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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Composite tooling for business jet lower wing stiffened panel manufacturing

Description du projet

Un nouvel outil améliorera la fabrication des structures de l’aile inférieure en composite des avions d’affaires

La construction aéronautique implique la production de composants de très grande taille, qui requièrent à leur tour des outils et des moules complexes et de grande taille. Les ailes des avions modernes sont fabriquées à partir de panneaux composites à parois minces qui comprennent des raidisseurs intégrés pour soutenir l’aile et empêcher le flambage et pour transférer la charge aérodynamique de manière appropriée. Le projet COMBUSS, financé par l’UE, développe l’outillage spécialisé nécessaire à la fabrication des raidisseurs et des panneaux de la structure inférieure des ailes des avions d’affaires. L’équipe vise une éco-conception et des processus de fabrication simplifiés qui permettront de réduire les coûts, la consommation d’énergie et le temps de production.


The aim of the COMBUSS project is to develop, design, manufacture and deliver to the Topic Manager facilities, all the prototype subcomponent manufacturing tooling needed to manufacture the stiffeners and panel of lower wing (including all auxiliary tools). COMBUSS project will design the tooling system which will incorporate self-heated capability with multiple heating zones and advanced thermal management.

The activities will start with the provision of definitions and specifications by the Topic Manager (TM). The mould materials will be optimised for long life and improved productivity. It will feature built-in quality assurance tools to guarantee reliable processing of the selected material systems according to technical specifications. After the TM’s approval of the design, the tool will be fabricated, checked for conformance with the specification, transported to the TM premises and commissioned. The partners will provide full documentation on the tooling system and its use and will support the TM with the demonstrator fabrication.

The COMBUSS system, as the main output of the project, will be realized in line with the “most innovative expectations” of the call, as it will present a comprehensive tooling solution for improved cost (tooling materials and manufacturing method), eco-design (out-of-autoclave processing, low thermal mass and easy modification of tooling, waste reduction in process), energy savings (self-heating and multi-zone configuration of tooling), manufacturing process simplification (robust process thermal control), production time savings (faster heating rates, cure process optimization) and Aeronautical quality standards (on-line quality control) in composites manufacturing. The COMBUSS system is intended to be used directly at the flight-worthy demonstrator at the Topic Manager premises as a first step of the system exploitation.

Régime de financement

CS2-IA - Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 330 019,38
83046 Lacedonia Av

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Sud Campania Avellino
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 471 456,26

Participants (2)