CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Immune DIREcted and Cancer-selective immunoTherapy


Dem Immunsystem beibringen, Krebs auf die Schliche zu kommen

Die Immuntherapie ist ein rapide expandierender Bereich in der Behandlung von Krebs. Sie zielt darauf ab, das Immunsystem zur Krebsbekämpfung anzuregen. Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts I-DireCT ist es, junge Forschende auszubilden, die neue Ideen für die nächste Generation von Immuntherapien erarbeiten sollen. Sie erhalten eine multidisziplinäre Ausbildung in biomedizinischen und physikalischen Wissenschaften sowie in der Arzneimittelforschung und -entwicklung. Eines der Projektziele ist die Generierung von Verabreichungssystemen, die in der Lage sind, das aktive Therapeutikum nur an der Tumorstelle freizusetzen und dadurch die Nebenwirkungen zu minimieren. Darüber hinaus wird das Projekt die Erforschung bestehender Immuntherapie-Antikörper und Zytokine voranbringen, um die T-Zell-Immunität gegen Krebs synergistisch zu stimulieren.


I-DireCT is a European Industrial Doctorate (EID) training network designed to provide training and carry out breakthrough research on the rapidly expanding and high impact field of cancer immunotherapy in a carefully integrated academic and inter-sectoral programme. Hereby, we aim to develop next-generation immunotherapeutics and deliver a set of early stage researchers uniquely qualified for a career in academia and/or industry.

Current immunomodulatory antibodies that target pivotal immune checkpoints have revolutionized the field of oncology. However, off-tumor activity limits their application. The objective of I-Direct is to address this issue by 1. developing innovative bispecific antibodies and immunocytokines with tumor-restricted immunostimulatory effects and 2. developing optimized delivery systems to ensure optimal timed release of bio-active drug. Hereto, I-DireCT combines state-of-the-art industrial design of nanotech-based drug formulations with innovative academic and industrial immunotherapeutic concepts into the next-generation of cancer immunotherapeutics.

At the core of I-DireCT is its training objective to offer a cutting-edge multidisciplinary training programme that will enable outstanding young scientists to generate breakthrough ideas and assume leading positions in academia and industry. This training programme includes an array of disciplines, ranging from biomedical sciences (e.g. immunology, antibody engineering) and physical sciences (e.g. chemistry, material science) to drug design & development.

Industrial partners are central to the programme and provide pivotal inter-sectoral expertise on how to translate scientific discoveries into commercial reality, with each ESR being appointed at an inter-sectoral partner for 18 months, as well as through additional secondments. Further, I-Direct will enable long-term multi-disciplinary research and fosters bilateral co-operations between academia and industry.


€ 922 291,25
9713 GZ Groningen

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Noord-Nederland Groningen Overig Groningen
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 922 291,25

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