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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Using Bariatric Surgery to Discover Weight-Loss Independent Mechanisms Leading to the Reversal of Fatty Liver Disease

Description du projet

Un nouveau traitement pour la SHNA lorsque les changements du mode de vie sont inefficaces

Fortement associée à l’obésité, l’hypertension et le diabète de type 2, la stéatose hépatique non alcoolique (SHNA) représente un problème de santé publique global croissant dans le monde. Cette maladie hépatique progressive touche jusqu’à 25 % de la population de l’UE. Puisqu’il n’existe aucun médicament approuvé par la FDA pour traiter cette affection, les changements du mode vie restent la pierre angulaire de sa prise en charge. Mais que se passe‑t‑il lorsque les changements apportés au mode de vie s’avèrent inefficaces? Dans ce contexte, le projet BARINAFLD, financé par l’UE, développera de nouveaux mécanismes indépendants de la perte de poids pouvant aboutir à l’atténuation de la SHNA et les exploitera pour traiter cette maladie. Plus précisément, il combinera la chirurgie bariatrique chez des modèles murins et humains avec des analyses moléculaires et informatiques avancées. En comparant les foies de patients maigres à ceux de patients atteints de la SHNA avant et rapidement après une chirurgie bariatrique, le projet fera la lumière sur les traitements mimétiques de la chirurgie pour cette maladie.


Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), a disease characterized by accumulation of lipid droplets in the liver, is the major precursor for liver failure and liver cancer, and constitutes a global health challenge. An estimated 25% of the adult population suffers from NAFLD, but no FDA approved drugs are available to treat this condition. Obesity is a major NAFLD risk factor and weight-loss improves disease severity in obese patients. Bariatric surgeries are an effective treatment for obesity when lifestyle modifications fail and often lead to improvement in NAFLD and type 2 diabetes.
The overreaching objective of this proposal is to combine bariatric surgery in mice and humans with advanced molecular and computational analyses to discover novel, weight-loss independent mechanisms that lead to NAFLD alleviation, and harness them to treat NAFLD.
In preliminary studies, I discovered that bariatric surgery clears lipid droplets from the livers of obese db/db mice without inducing weight-loss. Using metabolic and computational analysis, I found that bariatric surgery shifts hepatic gene expression and blood metabolome of post-bariatric patients to a new trajectory, distinct from lean or sick patients. Data analysis revealed the transcription factor Egr1 and one-carbon and choline metabolism to be key drivers of weight-loss independent effects of bariatric surgery.
I will use two NAFLD mouse models that do not lose weight after bariatric surgery to characterize livers of mice post-surgery. Human patients do lose weight following surgery, therefore I will use computational methods to elucidate weight-independent pathways induced by surgery, by comparing livers of lean patients to those of NAFLD patients before and shortly after bariatric surgery. Candidate pathways will be studied by metabolic flux analysis and manipulated genetically, with the ultimate goal of reaching systems-levels understanding of NAFLD and identifying surgery-mimetic therapies for this disease.


Régime de financement

ERC-STG - Starting Grant

Institution d’accueil

Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 1 499 354,00
91904 Jerusalem

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Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 1 499 354,00

Bénéficiaires (1)