CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

International network for Leveraging sUccessful Cultural heritage Innovations and Diplomacy, cApacity building and awaREness raising


Co-creation and capacity building toolkit

Co-creation and capacity building toolkit: version 1 and final version (M36)

Report on different activities synergies with national, EU and international projects

Thematic report on different activities synergies with H2020 as well as other national EU and international projects These report will cover the different activities in ILUCIDARE where synergies were setup with other H2020 projects including but not limited to Playground activities Capacity Buildings Communication activities

Implementation guidelines for capacity buildings

Implementation guidelines for capacity buildings for CH-led innovation and diplomacy in T4.1

Evaluation report on co-creation atelier

Evaluation report on co-creation atelier with main findings on effectiveness of methodology

Starters-kit based on ILUCIDARE Innovation Handbook and International Relations Display

Starterskit based on ILUCIDARE Innovation Handbook and International Relations Display with illustrated case studies which cover best practices including EU FP7 and H2020 funded projects and results

Overview report on regulatory, economic and technical barriers for CH-led development in Europe

Overview report on regulatory, economic and technical barriers for CH-led development in Europe

Evaluation report including a process description of each capacity building and overall lessons learned
Roadmap for capacity buildings aimed at heritage-led innovations and International Relations

Roadmap for capacity buildings aimed at heritageled innovations and International Relations

Capacity building and training modules for CH-led innovation and diplomacy
Report on impact on a global market for heritage-led sustainable innovation

Report on impact on a global market for heritageled sustainable innovation

Report on ILUCIDARE days and challenge
Process report on ILUCIDARE special prizes within the European Heritage Awards/Europa Nostra Awards

Process report on ILUCIDARE special prizes within the European Heritage AwardsEuropa Nostra Awards

Report on coaching session approach

Report in the form of guidelines on methodology of coaching session approach

Procedures and criteria that will be used to identify/recruit research participants
Report on improved cross-fertilization between the corresponding EU and UN policies and actions relevant to CH

Report on improved crossfertilization between the corresponding EU and UN policies and actions relevant to CH

First activity plan for AB

To enable and manage the involvement of the AB members in the project activities.

Stakeholders analysis

Stakeholders analysis: this report will include the findings of the mapping exercise

Governance structures, policy advice and advocacy report

Governance structures policy advice and advocacy report

ILUCIDARE International Relations (diplomacy) Display

ILUCIDARE International Relations diplomacy Display

ILUCIDARE Innovation Handbook
Project Communication strategy
Communication video 1, 2, 3

Communication video 1, 2, 3: in M12, M24, M36

Project web portal

KEA will develop the project website with the help of a professional web designer. The website will be updated regularly with inputs from KEA and project partners. The website will include a log in and access to a reserved area for project partners to store and retrieve useful internal documents. The website will also provide a user-friendly interface.

Communication video 2
ILUCIDARE Booth results are online

the ILUCIDARE Booth results from Playground 2 December 2021 and 3 March 2022 will be online on a dedicated webpage in the ILUCIDARE resource section on the ILUCIDARE website

Communication video 3
first ILUCIDARE Dare to Learn clip

the first ILUCIDARE Dare to Learn clip will be online

Report on CH-led innovation and diplomacy

Report in the form of as systemic framework and guidelines on CH-led innovation and diplomacy with models, mechanism, strategies and technologies according to PESTLE components

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