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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Engineering Solutions for the Process Industry

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - PROCESS (Engineering Solutions for the Process Industry)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-08-13 bis 2023-08-12

PROCESS was running from August 2018-2023 and is understood as ‘Engineering Solutions for the PROCESS Industry’. The programme proposed a two-year Career Development Fellowships based at the University of Limerick. PROCESS ran three calls during the first year: which resulted in total of 11 fellows entering the programme. The target was for each Fellow completed a mandatory secondment of between three to six months with a non-academic partner, however this was adjusted due to COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of PROCESS was to deliver world-class training and research opportunities to post-doctoral Fellows in order to increase Europe’s critical mass in the field of advanced manufacturing. The aims were to:

FOR FELLOWS: Provide a cutting-edge research environment to develop PROCESS researchers as the scientific leaders of tomorrow; deliver high quality, tailor-made scientific training to equip Fellows with skills and experience to meet their career goals and address contemporary skill gaps; provide excellent training in transferable skills; provide industry-specific training and placements in dairy and pharmaceutical sectors; and provide an attractive and supportive working environment.
FOR ACADEMIC and INDUSTRIAL HOSTS: Strengthen and raise the excellence and impact of European particulate processing and advanced manufacturing research; build partnerships between academia and industry; opportunity for industry to shape training component to ensure Fellows graduate with industry-relevant skills to fill the growing needs of the food and pharmaceutical sectors; and innovation based on a deeper understanding of key technologies with interdisciplinary knowledge sharing and transfer.

The overall objectives of PROCESS is advanced manufacturing of high volume products and engineering solutions with a particular emphasis on particulate product processing for new products in the dairy and pharmaceutical sectors. Core research focus areas are incorporating process modelling and integrated process control with Process Analytical Technology, heat, mass momentum transfer, hybrid processing and smart data management. From an Industry 4.0 framework perspective: agility, processing and flexibility are promoted. Sharing knowledge and findings between academia and industry was a primary focus and adds value through encouragement of innovation based on a deep understanding of their key technologies. The importance for society is Open Science and Innovation to meet the growing global demand for innovative solutions in the processing sector and employment opportunities. Skilled engineers, scientists and researchers will lead and drive transformational changes in the dairy and pharmaceutical sectors with their expertise in continuous processing, flexibility and process understanding. Optimising the potential in continuous particulate processing and advanced manufacturing will ensure the Irish and EU manufacturing sector remains globally competitive.
The Process COFUND project resulted in a total of 11 fellowships entering the programme, this is less that the target of 21. PROCESS programme provided superior research opportunities and a comprehensive training programme in the area of Engineering Solutions for the PROCESS Industry. The goal was to develop and enhance the fellows’ skills to forge their career ambitions in both academic and non-academic settings. The training programme was specifically designed to address the fellows' needs and the changing needs of advanced manufacturing. Although some exploitation and disseminations activities were limited during the reporting period due to Covid-19 restrictions, with most events being held online during this time. Fellows have attended over 37 events/workshops, as well as published 8 results in abstract and full paper format (Table 2) in peer-reviewed international journals. A list of publications contains a link to the publication journal, as well as to a repository (where applicable). Following the PROCESS programme, the fellows have since progressed with their careers in both academic and private sectors. The research experience, skills gained, intersectoral and interdisciplinary exposure and professional networks developed through the PROCESS fellowship enabled the fellows to enhance their career prospects and successfully secure career-advancing positions in Ireland and abroad in the non-academic and academic sectors.
PROCESS provided superior research opportunities and a comprehensive training programme in the area of Engineering Solutions for the PROCESS Industry. The goal was to develop and enhance the fellows’ skills to forge their career ambitions in both academic and non-academic settings. The training programme was specifically designed to address the fellows' needs and the changing needs of the advanced manufacturing. The benefits of the PROCESS fellowship to fellows included superior research training, intersectoral and interdisciplinary exposure, exploitation of research output, dissemination, communication and engagement opportunities and professional network development. The fellows were supervised by leading UL researchers and were fully integrated into UL. University of Limerick provided fellows with interdisciplinary research opportunities, superior expertise, research facilities and infrastructure. PROCESS fellows had access to UL’s established academic and industry networks, researchers based across multiple institutions in Ireland and abroad, and partner organisations through full integration in Limerick.
This programme was specifically designed to address the fellows' needs and the changing needs. PROCESS programme successfully supported and facilitated the career-advancing activities by the fellows during and after their fellowship. This is very evident by the fellow’s positive feedback provided during and after the programme promoting positive impact it had on their development and future career. After the programme fellows have since progressed with their career in both academic and private sectors. The research experience, skills gained, intersectoral and interdisciplinary exposure and professional networks developed through the PROCESS fellowship enabled the fellows to enhance their career prospects and successfully secure career-advancing positions in Ireland and abroad in the non-academic and academic sectors.
63.6% of PROCESS alumni continue to successful careers in academia across the following countries: Ireland, United States and Japan. 36.4% secured positions in the non-academic sector across 3 countries: Ireland, Canada and Italy. 45.4 % of PROCESS alumni are based abroad, and 54.6% continue their careers in Ireland.