Wie ein bisschen Licht in exotischen Semimetallen viel Strom erzeugt
Im Jahr 2016 ging der Nobelpreis für Physik an theoretische Physiker. In deren Arbeit wurde nachgewiesen, wie bedeutsam die Topologie für unser Verständnis exotischer Zustände der Materie ist. Topologie ist die Lehre von den Eigenschaften geometrischer Objekte, die ungeachtet von Verformung, Verdrehung und Dehnung erhalten bleiben. Sie kam zum Einsatz, um Dinge wie die reibungsfreie Flüssigkeitsströmung in sehr dünnen Schichten zu erklären. Die Entdeckung einer neuen topologischen Phase der Materie, der sogenannten topologischen Semimetalle, hat große Aufmerksamkeit erregt, da hier bei den Quantenmaterialien Neuland beschritten wird und es Potenzial für völlig neue Anwendungen gibt. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt NonlinearTopo erweitert unser Wissen über diese exotischen Materialien. Schwerpunkt dabei sind nichtlineare optische Phänomene einschließlich der Erzeugung eines enormen Fotostroms, der bei elektrooptischen Bauelementen ausgenutzt werden könnte.
In the past decade, the band-structure topology and related topological materials have been intensively studied mostly by revealing their unique surface states. The current proposal sets a new paradigm by focusing on nonlinear optical phenomena in topological semimetals (TSMs). I aim to investigate the photocurrent and second-harmonic generation, as well as to discover novel nonlinear effects. The strength of TSMs lies in the fact that the giant Berry curvature in their band-crossing regions (e.g. Weyl points) can strongly boost these nonlinear effects, such as inducing a colossal photocurrent. Current understanding of the photocurrent is based on a model that considers the two-band transition within a Weyl cone. In the field of nonlinear optics, however, it is known that the photocurrent largely comes from three-band virtual transitions. Unfortunately, the nonlinear optics theory cannot be simply applied to TSMs due to the unphysical divergence of the photocurrent at band-crossing points. Therefore, I propose to bring the concept of three-band transitions to TSMs by reformulating the photocurrent theory framework. The new methodology represents the challenging and ground-breaking nature of the current proposal. Beyond the optical excitation, I further propose to explore exotic nonlinear electric and thermoelectric phenomena at the zero-frequency limit. I aim to build up a diagnostic tool that explores the nonlinear phenomena in a vast number of real TSM materials and directly probe the bulk topology by investigating their nonlinear properties. For example, my recent results have exposed a new group of Weyl points in a well-known Weyl semimetal by analysing the photocurrent distribution in its band structure. External perturbations can sensitively modify the TSM band structure, hence tune the induced photocurrent. This controllable photocurrent opens the door for novel device concepts, such as an optoelectronic transistor controlled by an external magnetic field.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
ERC-COG - Consolidator GrantGastgebende Einrichtung
7610001 Rehovot