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Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .
Resultado final
Policy recommendations will be developed at different levels EU national and local authorities industry etc on the basis of the iDREAMS results aiming to improve behaviour and safety of all travellers and all modes Recommendations will also cover ways in which authorities may use data systems at population level to plan mobility and safety interventions set up road user incentives optimise enforcement and enhance community building on safe travelling Moreover recommendations on ICT infrastructure and tools to be promoted for better travellers connectivity and interaction with the systems and devices will be made
Experimental protocolThe experimental protocol described will stear the simulator and on-road trials conducted and analysed in the project. The protocol consists of two components: on the one hand a description of the general parameters and environment for testing, on the other hand a list of identified specific risk scenarios under which the i-DREAMS system (designed to enhance safety of everyday driving by intervening in high risk situations) should be tested.
Update of dissemination planAn update of the dissemination plan is foreseen halfway through the project to ensure that the dissemination activities follow the projects’ progress.
State of the art on endogenous factors for monitoring driver state and exogenous factors for task demand assessment and technologies for monitoring driver state and task demandIn this report variables that influence the level of individual risk in a given traffic situation are identified. These can either be endogenous factors for monitoring driver state (such as distraction, fatigue or cognitive impairment) or exogenous factors such as weather, time of day and traffic conditions which can increase the task complexity. A common set of validated indicators will be synthesised and combined to assess the individual level of risk (safety tolerance zone). Furthermore the report will describe the results of the review (and if necesseray pré-testing) of in-vehicle technology to measure the identified endogenous and exogenous factors in a reliable way.
Organization of the driving simulator and on-road trial experiments in i-DREAMSAn organization procedure will be worked out containing a ‘roadmap’ for the successful implementation of the experiments, in order to fulful the project’s objective, according to the experimental procedures.
Toolbox of recommended data collection tools and monitoring methods + conceptual definition of the safety tolerance zoneA conceptual definition of the safety tolerance zone will be worked out by shortlisting the data collection tools and driver/environment monitoring methodologies that will be used in the project.
Enhanced toolbox of recommended data collection tools, monitoring methods and interventions including thresholds for the safety tolerance zoneTaking into account the practical experience from the ongoing simulator testings and field trials the toolbox developed in Deliverable 32 will be reviewed and updated to include the latest insights into recommended technologies and safety tolerance zone threshold values
A guide for driver/operator coaches and trainers on improving safety and ecological driving culture in transport companies based on real driver dataIn transport companies a professional driver coach will visit the participating companies in the field test and will provide incompany coaching and training A guide incorporating the real driver data will be foreseen for the coach
Report on survey vehicle operator needsThe aim is to create an efficient network of stakeholders, whose consultation will help the project gather sufficient data, knowledge and experience on the development, testing and validation of a ‘safety tolerance zone’ for driving.
Methodology for the evaluation of interventionsThe methodology is developed to improve driver safety through keeping the driver within the boundaries of the ‘safety tolerance zone’. In particular, the methodology will cover all the features and particularities of each one of the interventions examined, as well as the statistical issues involved in effectiveness assessment of interventions.
Analysis of coping capacity factors: vehicle and operator stateThis report describes the result of the analysis of coping capacity factors related to vehicle state and operator state Firstly the vehicle state and operator state variables will be estimated from the various relevant indicators Secondly the effect of different vehicle factors on vehicle state will be defined and further analysed for different travel modes etc In parallel the effect of different personal factors on operator state will be defined and further analysed for different travel modes age and gender groups etc
Description of the on-road driving trials for identifying safety tolerance zones and the performance of in-vehicle interventionsThe description of the trials contains the experimental design the methodology the timetable the necessary operational checks the KPIs and the essential resources to fulfil the experiments A communication protocol between the project management and the partners responsible for the trials will also be included in order for all parts to be constantly informed
Report on activities of and recommendations made by the User & Expert Advisory BoardsThe User Expert Advisory Boards will have an active role throughout the course of the project To highligt their contribution to the project a report on their project activities and recommendations is drawn up
Toolbox of recommended interventions to assist drivers in maintaining safety tolerance zoneThis report will shortlist real-time and post-trip interventions which can be used to assist drivers in staying within their safety tolerance zone.
Overview of state of the art technology for safety interventions (risk prevention and mitigation) and assessment of their effectivenessThe report will provide a set of effective tools to inform road users in real-time (via smartphone) or post-trip (via web-based platform) aiming to enhance knowledge, attitudes, perception and safety behaviour.
Development of a unified Big Data fusion framework for exploiting driving performance data in i-DREAMSThe framework developed will be used for processing and analysing the data collected from the simulator experiments and the onroad driving trials
Dissemination planA dissemination plan will be drawn up for the life span of the project, ensuring that the key stakeholders will get efficiently involved in the project, and that stakeholders, related audiences, other parties, and the public will be informed on the progress and results of the projects on a regular basis.
Framework for operational design of experimental work in i-DREAMSThis report will describe the underpinning framework on which the practical development, testing and validation will be built upon.
Exploitation plansThe exploitation plans of the project research ensure maximum project impact as well as optimal and fast exploitation of project results overall and by individual partners The exploitation plans will analyse the products services and market opportunities The exploitation strategy and implementation will take into account the Consortium Agreement on IPR dissemination and competitive edge Finally a general overview of the possible expenses and revenue services will be carried out in order to improve viability and exploitation impact for the partners involved
Effectiveness evaluation of the interventionsThe report will provide a complete assessment and ranking of the interventions and identify the most promising intervention schemes for improving the driver behaviour and state of drivers for each mode as well as at risk factor level
Analysis of task complexity factorsThis report describes the result of the analysis of the effects of contextspecific factors related to the road layout traffic time of day weather etc on risk
Description of the driving simulator experiment for identifying safety tolerance zones and the performance of in-vehicle interventionsThe description of the simulations contains the experimental design, the methodology, the timetable, the necessary operational checks, the KPIs and the essential resources to fulfil the experiments.
An integrated model of driver-vehicle-environment interaction and riskA complete Structural Equation Model will be developed to describe the interactions integrating the initial structures identified during the previous deliverables D61 and D62 From the parameter estimates of the integrated model a comprehensive set of quantitative effects of indicators will be created describing the impacts of vehicle operator and context characteristics on risk under different conditions
Standard protocol for the handling of Big DataThe standard protocol describes the logistics of handling Big Data and the process for making it useable. The protocol will meet the legal and ethical requirements of collecting, handling and storing such data.
Toolkit for vehicle operator safetyThe toolkit will make it possible to reproduce the tests carried out enhance the transferability of tools and procedures at different societies and address different travel behaviour and safety problems
To communicate realtime interventions to the driver a flexible drivermachine interface will be developed and tested This interface will be fed by the iDREAMS safety tolerance zone algorithm D42
A smartphone app (Android) for personalized driving behavioural feedbackA smartphone app will be developed on Android where the driver will receive feedback about important safety and ecological driver behaviour variables once a trip has been completed The smartphone app will communicate with the backend database D43 where the processing of realtime vehicle operator and road sensor data will take place
A set of flexible modules for sensor data collection, integration and real-time processingThis deliverable results in an integrated set of technologies per transport mode and the implementation of the following subsystems vehicle capability module driver capability module task demand module realtime capability estimator and drivermachine interface module
An interactive project website will incorporate the outputs of the project as they become gradually available, and the contribution of stakeholders at the various stages of the project.
A web platform for personalized goal setting, tips & tricks, and social gamificationA web platform software for goal setting and social gamification will be developed where the driver and fleet managersoperators will be able to set and receive goals to improve driver behaviour in a sustainable way The web application will be fed by information from the backend database D43
The DMP describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed and/or generated by i-DREAMS. As part of making our research data findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR), the DMP shall include information on: - the handling of research data during & after the end of the project - what data will be collected, processed and/or generated - which methodology & standards will be applied - whether data will be shared/made open access and - how data will be curated & preserved (including after the end of the project).
Eva Michelaraki, Christos Katrakazas, Susanne Kaiser, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2022
Road Safety & Simulation Conference
E. Michelaraki, C. Katrakazas, G. Yannis, A. Filtness, R. Talbot, G. Hancox, Fran PilkingtonCheney, K. Brijs, V. Ross, H. Dirix, A. Neven, R. Paul, T. Brijs, P. Fortsakis, E. Konstantina
Frantzola and R. Taveira
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference, 2021, ISBN 978-2-9531712-6-6
Michelaraki E., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Afghari A.P., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Al Haddad C., Alam M. R., Adnan M., Khattak W., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Brijs T., Yannis G.
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Amir Pooyan Afghari, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Sally Maynard, Rachel Talbot, Ashleigh Filtness, Geert Wets
Publicado en:
On-line proceedings of the 8th Road Safety & Simulation Conference 2022, 2022
Road Safety & Simulation Conference
Kris Brijs, Muhammad Adnan, Veerle Ross, Ariane Cuenen, Yves Vanrompay, Muhammad Wisal Khattak, Christos Katrakazas, Eva Michelaraki, Ashleigh Filtness, Rachel Talbot, Graham Hancox, Laurie Brown, Evita Papazikou, Chiara Gruden, Geert Wets, George Yannis, Tom Brijs
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2022
Transport Research Arena (TRA)
Qing-Long Lu, Kui Yang, Constantinos Antoniou.
Publicado en:
Edición 2021 IEEE International Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC), 2021
BRIJS, Tom; BRIJS, Kris; Kaiser, Susanne; Talbot, Rachel; Lourenço, André; Antoniou, Constantinos; Yannis, George; Avenoso, Antonio; WETS, Geert
Publicado en:
Proceedings of TRA2020, the 8th Transport Research Arena Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility, Edición Traficom Research Reports 7/2020, 2020, ISBN 978-952-311-484-5
Eva Michelaraki, Christos Katrakazas, Stella Roussou, Amir Pooyan Afghari, Evita Papazikou, Rachel Talbot, Christelle Al Haddad, Md Rakibul Alam, Muhammad Adnan, Wisal Khattak, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Constantinos Antoniou, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Kui Yang, Constantinos Antoniou.
Publicado en:
Transportation Research Board 101th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., USA, 2022.1.9-13., 2022
Transportation Research Board
Susanne Kaiser, Christos Katrakazas, Eva Aigner-Breuss, Fran Pilkington-Cheney, Apostolos Ziakopoulos, George Yannis, Tom Brijs
Publicado en:
Proceedings of TRA2020, the 8th Transport Research Arena Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility, Edición Traficom Research Reports 7/2020, 2020, Página(s) 84-85, ISBN 978-952-311-484-5
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
F. Pilkington-Cheney, A. P. Afghari, A. Filtness, E. Papadimitriou, A. Lourenço and T. Brijs
Publicado en:
2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2021, Página(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-8995-6
Roja Ezzati Amini, Christelle Al Haddad, Debapreet Batabyal, Alyssa Ryan, Isidora Gkena, Bart De Vos, Ariane Cuenen, Tom Brijs, and Constantinos Antoniou
Publicado en:
Online Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Edición Online Proceedings, 2022
Road Safety and Simulation Conference
Eva Michelaraki, Stella Roussou, Virginia Petraki, Christos Katrakazas, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Telematics and Driver Behaviour” Workshop, 2023
Telematics and Driver Behaviour” Workshop
Kris Brijs, Veerle Ross, Bart De Vos , Ashleigh Filtness, Rachel Talbot, Graham Hancox, Fran Pilkington-Cheney, Christos Katrakazas, Eva Michelaraki, George Yannis, Susanne Kaiser, Gerald Furiane, André Lourenço, Geert Wets, Tom Brijs
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2022
Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference
E. Michelaraki , C. Katrakazas, G. Yannis , E. Konstantina Frantzola, F. Kalokathi , S. Kaiser , V. Ross , K. Brijs and T. Brijs
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 7th Humanist Conference, 2021, ISBN 978-2-9531712-6-6
Virginia Petraki, Stella Roussou, Christos Katrakazas, Md Rakibul Alam, Christelle Al Haddad, Constantinos Antoniou, Kris Brijs, Muhammad Adnan, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Roussou S., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Afghari A.P., Papazikou E., Al Haddad C., Alam M. R., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G.
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Eva Michelaraki, Stella Roussou, Christos Katrakazas, Md Rakibul Alam,
Christelle Al Haddad, Constantinos Antoniou, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Michelaraki Eva, Katrakazas Christos, Brijs Tom, Yannis George
Publicado en:
Electronic proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research, 2021
Hellenic Institute of Transport
MAURIELLO, Filomena; BRIJS, Tom; Montella, Alfonso; Galante, Francesco; BRIJS, Kris; ROSS, Veerle
Publicado en:
Online Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Edición Online Proceedings, 2022
Road safety and Simulation Conference
Brijs Tom, Mauriello Filomena, Montella Alfonso, Galante Francesco, Brijs Kris, Ross Veerle
Publicado en:
International Cycling Safety Conference (online), 2021
Lund University
Stella Roussou, Christos Katrakazas, Eva Michelaraki, Christelle Al Haddad,
Md Rakibul Alam, Constantinos Antoniou, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR), Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Eva Michelaraki, Marianthi Kallidoni, Christos Katrakazas, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2022
Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference
Garefalakis T., Roussou S., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Brijs T., Yannis G.
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2023
Online proceedings
Marianthi Kallidoni, Eva Michelaraki, Christos Katrakazas, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2022
Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference
Stella Roussou, Eva Michelaraki, Virginia Petraki, Christos Katrakazas, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Telematics and Driver Behaviour” Workshop, 2023
Telematics and Driver Behaviour” Workshop
Christelle Al Haddad, Kui Yang, George Yannis, Constantinos Antoniou
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, 2020
C.Gruden, M.Šraml, R. Talbot, G.Hancox, K.Brijs, V.Ross, B.De Vos, L.Rodrigues, A.Lourenço, C.Carreiras, T.BrijS
Publicado en:
2nd International Traffic Safety Conference ITSC 2023, 2023, Página(s)
Qatar University
R. E. Amini, E. Michelaraki, C. Katrakazas, C. Al Haddad, B. De Vos, A. Cuenen, G. Yannis, T. Brijs and C. Antoniou
Publicado en:
2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2021, Página(s) 1-6
Kui Yang, Christelle Al Haddad, George Yannis, Constantinos Antoniou.
Publicado en:
2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2021
Kui Yang, Wenjing Zhao, Constantinos Antoniou
Publicado en:
IEEE 23rd International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), Rhodes, Greece, 2020
IEEE Xplore
Eva Michelaraki, Christos Katrakazas, Amir Pooyan Afghari, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Christelle Al Haddad, Kui Yang, Constantinos Antoniou, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Online proceedings of the 8th Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Edición Online proceedings, 2022
Road Safety & Simulation Conference
Michelaraki, Eva; Katrakazas, Christos; Filtness, Ashleigh; Talbot, Rachel; Hancox, Graham; GRUDEN, Chiara; CUENEN, Ariane; BRIJS, Kris; BRIJS, Tom; Yannis, George
Publicado en:
Online Proceedings of the 8th Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, Edición Online Proceedings, 2022
Road Safety and Simulation Conference
M. R. Alam, C. Al Haddad, C. Antoniou, C. Carreiras, Y. Vanrompay and T. Brijs
Publicado en:
2021 7th International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS), 2021, Página(s) 1-6
Eva Michelaraki, Christos Katrakazas, Susanne Kaiser, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2022, ISSN 0001-4575
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Roja Ezzati Amini, Christelle Al Haddad, Debapreet Batabyal, Isidora Gkena, Bart De Vos, Ariane Cuenen, Tom Brijs, Constantinos Antoniou
Publicado en:
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición Vol. 191, October 2023, 107195, 2023, ISSN 0001-4575
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Alam, Rakibul
Batabyal, Debapreet
Yang, Kui
Antoniou, Constantinos
Publicado en:
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición Vol. 190 (September) (Art N° 107155), 2023, ISSN 0001-4575
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Amir Pooyan Afghari, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Fran Pilkington-Cheney, Ashleigh Filtness, Tom Brijs, Kris Brijs, Ariane Cuenen, Bart De Vos, Helene Dirix, Veerle Ross, Geert Wets, André Lourenço, Lourenço Rodrigues
Publicado en:
Analytic Methods in Accident Research, Edición 22136657, 2022, ISSN 2213-6657
Elsevier BV
Eva Michelaraki; Christos Katrakazas; George Yannis; Ashleigh Filtness; Rachel Talbot; Graham Hancox; Fran Pilkington-Cheney; Kris Brijs; Veerle Ross; Hélène Dirix; An Neven; Roeland Paul; Tom Brijs; Petros Fortsakis; Eleni Konstantina Frantzola; Rodrigo Taveira
Publicado en:
Journal of Safety Research, Edición Vol. 77 (2021), 2021, Página(s) 67-85, ISSN 0022-4375
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Bart De Vos, Ariane Cuenen, Veerle Ross, Hélène Dirix, Kris Brijs and Tom Brijs
Publicado en:
Sustainability, Edición 15(6), 2023, Página(s) 5226, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Kui Yang, Christelle Al Haddad, George Yannis, Constantinos Antoniou
Publicado en:
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Edición Volume: 3, 2022, Página(s) 111 - 125, ISSN 2687-7813
Thodoris Garefalakis; Christos Katrakazas; George Yannis
Publicado en:
Sensors, Edición 14248220, 2022, ISSN 1424-8220
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Tom Brijs; Filomena Mauriello; Alfonso Montella; Francesco Galante; Kris Brijs; Veerle Ross
Publicado en:
Accident Analysis and Prevention, Edición 00014575, 2022, ISSN 0001-4575
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Christelle Al Haddad; Mohamed Abouelela; Graham Hancox; Fran Pilkington-Cheney; Tom Brijs; Constantinos Antoniou
Publicado en:
Sustainability; Volume 14; Edición 19; Pages: 12017, Edición 22, 2022, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
Eva Michelaraki, Christos Katrakazas, Amir Pooyan Afghari, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Christelle Al Haddad, Constantinos Antoniou, Tom Brijs, George Yannis
Publicado en:
Journal of Big Data Analytics in Transportation, 2022
Online Proceedongs
Christelle Al Haddad
Publicado en:
Technical University of Munich
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