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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Providing air traffic data for the drone revolution


Luftverkehrsplattform sorgt für eine sichere Einführung von Drohnen in unseren Luftraum

Drohnen werden der Wirtschaft und der Gesellschaft erhebliche Vorteile bringen. Ihr Einsatz wird jedoch durch restriktive Luftverkehrsvorschriften und das Fehlen geeigneter Luftverkehrsmanagementsysteme für unbemannte Flugzeuge behindert. Im EU-finanzierten Projekt OneSkyConnect wird eine Plattform ausgearbeitet, mit der Positionsdaten aller Flugobjekte im Luftraum von bodengestützten Empfängern erfasst werden können, wodurch Drohnen den Himmel sicher mit der bemannten Luftfahrt teilen können. Intelligente Luftverkehrsinstrumente und automatische Kollisionsvermeidungswerkzeuge könnten das volle Potenzial von Drohnen in vielen Anwendungsbereichen wie Infrastrukturinspektion, Landwirtschaft, Bergbau, Filmaufnahmen und Katastrophenmanagement erschließen.


Despite the huge potential of drones to disrupt the global economic, civil and social landscape due to their better endurance, range, safety and cost efficiency over manned aircraft, their full deployment is hindered by restrictive air traffic regulations and misfit air traffic management systems, not designed for the new use case of autonomous drones. OneSky is a multi-award winning Swiss company with a mission to safely and efficiently open the sky to all flying objects. OneSky builds the infrastructure allowing tomorrow’s drone revolution, ensuring their safe integration into today’s aviation world. We offer an online platform, which gathers data from a network of scaled-down control towers collecting maximum of information on the position of every flying object in the sky, manned or unmanned. Our technology will allow virtually everybody to see the air traffic surrounding them and take the most appropriate measures. Thus, what OneSky brings to the aviation world is intelligent air traffic instruments and automatic collision avoidance tools, enabling low-risk flight plans and avoidance strategies and creating a safer smarter sky for all. This will unlock the full potential of drones across many sectors such as Infrastructure, agriculture, mining, surveying, film and industry as well as disaster management among other sectors. OneSkyConnect will facilitate the opening up of lower airspace for drone operation unlocking their full potential which will in turn result in massive economic, environmental and social benefits. Professional drone users lose on average €25k per year per drone because of current restrictions. OneSkyConnect will result in the lifting of these restrictions and opening up of the lower airspace for a multitude of drone applications. The use of drones will reduce complexity, optimise costs and create new business opportunities for the operators unlocking a business potential of €120 billion by 2020.

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€ 50 000,00
1003 Lausanne

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Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera Région lémanique Vaud
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€ 71 429,00