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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Ocular Research By Integrated Training And Learning

Description du projet

Un réseau mondial de formation pluridisciplinaire se concentre sur de nouveaux traitements pour les maladies oculaires

Les informations visuelles nous permettent d’accomplir des tâches quotidiennes, d’éviter les dangers et de reconnaître le visage d’un ami dans la foule. Le segment postérieur de l’œil est la région responsable de transformer la lumière réfléchie en des signaux électriques; c’est également le lieu où naissent les maladies invalidantes comme la dégénérescence maculaire et la rétinopathie diabétique. ORBITAL a constitué un consortium de 22 partenaires universitaires, cliniques et industriels pour former une nouvelle cohorte de scientifiques dans des domaines interdisciplinaires, allant de la science des matériaux à la découverte de médicaments. Cette fertilisation croisée devrait semer les graines de traitements avancés pour les maladies oculaires concernant le segment postérieur de l’œil, représentant plus de la moitié des troubles oculaires.


Diseases of the posterior segment of the eye are increasing considerably, partly due to an ageing population
(almost 20% of the population of Europe now over 65). Despite accounting for approximately 55% of ocular conditions,
only 5% of ocular product sales target the posterior segment due to the technical difficulties in developing safe, effective
and easy-to-use formulations. Age-related Macular Degeneration and Diabetic retinopathy are some of the main cause
of blindness and severe impairment of vision in patients. These diseases represent a considerable burden on
patients and healthcare systems throughout the world. ORBITAL has the primary objective of recruiting excellent early
stage researchers (ESRs) and developing the next generation of research leaders and drivers. There is a clear unmet
clinical need for efficient, safe, non-invasive and patient-friendly strategies for the treatment of prevalent diseases of
the posterior segment of the eye. With a necessary collaborative network of European and global experts, from
academic, clinical and industrial sectors, ESRs will be exposed to an integrated and complementary network of
expertise in materials science, nanotechnology, animal modeling, enhanced in-vitro testing, analytical chemistry and
drug discovery. ORBITAL will build an intersectoral consortium with extensive experience in generating innovative technologies and training new researchers. ESRs will be exposed to a broad scientific landscape of complementary
disciplines. With the combined skills and knowledge of the consortium, ESRs will be provided with the network, skills
and knowledge to develop their careers while the extensive mobility of researchers will lead to increased knowledge
transfer and collaborative research


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 824 052,96
X91 K0EK Waterford

Voir sur la carte

Ireland Southern South-East
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 824 052,96

Participants (10)

Partenaires (11)