CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Flexible Euv SpecTrometer for Attosecond science


Optimiertes Spektroskopieverfahren wegweisend für attosekundengenaue Erforschung der Elektronenbewegung

Die Attosekunden-Wissenschaft lässt Einblicke in die Quantendynamik der Elektronen in Atomen, Molekülen und Festkörpern mit noch nie erreichter zeitlicher Auflösung zu. Anhand der Analyse der harmonischen Strahlung im extremen Ultraviolettbereich, die dann erzeugt wird, wenn ein Molekül von intensiven Femtosekundenlaserpulsen getroffen wird, können Elektronenbewegungen attosekundengenau erforscht werden. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt FESTA plant die Entwicklung eines kompakten, vielseitigen und nutzungsfreundlichen Spektrometers für extreme ultraviolette Strahlung, mit dem die Beschränkungen der kommerziell erhältlichen Systeme überwunden werden sollen. Das Ziel lautet, es bis zum Technologie-Reifegrad 6 voranzubringen.


Attosecond science studies the motion of electrons on atomic and molecular scale, which typically occurs on the timescale of attoseconds (1 as = 10^-18 s). This motion is at the basis of all fundamental processes occurring in Chemistry, Material Science and Biology, and its understanding enables innovation in all these scientific fields. The access to electronic motion on the timescale of attoseconds is based on the analysis of extreme ultra-violet (EUV) harmonic radiation generated when a molecule is hit by an intense femtosecond (1 fs = 10^-15 s) laser pulse. However, despite its huge potential, the full exploitation of this approach is currently hindered by limitations in the commercially available EUV spectrometers and it is restricted to a few very specialized users who are able to build their own instruments.
By exploiting the innovative technical methods developed during UDynI ERC, we want to realize a compact, versatile, and user-friendly EUV spectrometer, which overcomes these limitations. In this way, we will grant access to attosecond science to a wider range of stakeholders in fields with high impact on the society, such as Health (e.g. drug discovery), Environment (e.g. understanding atmospheric photoinduced pollution, finding more effective chemical and catalytic processes) and Technology (e.g. study of high temperature superconductors and ultrafast switching in magnetic materials).
The objective of the FESTA PoC Project is the development of a EUV detection system prototype (TRL6), the identification of a proper IPR exploitation strategy and the definition of the most suitable business model for the commercialization of the FESTA platform.

Gastgebende Einrichtung

€ 150 000,00
00185 Roma

Auf der Karte ansehen

Centro (IT) Lazio Roma
Research Organisations
€ 150 000,00

Begünstigte (1)