CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Engine ITD - GAM 2018

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - ENG GAM 2018 (Engine ITD - GAM 2018)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-01-01 bis 2019-12-31

The platforms or demonstrators of these architectures are summarized as:
-Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency demonstrator addressing Short/Medium Range aircraft market 2014-2023: design, development and ground test of a propulsion system demonstrator to validate low pressure modules and nacelle technology.
-Business aviation/Short range regional Turboprop Demonstrator 2015-2022: design, development and ground testing of a new turboprop engine demonstrator.
-Advanced Geared Engine Configuration (HPC and LPT technology demonstration) 2015-2023: Design, development and ground testing of a new demonstrator to reduce CO2 emissions and noise as well as engine weight;
-Very High Bypass Ratio Middle of Market Turbofan technology 2014-2023: development and demonstration of technologies in each area to deliver validated powerplant systems matured for implementation in full engine systems;
-VHBR Large Turbofan demonstrator UltraFan™ 2014-2023: design, development, ground and flight test of an engine to demonstrate key technologies at a scale suitable for large engines;
-The Small Aero-Engine Demonstration projects related to Small Air Transport focuses on small fixed-wing aircraft in the general aviation domain and their power-plant solutions, spanning from piston/diesel engines to small turboprop engines.
Conclusions will be established when demonstration activities will be finalised.
For the Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency Demonstrator, the teams have completed multiple maturation studies to optimize the Integrated Power Plant System architecture. WP2 has achieved significant progress including low speed fan maturation, booster, HP combustor, high-speed low-pressure turbine, transmission system, low material technologies and nacelle.
For Turboprop Demonstrator, a significant progress was achieved leading to the first start of TechTP engine demonstration on ground in June 2019. It includes the integration of specific cradle, Power and Accessory Gearbox, Engine and Propeller control system, nacelle and the demo propeller. The validation test campaign of the new engine and its propeller has started.
For the Advanced Geared Engine Configuration, the Inter Compressor Duct rig test facility successfully tested the first & second build. The expansion system engine demo passed the interim design review. The critical design of the engine demonstrator was completed. On technology development, manufacturing trials for the casted blade and CMC segments were completed.
WP5 achieved significant progress on a range of technologies relevant to future VHBR products including progress on design and rig testing of the Fan system and IP Turbine and rig test readiness and preliminary tests of the bearing chamber rig, supported by CFD simulation development. Blisk additive manufacturing repair activities progressed well, maturing overall capability.
UltraFan® made significant progress with the design and interface definitions sufficiently matured to enable release of long lead time items for manufacture. Flight test engine instrumentation has been defined. RR completed initial Design Approval Gates for both the IP and HP TCC. Airbus also completed the reserve take-off operation studies.
For the Light weight and efficient Jet-fuel reciprocating engine, a significant progress was achieved leading to the completion of the R&T programme. This includes the full-scale 6-cylinder engine demonstration on ground at full power, the full-scale propeller demonstration test and the validation test campaign of the new engine controls.
2019 saw the completion of loop2 activities, reaching environmental goals and the creation of the loop3, focused on hybrid-electric propulsion architecture for turboprop. On module side, key facts have been the successful test of the full-additive combustor, the validation of the transient performance engine model and the progresses on the reduction gearbox.
The project AMANECO started in 2019, to focus on boundary limits assessment in Additive manufacturing. A new partner was selected in November to contribute to recycling in composite. On engine parts advanced manufacturing, 2019 resulted in the selection of parameters for the Reference Blisk Design Model and the selection of IGV demo parts for ECO.
For the Ultra-High Propulsive Efficiency Demonstrator, maturation studies were done to optimize the architecture. A first loop on advanced low speed fan was made. The Reduction Gear Box tests for TRL4 were made. Low Pressure Turbine tests were performed to support TRL4 review on aerodynamics. Test rigs dedicated to the transmission components have achieved the CDR.
For the TP Demonstrator, 2019 has seen the start of demonstrator tests activities with integration of innovative lightweight PAGB, 7-blades propeller, Engine and Propeller control system embedded in a single EECU, using single lever control. Tests already showed reduced noise, fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, beyond state of the art for General Aviation.
Until now, the behaviour of inter compressor ducts is not well studied. In WP4 the performed analyses support the understanding, that a reduction in length of the compression system is feasible. This length reduction directly translates to a reduction in mass and thus fuel consumption.
The integration of high temperature resistant materials and their application against the background of light weight aspects drives the progress beyond state of the art.
UltraFan® looks at the whole engine architecture and is the biggest change to the engine design system since Trent. A key enabler towards this architecture is the Fan system. A significant objective is to develop low speed fan related technologies. A TRL5 test was conducted of a new low-speed fan design. From a range of rigs and analysis in 2019, comprehensive work has taken place that indicated improvements relative to previous standard.
The clearest indication of progress beyond start of the art in WP6 is continued advancement through the Product Development System with completion of UltraFan® PDR and CDR in 2019. WP6 activities continued to provide support in specific areas supporting this overall programme. Two areas to highlight: development and casting manufacture for the fabricated intermediate compressor case sectors and the design of the externals.
For WP7, 2019 delivered strong impact through a range of test campaigns. A full-scale propeller was ground tested, achieving sufficient maturity & gains for a potential development. Demo piston engines completed 230 running hours, demonstrating the targeted power of 400hp and a significant fuel burn reduction. Advanced engine controls were successfully tested.
Major achievements in 2019:
-Validation of the transient performance engine model
-Engine Loop2 closed and Loop3 started for hybrid-electric propulsion studies
-Reviews confirming representability of the aerodynamic models for axial-centrifugal compressor
-High-pressure test completed on full additive combustor
-Inter turbine duct performance validation.
In 2019, the WP9 was consolidated and the demonstration topics were defined. The process for gathering data to support life cycle analysis were presented. The definition of demo cases for additive manufacturing, composite recycling and engine parts through novel ECO DEISGN approach is expected to set the path to future products beyond the current state-of-art.
Tech TP first run celebration in Tarnos_2©Remy Bertrand - Safran
6-cyl piston engine WP7
Completed Low Speed Fan Rig Test and Analysis-RR