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Risultati finali
Report to the EU on the Lead Author meetings and the acceptance/adoption/approval Plenary session and high-level dissemination events for the Special Report.
Fourth Lead Author Meetings for 3 Working Groups to AR6Report to the EU on the Lead Author meetings and the acceptanceadoptionapproval Plenary Sessions
Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing ClimateReport to the EU on the Lead Author meetings and the acceptance/adoption/approval Plenary Session for the Special Report (SROCC).
Acceptance/adoption/approval of 3 Working Gruops to AR6 and Synthesis ReportReport to the EU on the acceptanceadoptionapproval Plenary Sessions for AR6 Working Groups I II III and Synthesis Report SYR
See underlying report. Too many authors to include here.
Pubblicato in:
2018, ISBN 9789-291691517
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