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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch


ECCA session on communication and communities

WP5 contributors have decided to adjust Deliverables D54 D55 and to add deliverable D57 Deliverables D54 and D55 which were originally intended to focus on the dissemination of the results of SINCERE including by means of an appropriate toolbox are modified not only as foreseen originally1to ensure the dissemination of the results of SINCERE D55but also2 to engage the other half in a ECCA 2021 session on communication and communities D543 to forward the key findings and messages generated during the ECCA 2021 to the COP26 by exploiting the new deliverable D57 Streamlining and implementing ECCA2021 key findings and messages for next talks CoP26 That means that D54 Communication Toolbox engaging the other half M24 is reduced to one ECCA session coordinated by Partner 4 WUR on communication and communities in order to save project months for organizing ECCA2021 The volume of personmonths originally devoted to generate the toolbox will be used to perform activities related to modified Deliverable 55 and the new Deliverable 57 The toolbox is replaced by a set of documents related to the communications for ECCA2021 including the webinar schedule the communication means and website colour settings specific functions for the Media and Contacts etc

Promotional videos on JPI Climate collaboration (T5.1&5.2)

Promotional videos on JPI Climate collaboration

Concept and implementation plan for flagship Africa (T4.1)

Concept and implementation plan for flagship Africa in the context of the SDGs with thematic emphasis on climate services and renewable energy The document is a conclusion of the outcome of the two workshops Milestones 12 and 23 with other consultations and literature reviews

Report on science-based inputs from JPI Climate to the implementation of the Paris Agreement (T3.2)

Report on sciencebased inputs from JPI Climate to the implementation of the Paris Agreement

Updated Communication and dissemination plan

Update of the Comm and Dissemination plan D52

Communication Flyers (T5.1)

“At-a-glance-flyers” in English and various Eastern European languages [M3]

Report on JPI Climate valorisation to international research programmes and projects

Report on JPI Climate valorisation to international research programmes and projects This report concludes the findings during the three workshops on the topic given as milestones 22 26 and 27 T31 M45

Report of the meeting on relation CLimate-financing

Short report of the first meeting on the role of Climate information in financing. Linked to Milestone 5

Strategy for the JPI Climate award competition (T3.1)

Final Strategy with advice on the strategy by the TAB and conclusion by the JPI Governing board.

Ex post analysis of the SOLSTICE Call

Seven project consortia on SSH 1 issues related to climate change started their work in December 2020 They are funded through the JPI Climate Joint Call SOLSTICE 2 Enabling Societal Transformation in the face of Climate Change With the support of SINCERE the Action Group on Enabling Societal Transformation AG EST that initiated and designed the call want to conduct an ex post analysis of SOLSTICE as a preparation for potential future JPI Climate calls This analysis will be new deliverableD312 Ex post analysis of the SOLSTICE Call This paperreport will compile the lessons learned and analyze the processes in SOLSTICE as well as the reception of the call in the scientific community It will also provide recommendations for future callsLead beneficiary BOKU Due date December 2021 Month 471 Social Sciences and Humanities2 Sustainable Oceans Livelihoods and food Security Through Increased Capacity in Ecosystem research

ECCA 2021 Outcomes comments by TAB

D16Comments on the ECCA 2021 outcomes by the Transdisciplinary Advisory Board The Transdisciplinary Advisory Board TAB will be invited to evaluate and complement the outcomes of ECCA 2021 This TAB input will be part of the contribution of ECCA 2021 to COP 26 This deliverable will be coordinated by the JPI Climate secretariatTo match the timing of ECCA 2021 and COP 26 the original due date of September 2020M32 is moved to SeptemberAutumn 2021M44

Report of the first regional WS engaging researhcers, stakeholders & funders(T2.1)

short report of the first regional workshop with aim to build trust and relationships with potential new members in particular East European countries Linked to Milestone 4 The report will make an analysis of the possibilities and barriers of the participation of the countries of that specific region in JPI Climate

Summary report on findings to feedback on SSH issues identified in H2020 (T3.3)

Short Summary report on findings to feedback on SSH issues identified in H2020 in form of a brief listing T33

Review of the existing assessments about challenges or barriers for the implementation of the research (T2.1)

Mapping of the existing assessments about challenges or barriers for the implementation of the research within the European Research Area including review of previous activities carried out by JPI Climate

outcomes of the consultation process on the science-policy interface in selected countries (T3.2)

Report on the outcomes of the consultation process on the sciencepolicy interface in selected countries T32 M28

Report on the role of European Climate Research in the SIDS (T4.3)

Report on the role of European Climate Research in the SIDS in the field of loss and damage

Guidance Document for JPI Climate (WP4)

Stepbystep Guidance Document for JPI Climate A synthesis output from across Tasks 41 42 and 43

Concept and implementation plan for flagship Latin America (T4.2)

Concept and implementation plan for flagship Latin America reporting on the selection of priority research areas collaborations and funding mechanisms The document is a conclusion of the outcome of the two workshops Milestones 12 and 23 with other consultations and literature reviews T42

Strategy and action plan for collaboration between JPI-Climate and AU-EU HLPD relevant research and innovation policy initiatives for Flagship Action Africa

Task 23 Strengthening JPICs collaboration and internationalization with other initiatives involving MSAC and EC via AUEU HLPDprocess ultimately aims to contribute to the alignment of the strategic orientation of climate related activities of the AUEU HLPD with the Strategic Research Agenda of JPI Climate It will broker new partnerships between key research policy actors in the region to establish a stronger collaborative basis for implementation of the SINCERE Flagship Action for Africa in WP4 The Strategy and action plan for collaboration is a prerequisite to foster the concept of a flagship action Africa Both activities work hand in hand and need to be harmonized Therefore accordingly to the opportunity of engaging with officials during AUEU High Level Policy Dialogue HLPD on Science Technology and Innovation WP 2 contributors modify Deliverable 29 into D29 Strategy and action plan for collaboration between JPIClimate and AUEU HLPD relevant research and innovation policy initiatives for Flagship Action AfricaWhere originally WP2 tasks were partially merged with WP4 tasks to generate a joint and adapted report WP 2 and WP 4 tasks are separated Deliverable 29 is generated in WP 2 and exploited in WP 4 Flagship Action Africa

Streamlining and implementing ECCA2021 key findings and messages for next talks (CoP26)

WP5 contributors have decided to adjust Deliverables D54 D55 and to add deliverable D57 Streamlining and implementing ECCA2021 key findings and messages for next talks CoP26 in collaboration with D39 Report on JPI Climate valorisation to international research programmes and projects Due date October 2021M45

Report on the 2nd WS on the role of climate information in financing (T2.2)

short report on the WS with the aim to strengthen the link with financial organisations

Report on the specific engagement activities within the organization of ECCA2021

D25Report on the second regional workshop becomes D25 Report on the specific engagement activities within the organization of ECCA2021 and is postponedbecause it will report on amended Milestone MS17 MS17 is modified in Specific engagement activities within the organization of ECCA 2021 to be held in June 2021 M41 targeting 30 participants including Georgian and Armenian Governmental and Research institutions Specific engagement activities targeting researchers stakeholders and funders from targeted countries will be foreseen

Report on the online webinar online webinar engaging researchers, stakeholders and funders

Seen MS 19 is reprogrammed into an Online webinar engaging researchers stakeholders and fundersin line with MS17 the original Deliverable 211 Report on the 3rd regional WS is modified intoD211 Report on the online webinar online webinar engaging researchers stakeholders and funders and postponed to month 47

Strategy and Action plan for collaboration between JPI-Climate and funding and investment institutions (T2.2)

Strategic and operative action plan for longterm collaboration based on the activites in task 22 carried out with main contributors to the task

SINCERE Communication Plan (T5.2)

SINCERE Communication Plan as part of the JPI Climate/ERA4CS strategy

Final Conference SINCERE

The conference aims the dissemination of the findings of the SINCERE project. The deliverable will consist of the Minutes and final conclusions of the Conference.

AG EST Theme at ECCA

"In Task 3.3: Supporting the JPI Climate Strategic Mechanism: Forward-looking and stakeholder-oriented internationalisation of JPI researchIt is suggested that Deliverable 3.6 and Milestone 20 are removed and replaced by a session set up by the JPI Climate ""Action Group on Enabling Societal Transformation in the Face of Climate Change (AG on EST)"" during ECCA 2021. The rationale is to make use of the ""AG on EST"" momentum and dynamic and to further promote the topic of societal transformation at ECCA 2021. for supporting the AG EST further. The focus will be laid on the SINCERE activities in task 3.3. on AG on EST: among which the Whitepaper Development in Societal Transformation, the SOLSTICE Call KOM, and COST Action SHIFT KOM. This AG on EST's session at ECCA 2021 is organised as new Deliverable 3.11 / 40 comprising the session itself and the subsequent report. The event is scheduled during ECCA 2021 in June 2021 and the Due date for the report is December 2021"

Award, report on award process (T3.1)

Delivery of an Award for outstanding research organised in or outside the frame of JPI Climate, report on award process, research projects/researchers

Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan. Will include the way the informations will be gained, processed and disseminated. It will include the gender aspects as well as possible ethical concerns related to the collection, use and dissemination of the personal data.

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