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Remote area Energy supply with Multiple Options for integrated hydrogen-based TEchnologies

Periodic Reporting for period 4 - REMOTE (Remote area Energy supply with Multiple Options for integrated hydrogen-based TEchnologies)

Berichtszeitraum: 2022-01-01 bis 2023-06-30

To meet 2030 and then 2050 EU targets, a deep penetration of renewable energy sources (RES) like solar and wind is required. The issue of intermittency will be faced developing bulk energy storage solutions for electricity that are cost-effective, energy dense, reliable.
In particular, in the case of isolated micro-grid or off-grid remote areas, the business case of energy storage is already started, as the network is essentially non-existent or there is the interest of managing the local network in an independent way.
The REMOTE EU Horizon2020 5.5 years funded project, developed under the coordination of Politecnico di Torino together with 10 European partners, demonstrated the technical and economic feasibility of H2-based energy storage solutions. Three DEMO sites supplied by renewable electricity have been installed in either isolated micro-grids or off-grid remote areas of Spain (Gran Canaria), Greece (Agkistro), Norway (Rye).
The overall objectives of the project have been:
• VALIDATE the three real demonstration units, in order to enable suppliers, end-users and general stakeholders to gain experience throughout the value chain of energy storage.
• DEMONSTRATE, through the 3 DEMOs, the added value of the H2-based energy storage solutions with respect to alternative technologies in terms of economics, technical and environmental benefits.
• CREATION OF NEW KNOW-HOW for next-generation fully integrated P2P chains based on fuel cells and H2 technologies adapted to market and society's needs, with scientific advances in the management of off-grid and isolated micro-grids.
• ADVANTAGE of the H2-battery hybridization for long-term large-scale storage: REMOTE has demonstrated that the chemical storage (H2) allows to reduce the overall cost of the storage system, and allows also to reduce the size (and cost) of the upstream RES-based systems.
REMOTE has demonstrated 3 DEMOs based on H2-batteries integrated systems in three different sites of EU.

The DEMO-Greece (Agkistro) has achieved the longest duration. Started in 2020 and ended at the (delayed) end of the project in June 2023, it has accumulated a good number of hours of operation. The storage system has been fed by a local hydroelectric plant, and has served a local medium size agri-food industry. The roundtrip efficiency has been varying along the months (from 50% to 80%) with average values of around 60%. The technologies have been quite reliable, with no significant degradations. The system is still running in Greece.

The DEMO-Norway (Rye) has been probably the most performing one. Developed in 2019 and 2020, it has been in continuous operation during the whole 2021. It has demonstrated the high flexibility and reliability of the control system, suitable to control the continuous 24/7 operation of the storage plant. The storage system has been fed by a local wind generator and PV plant, and has served a local large size agri-food industry. The roundtrip efficiency has been varying along the months (from 60% to 90%) with average values of around 70%. The technologies have been quite reliable, with no significant degradations. The system has bene demonstrated and then stopped.

The DEMO-Spain (La Aldea, Gran Canaria) is now probably the most modern one. Developed in 2022-2023, it has been in continuous operation during Spring-Summer 2023. It is totally automatic in control (form remote) and is based on very robust technologies (both electrolysis and fuel cell sections, and battery section). The storage system is fed by a local PV plant, and is serving a local large size isolated farm. The roundtrip efficiency so far is high, with average values of around 70%. The system is still running in Grana Canaria, and it will be used in the coming years.

The Consortium analyzed the results of the operation of the DEMO plants in terms of performance KPIs and providing an environmental analysis. In terms of efficiency, the DEMO plants showed a total round-trip efficiency always > 50%, with higher values (up to 90%) in the few periods dominated by batteries. In terms of environmental impact, the DEMOs showed a positive performance, saving large amounts of CO2eq emissions already in demonstration phase.

The Consortium has developed tools for the optimal design of RES-based H2-batteries storage solutions. The tool has been validated using the data from the 3 DEMOs, and the it is probably the most advanced tool at international level for the optimal design of the systems (optimization of the CAPEX) and the optimal day-by-day management (optimization of the OPEX). This tool is a fundamental exploitation of the project, and the Consortium is already using it in several other projects.

The exploitation has been huge. The technology providers have now better information of the performances and degradation of their products (fuel cells, electrolyzers, batteries). The system integrators have achieved a huge experience in assembly and control the H2-battery hybrid storage systems. The electrical utilities and end user have now familiarized and learned to use these type of storage systems. The research centers have learned how to design and operate in the best way these storage systems, developed tools, and exploit these experiences in the didactic activities.
The main progresses beyond the state of the art achieved at the end of the project (M66) are here listed:
1. The experience of preparation of the local field sites to host the P2P systems have been done, and have generate a high experience that can be replicated in future applications
2. The 3 different DEMOs have been installed and operated
3. The 3 DEMOs have been completely analyzed with dedicated KPIs
4. The algorithm devoted to the control strategies of the DEMO plants have been developed, and can be used in future applications of these P2P solutions
5. The tools devoted to the optimal design of the H2-battery storage plants (optimization of the CAPEX) and to the optimal day-by-day management of the plants (optimization of the OPEX) have been developed and validated thanks to the data from the DEMOs: these tools represent now the most advanced algorithm to design and manage energy storage systems
6. The evolution of the H2-based plants out of P2P (use of H2 for mobility applications and for industrial applications) have been studied and modeled
7. The exploitation plans for all the partners has been finalized, together with business cases
The potential impacts of this project are huge:
there are more than 10’000 inhabited islands around the world and an estimated 750 million islanders. Many of these islands, especially those in the range of 1’000 to 100’000 inhabitants each, rely on diesel generators for their electricity production and spend a considerable percentage of their GDP on the import of fuels. Furthermore, many more other isolated situations (mountains, remote areas) exist. Recent estimates suggest a current market potential for upgrading existing diesel-based, off-grid systems with RES in the range of 40-240 GW.
The socio-economic benefits consist of:
1) Energy independency
2) Energy security benefits
3) Energy efficiency
4) Localized air quality improvements
5) Green House Gas (GHG) reduction
6) Creating jobs: a reliable RES + storage cell industry will enable the creation of high skilled, high value jobs, thus decreasing the unemployment statistics.
DEMO Spain - Overview
REMOTE Final workshop @ ECOS conference
DEMO Spain - Hydrogen storage
DEMO Greece - close view of the plant
DEMO Spain - full view of the plant
DEMO Greece - full view of the plant
DEMO Spain - Control system
DEMO Norway - full plant with wind turbine
REMOTE consortium (visit at DEMO Spain Las Aldea)
DEMO Spain - Visit of the REMOTE consortium
DEMO Norway - PV plant
REMOTE consortium (visit at ITC)
REMOTE consortium (visit at DEMO Spain Las Aldea)
DEMO Norway - hydrogen storage tank
DEMO Norway - full plant with wind turbine