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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FuRIC (Future Recycled Inert Concrete Made of Steelworks Residues)

Berichtszeitraum: 2017-11-01 bis 2018-03-31

This project aim to accelerate the implementation of the FuRIC technology in the construction market with the aim to focus on the pre-cast concrete market. FuRIC is the first technology capable of using steelwork waste residues (slag) as an aggregate in concrete in order to not only reduce the cost but also improve the physical properties of traditional concrete.
There is a huge need for cheaper and more environmentally friendly construction materials due to the fact that common aggregates are being deducted from nature and its use has a significant impact on environment due to the pollution derived from its extraction and transportation of the raw materials to the concrete production plant. This fact also entails collateral added costs which, in conjunction with an EU Directive for the use of recycled material in construction, are pushing the concrete construction industry interest for an alternative to natural aggregate.
We have performed an in-depth market analysis which has shown us that we are the only technology capable supplying environmentally friendly recycled aggregate for concrete and are uniquely poised to exploit this gap in the market. We have undertaken a detailed risk analysis and provided mitigation measures to ensure the project will continue on schedule. We have also prepared a detailed work plan with the specific tasks needed for the completion of the phase 2 project. We have also looked in detail at the regulatory and legislative issues surrounding the certification of the FuRIC material and assessed the financial feasibility of the FuRIC project with the outcomes, indicating a positive outlook.
Our primary target are construction companies which are users of pre-cast concrete products, who want a cheaper concrete which has better physical and chemical properties than traditional concrete while allowing them to comply with incoming regulation regarding the use of more recycled materials in new construction. After the successful completion of the FuRIC phase 2 project, roll-out is foreseen in most of Europe by 2025 with annual sales revenues being €10.8M by 2025.
FuRIC will allow our potential clients to reduce their pre-cast concrete costs by up to 40% compared with natural aggregate-based pre-cast concretes. By allowing steelworks to dispose of their slag in a method that reduces landfill waste and in turn reduces the cost of pre-cast concrete, FuRIC will directly impact upon the construction industry.