CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Minor Universality. Narrative World Productions After Western Universalism


Pluralistische Narrative liefern umfassenderes Bild der Menschheit

Dem EU-finanzierten Projekt Minor Universality liegt die These Chimamanda Ngozi Adichies zugrunde, dass ein einzelnes Narrativ Fehlinterpretationen begünstigt. In ihrem TED-Vortrag formulierte die nigerianische Schriftstellerin den Gedanken, dass pluralistische Narrative ein gerechteres und verbindenderes Bild der Menschheit liefern. Die Autorin referierte über den Einfluss des westlichen Universalismus auf Kulturen, wobei der westliche Ideenkanon als universell gilt, und betonte, dass viele Kulturen unterrepräsentiert sind. Das Projekt Minor Universality soll nun im Nachgang des westlichen Universalismus den Dialog über Universalität anregen. Dabei soll die Rolle von Narrativen im kollektiven Vorstellungshorizont untersucht und der Schwerpunkt auf kulturellen Ausdrucksformen wie Literatur, Film und sozialen Medien liegen.


In her TED Talk 2009 the Nigerian writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie made an argument on „the danger of a single story“. She maintained that only plural narrations do justice to the complexity of humankind: „Stories can break the dignity of a people, but stories can also repair that broken dignity.“ Thus narrations have the power to produce a unifying experience of equal humanity. Minor Universality aims to make a substantial contribution to the debate on the problem of universality after Western universalism. Indeed, the question of how universality can be produced is crucial in times characterised by a double relativistic signature: the necessary critique of Occidental universalism, and identitarian assertions. But how can a shared human horizon be addressed? Here general narratology provides a crucial twist: if it is an anthropological characteristic of the narration to make a claim about the world as a whole starting from a singular setting, narrations create ways of extending concrete contexts towards universality. This can be analyzed in literature, in an epistemic field beyond the book and in social practices being part of global migrations. In contrast to the conceptual debate on World Literature, which addresses the question through canons and legitimacies, this project shifts the debate to narratological problems of world production: with which aesthetic means do contemporary cultural productions such as literatures, films and social media, literary festivals, architectures and museums, open up local settings so as to produce a new sensuous, embodied or intellectual awareness of universality?
Re-expanding the material and medial turns to processes of consciousness and agency, the project is set to have a general impact in comparative literature and cultural studies. It will explore new literacies about the role of narration for civil imaginaries of our world and provide ways to address universality in debates about justice and legitimacy within world society.

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