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Links zu Ergebnissen und Veröffentlichungen von RP7-Projekten sowie Links zu einigen Typen spezifischer Ergebnisse wie Datensätzen und Software werden dynamisch von OpenAIRE abgerufen.
Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for moderators developped in task 3.2
Commercialization plan (3)Commercialization plan of VOQAL. AI services detailingthe comercial strategy including the makreting and pricing. This activity is linked to Task 5.3
Marketing plan for contributors and moderators (1)Marketing Plan addressed to the contributors and moderators of the living platform. The Marketing Plan is linked to Task 5.3
GUI/API for moderators and developers validated with real end users in 3 different languages (1)Development of the GUI will using Node.js and mongoDB. Development a way to control the quality and, even more, improve the quality of interpretation rules and semantics cartridges. The Development will be tested and validated with real end users in 3 different languages
Report with the test results of each VOQAL.AI improvement (1)First document aming at reporting on the conclusions of the different tests implemented in WP2 for each VOQAL.AI improvement.
Commercialization plan (2)Commercialization plan of VOQAL. AI services detailingthe comercial strategy including the makreting and pricing. This activity is linked to Task 5.3
GUI/API for moderators and developers validated with real end users in 3 different languages (3)Development of the GUI will using Node.js and mongoDB. Development a way to control the quality and, even more, improve the quality of interpretation rules and semantics cartridges. The Development will be tested and validated with real end users in 3 different languages
Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for contributors (1)Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for contributors developed in task 3.1
Report with the technical and functional specification for generic chatbot and vocal assistant for e-commerce website/mobile apps.Report with the technical and functional specification for generic chatbot and vocal assistant for e-commerce website/mobile apps developped in task 4.1
D4.4 Report with the validations procedure and results of the tests carried out in real scenariosReport with the validations procedure and results of the tests carried out in real scenarios in Task 4.3
Prototype for unplugged generic chatbot and vocal assistant for e-commerce website/mobile appsPrototype for unplugged generic chatbot and vocal assistant for e-commerce website/mobile apps developped in Task 4.1
Report with the test results of each VOQAL.AI improvement (2)Second document aming at reporting on the conclusions of the different tests implemented in WP2 for each VOQAL.AI improvement.
GUI/API for contributors and developers validated with real end users in 3 languages (1)Report explaining the functionalities developped to help the contributors to develop the chatbots faster and the results of the validation with end users
Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for contributors (3)Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for contributors developed in task 3.1
Community creation and engagement activities report (1)Report on the subtasks that will be carried out in Task 5., which aim at creating a living content platform and engaging the different participants.
GUI/API for contributors and developers validated with real end users in 3 languages (2)Report explaining the functionalities developped to help the contributors to develop the chatbots faster and the results of the validation with end users
Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for moderators (3)Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for moderators developped in task 3.2
Prototype for plugged generic chatbot and vocal assistant for e-commerce website/mobile appsPrototype for plugged generic chatbot and vocal assistant for e-commerce website/mobile apps developped in Task 4.2
Commercialization plan (1)Commercialization plan of VOQAL. AI services detailingthe comercial strategy including the makreting and pricing. This activity is linked to Task 5.3
Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for contributors (2)Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for contributors developed in task 3.1
Marketing plan for contributors and moderators (2)Marketing Plan addressed to the contributors and moderators of the living platform. The Marketing Plan is linked to Task 5.3
Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for moderators (2)Report that collects the functional and technical specifications and the validations process and its results of GUI/API for moderators developped in task 3.2
Communication activities (2)Report on the different communication and dissemination activities that will take place in the Project. This deliverable is linked to Task 5.2
Communication activities (1)Report on the different communication and dissemination activities that will take place in the Project. This deliverable is linked to Task 5.2
Community creation and engagement activities report (2)Report on the subtasks that will be carried out in Task 5., which aim at creating a living content platform and engaging the different participants.
GUI/API for contributors and developers validated with real end users in 3 languages (3)Report explaining the functionalities developped to help the contributors to develop the chatbots faster and the results of the validation with end users
GUI/API for moderators and developers validated with real end users in 3 different languages (2)Development of the GUI will using Node.js and mongoDB. Development a way to control the quality and, even more, improve the quality of interpretation rules and semantics cartridges. The Development will be tested and validated with real end users in 3 different languages
Conclusions and results of task 2.3 aiming at scaling up the kernel in terms of multiusers
Scaled-up kernelConclusions and results of task 2.2 aiming at scaling up the kernel in terms of request speed
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