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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

PLASTtics to be CLEANED by sorting and separation of plastics and subsequent recycling of polymers, bromine flame retardants and antimony trioxide


Project Video 1

Project Video 1. Includes information about PLAST2bCLEANED approach. Related to Task 6.1.

Project Website

Project Website. Provides information and access to papers and any other non-confidential documentation related to the PLAST2bCLEANED project. Related to task 6.1.


Four project newsletters published.Includes information on the progress and developments of PLAST2bCLEANED.Related to task 6.1.

Project Video 2

Project Video 2.Includes information about PLAST2bCLEANED results.Related to Task 6.2.

E-learning Materials

E-Learning Materials for the project capacity building.Included:Interactive training videos; PowerPoint presentations; based on previous experience and feedback from workshops focusing particularly on knowledge transfer of PLAST2bCLEANED solutions and opportunities. The e-Learning materials will be available on the project website. Related to task 6.5.2.

Formulation for an end-user application

Formulation for an end-user application.Included:- Selection of end user application;- Assessment of the applicability of the purified plastic in production.Related to Task 4.3.

V3 Dissemination and communication plan

Dissemination and communication plan V3Outline of the projects audiences key messages and communication channels for the dissemination The plan will answer the questions WHO WHAT WHEN HOW and provide an integrated accurate and efficient dissemination strategy Related to task 61

V2 Dissemination and communication plan

Dissemination and communication plan V2Outline of the projects audiences key messages and communication channels for the dissemination The plan will answer the questions WHO WHAT WHEN HOW and provide an integrated accurate and efficient dissemination strategy Related to task 61

Route map for exploitation, ecodesign and standardization recommendations

Route map for exploitation, eco-design and standardization recommendations to the consortium and the stakeholders across the whole value chain.Related to Task 6.5.This deliverable consist of one white paper (T6.5.1) and one roadmap (T6.5.1) and recommendation for ecodesign and standardisation. (T6.5.4).

Limitations, barriers, standards for using recycled polymers.

Report on relevant legislation, regulations and standards. Identification of legal limitations on the use of recycled polymers in new products. Special attention will be paid to REACH, POP and RoHS regulations. Related to Task 1.1.

Stakeholder Engagement Actions

Overview on stakeholder engagement actions.Inlcuded:- list of stakeholders including plastics and FR producers, WEEE recyclers and end-users. - involvement of stakeholders along the value chain from the beginning of the project to raise awareness about PLAST2bCLEANED technologies.Related to task 6.2.

Goal & scope and recycling route and references

Definition of goal & scope and recycling route and references. The scope will include the collection, transportation, separation, pre-treatment, processing and treatment of plastic waste streams including the (avoided) production of plastics, additives and energy. As a part of the definition the Functional Unit will be defined, taking into account the system boundary. Life Cycle Assessment chosen. Related to Taks 5.1.

V1 Dissemination and communication plan

Dissemination and communication plan V1. Outline of the project’s audiences, key messages and communication channels for the dissemination. The plan will “answer” the questions WHO? WHAT? WHEN? HOW? and provide an integrated, accurate and efficient dissemination strategy. Related to Task 6.1.


Exploitation workshop 2 of PLAST2bCLEANED (related to task 6.5.3).Presentation of results of PLAST2bCLEANED to relevant stakeholders.

Policy brief

Letter containing a summary of PLAST2bCLEANED technology, a description of possible barriers of PLAST2bCLEANED technology and an advice for politicians how to overcome these barriers.

Technical datasheet of the purified polymer

Technical datasheet of the recovered purified polymer. Related to Task 4.2.

Workshop 1 Plast2bCLEANED

Exploitation workshop of PLAST2bCLEANED (related to task 6.5.3).Presentation of results of PLAST2bCLEANED to relevant stakeholders.

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