Periodic Reporting for period 4 - DeepInternal (Going Deep and Blind with Internal Statistics)
Periodo di rendicontazione: 2022-11-01 al 2023-10-31
In the past few years, during this project, my students and I have shown how very few training data can be used to train DNNs; often no prior training examples whatsoever! We have shown that DNNs can be trained on examples extracted directly from the single available test image. We have shown how to combine the power of unsupervised Internal Data Recurrence with the sophistication and inference-power of Deep Learning, to obtain the best of both worlds. This self-supervised learning approach gives rise to true “Zero-Shot” Learning, and has already made an impact on the scientific community (both Computer Vision and Deep learning), as well as in other domains (e.g. Reconstruction of data from brain activity), and is likely to have far reaching applications for the society. Some of these are detailed next.
More recently we have shown that the notion of “Internal Learning” can further be applied to recover the training data of a trained classifier, directly from the parameters of the network (NeurIPS’2022, ICLRworkshop’2023, NeurIPS’2023). Our findings have serious negative implications on Data Privacy in Deep Learning.
During the project the team published 18 research papers summarizing different aspects of the project goals, 15 of which were peered reviewed and published in the leading international journals and/or conferences including: Nature Communications, NeuroImage, NeurIPS, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, ICML. These papers present excellent progress compared to the original plan, and beyond. We have made the code and data of the published papers available (where applicable). We further have a few new papers currently in preparation or under review (not published yet), which contain additional new exciting breakthroughs.
• We showed the applicability of “Deep Internal Learning” to a wide range of inference tasks, and to a wide variety of network architectures. We further showed that these types of networks often lead to SOTA (state-of-the-art) results on out-of-distribution data for a variety of tasks.
• We showed that deep learning can further be done with modest amounts of supervised training data by exploiting self-supervision.
• We developed state-of-the-art (SOTA) Image & Video Reconstruction from fMRI brain activity. This was done using a very small amount of supervised training data.
• We have developed the first-ever large-scale Image-Classification (to more than 100 classes!) from fMRI brain activity. This was applied to classification of never-before-seen-classes during training time.
• We have developed the first-ever method for reconstructing training data directly from the parameters of trained neural-net, without any prior assumptions or any additional side information. Our findings have serious negative implications on Data Privacy in Deep Learning. As such, this line of work, although new, is already drawing a lot of attention in the Deep Learning community.