applications, 40 full proposals were received. Based on an independent expert evaluation 10 proposals have been selected for funding. The projects will start in September 2019 and generally run for three years.
This ERA-NET does not contain activities outside those needed to implement the single transnational joint call for proposals (no additional activities). The progress regarding the implementation of the call up to April 2019 is as follows:
All call documents were prepared and finalized between January and March 2018. The Call for Proposals was then published on 08/04/2018 and disseminated via various list and announcement on the JPI Climate web site. The Call was closed for pre-registrations on 18/06/2018 with 42 pre-registrations received. Following eligibility checks and feedback to the registered applications, 40 full proposals were received. Based on an independent expert evaluation 10 proposals have been selected for funding. National granting processes are currently ongoing. The projects will start in September 2019 and generally run for three years.
The AXIS research projects are expected to go beyond previous research in a number of ways: To date the impacts on sectors or compartment of the earth system has largely been described without a wider consideration of interaction between sectors. Some of the AXIS project are set up to enhance a harmonized and more integrative view about what impacts of a changing climate are to be expected for which emission pathways in the future. Secondly, within AXIS not only the bio-physical impacts but also the socio-economic impacts of climate change are studied, going beyond previous research in which oft either bio-physical systems or the economic impacts are studies in isolation. Thirdly, the current knowledge about the consequences of various emission futures, as a consequence of political and societal decisions will be used in an integrative way to analyse different policy options for managing the transformation to sustainability. AXIS projects are conducted in close interaction with relevant stakeholder groups. They also aim to analyse impacts of the societal decisions on other UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) other than No. 13 on “climate action”.
Overall, the results of the AXIS research programme is expected to lead to better founded decisions needed to make European society compatible with the goals of the Paris Agreement.