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European Training Network in Low-energy Visible Light IoT Systems

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - ENLIGHTEM (European Training Network in Low-energy Visible Light IoT Systems)

Periodo di rendicontazione: 2019-06-01 al 2021-05-31

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) are driving a revolution in lighting systems due to their superior energy efficiency, and are already entering the Internet of Things (IoT) market with embedded sensory functionalities. By bringing connectivity to every LED bulb, Visible Light Communication (VLC) offers the opportunity to write the next chapter of the LED revolution with the language of ubiquitous networks. With VLC networking still in its infancy, the "European Training Network in Low-Energy Visible Light IoT Systems - ENLIGHT'EM" takes the unique opportunity to design IoT systems that leverage the low baseline energy consumption of LEDs to jointly deliver lighting and networked communication. ENLIGHT'EM explores the emerging field of low-energy VLC systems for the IoT to design and demonstrate sustainable networking solutions.

ENLIGHT'EM is an H2020 ITN MSCA project, implemented among high-quality universities, research institutes, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises located at 9 different countries. ENLIGHT'EM will train a new generation of innovators and provide them with the know-how to contribute to the development of the IoT in the world of 5G and beyond. Fifteen early-stage researchers (ESRs) will evolve into leading-edge experts in a diverse array of sub-fields leading to the integration of low-energy VLC into the IoT. The ESRs will acquire and hone cutting-edge skills contributing to IoT areas such as connected energy, light, living and cities.

These new technologies are designed for sustainable development, which is our approach towards providing economic added value in the society in line with the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the United Nations to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030.

ENLIGHT'EM is the first project that takes the potential of LEDs as low-energy and sustainable illumination technology to the next level, unleashing its full possibilities for emerging IoT services while retaining its original strong advantages. It is divided in 15 research lines that can be classified in 3 main topics: i) Low-energy technologies, centered on the theoretical foundations and on advancing the state-of-the art to design low-energy hardware, software and communications technologies.; ii) Intelligent algorithms and RF integration, that studies innovative algorithms and protocols for resilient and networked VLC integrated in 5G ecosystems and for the preparation of Beyond-5G technologies; iii) Applications and Services, that targets network and system applications in five concrete scenarios.
ENLIGHT'EM has progressed according to the initial plan. ENLIGHT'EM scientific work during the first reporting period has focused on the three main research areas: Low-energy technologies (WP1), Intelligent algorithms and RF integration (WP2) and Applications and Services (WP3). WP1 has reviewed the state of the art on optical front-end (transmitter, receiver and non-conventional low-power VLC techniques such as passive VLC) and modulation techniques (single-carrier, multi-carrier and spatial modulation), and has obtained first research results on probabilistic shaping, underwater VLC-based sensor and passive VLC. WP2 reviewed the state of the art on algorithms for joint reconfiguration of smart lighting and LiFi access points in dense deployments, integration between home automation and VLC, integration between VLC and RF both in access network and backhauling, as well as experimental open-source platforms for networked VLC. WP2 has obtained first scientific results on mobility management in multi-tier LiFi networks, hybrid VLC and RF-backscatter system for long-range and low-power communication, exploitation of LED non-linearity for IoT, co-existence of VLC and WiFi for access network and investigation of RF for backhauling. WP3 has focused on state-of-the-art reviewing of VLC-BLE for positioning, power-efficient underwater wireless optical communications, VLC-enabled energy disaggregation, optical front-end design for vehicular-to-everything (V2X) communication and low power architectures for reliable VLC in transportation and manufacturing. WP3 has obtained first results on data freshness in mixed‐memory intermittently‐powered systems. More than ten scientific publications have been obtained in international conferences and journals.

Regarding non-scientific results, four training events have been organized in the first reporting period: 1) Tutorials on technology and communications aspects of low-energy VLC, and tutorials on networking and service provision aspects in low-energy VLC; 2) Training on research skills; 3) Training on entrepreneurship; 4) Training on VLC technology & Research commercialization. Besides, the project has organized one workshop co-organized with a major event (ACM Mobicom 2020), has participated in multiple European and national public communication events, has released formal press publications and it has been active in electronic media through YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn and the project website:
The first main impact of ENLIGHT'EM project is the enhancement of the career perspectives and employability of researchers and contribution to their skills development, which is based on three pillars: 1) Exposure to academic, industrial and standardization bodies; education for sustainable development in daily research. 2) Demonstration of research work on novel applications. 3) Integration into a solid international network and development of social skills. This first impact is being materialised with intersectoral secondments, supervision by experts in the field (all with a PhD degree), participation in standardization meetings, development on novel applications (namely at WP3), and the work at international research laboratories.

The second main impact of ENLIGHT'EM project is the contribution to structuring doctoral / early-stage research training at the European level and to strengthening European innovation capacity. All Training Events and dissemination activities are being carried out in European institutions/events. Participation in European events such as European Researchers Night and Science is Wonderful 2020 (organized within European Research and Innovation Days) are contributing to disseminate the results of ENLIGHT'EM to the people at large and then promote the research in Europe.

The third main impact of ENLIGHT'EM project is the quality of the proposed measures to exploit and disseminate the project results. Research results are being published in the shape of journal and conferences papers. Also, first patents are under discussion.

The fourth main impact of ENLIGHT'EM project is the quality of the proposed measures to communicate the project activities to different target audiences. ENLIGHT'EM consortium is active at social media, also publishing at formal press to reach people at large, as well as participating through public events both international and national.

This project will have a great impact on the society, who has seen how their way of communicating has changed. ENLIGHT'EM will contribute to satisfy the demand of IoT communication but putting emphasis at the low-energy systems, which is a priority in the research agenda as required for the global sustainability.