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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

High Resolution Copernicus-Based Information Services at Sea for Ports and Aquaculture


Updated Service Level Agreement

For the demonstration cases auditing actions based on the previously defined auditing procedures Task 54 will be performed in order to assess the system reliability and to identify any problem that may affect the system As a result of these audits beyond the identification of the aspects that may need improvements it will also be possible to get the information about the service level agreement SLA accomplishment The ability of being able to commit with an agreed SLA with the clients including quality availability and responsibilities are of the major importance for the services success There will be two deliverables in totalThis will be the second one

Data Management Plan

The data governance approaches should cover the following topics: - Define data management strategies. Historical maintenance, data formats, meta-data, etc. For instance the issue of the management of the historical data (what to keep, for how long, with which level of accessibility) is an issue that is a common ground of discussion between the service providers; - Data access procedures: import data, point to original data sources, caching levels, etc. It includes EO data and environmental data retrieval for the entire project. The data will be adapted and pre-processed when needed to feed the service operation with needed inputs; - Big data issue approaches: how to manage the large data sets that will be available daily; - Data integration and fusion: merge of different data sources, build best available data sets, fuse different data sources to produce derived data sets, etc.; - Data privacy policy: methods to ensure the rules established by the data owners are effectively observed); - Data quality control

Plan for operation and maintenance

The task will develop and implement a plan for the operation and maintenance of the services to be produced during the projects lifetime It aims to ensure that the services are compliant with the H2020 Open Access policy and the recommendations of the Open Research Data pilot In this context the task will be responsible for the development of the projects Data Management Plan DMP that will outline how research data will be processed or generated within the project what methodology and standards will be adopted whether and how this data will be shared andor made open and how this data will be curated and preserved during and after the project The task will ensure effective implementation of the enduser services and will control its performance in an efficient manner such that economical sustainable and reliable operation is optimized This will contribute to optimum performance and reliability of the system through translating the user requirements and recommendations into specific guidelines that can be applied in the users practices

Service Level Agreement

For the demonstration cases auditing actions based on the previously defined auditing procedures (Task 5.4) will be performed in order to assess the system reliability and to identify any problem that may affect the system. As a result of these audits, beyond the identification of the aspects that may need improvements; it will also be possible to get the information about the service level agreement (SLA) accomplishment. The ability of being able to commit with an agreed SLA with the clients, including quality, availability and responsibilities, are of the major importance for the services success. There will be two deliverables in total.This will be the first one.

Integration of external data Sources

The HiSea operational system makes use of these different “data sources”. These data sources primarily include Copernicus data sources and other external data that is being collected locally or remotely or external model results. In order for the platform to be able to properly “talk” with these different data sources specific plugins for each data will be set up. A relevant and innovative aspect of the HiSea is its capability to import any type of data and use the different data sources to automatically build what is commonly called the “best available information”. This aspect contributes to increase the service reliability and resilience once if for some unexpected circumstance a data source is not available, the system is capable to use an alternative source. Usually the systems have a rank of data source priority and it always tries to use the data from the highest rank. In case of unavailability, it tries the next one and so on.

Report on end-users’ needs and requirements

Partners will extensively map end-users’ activities, interests, data and information. Different users and stakeholders with interests and business in the addressed target groups will be contacted and informed on the service capacities and potential benefits for their activity. Link to WP2. There will be two deliverables in total.This will be the first one.

Updated Data Management Plan

The data governance approaches should cover the following topics: - Define data management strategies. Historical maintenance, data formats, meta-data, etc. For instance the issue of the management of the historical data (what to keep, for how long, with which level of accessibility) is an issue that is a common ground of discussion between the service providers; - Data access procedures: import data, point to original data sources, caching levels, etc. It includes EO data and environmental data retrieval for the entire project. The data will be adapted and pre-processed when needed to feed the service operation with needed inputs; - Big data issue approaches: how to manage the large data sets that will be available daily; - Data integration and fusion: merge of different data sources, build best available data sets, fuse different data sources to produce derived data sets, etc.; - Data privacy policy: methods to ensure the rules established by the data owners are effectively observed); - Data quality control (dealing with different data providers the question of the data quality control for instance is quite relevant once the users will be expecting that the data provided by the service is reliable). There will be two deliverables in total.This will be the second one.

Updated report on end-users' needs and requirements

Partners will extensively map endusers activities interests data and information Different users and stakeholders with interests and business in the addressed target groups will be contacted and informed on the service capacities and potential benefits for their activity Link to WP2 There will be two deliverables in totalThis will be the second one

Report on Port and Aquaculture users

The objective of this task is to demonstrate the system with real users acting in the two target selected business casesPorts The Port of Valencia will act as the demonstration case Port activities generate commercial and economic growth Many ports are regulated by environmental policies The demonstration of the services will help ports to be more efficient in terms of environmental health and cost reduction supporting internal emergency and contingency plans The service will be demonstrated to several other port end usersAquaculture Selonda group is presenting its fish farm in Selonda Bay as the demonstration case However Selonda would also implement HiSea at different sites within its entity The choice of aquaculture sites aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of the service and simultaneously guarantee that the service is relevant to other potential users The services offered by HiSea will be demonstrated to other potential users in the aquaculture sector throughout the European Seas

Final report on the users feedback

The task will gather feedback from users and analysis and identify points and ways forward in the process and possible adjustment The task will be carried out throughout the whole project in iterative way to ensure that the users community requirements are met at all stages of the project and to facilitate the uptake of their needs and requirements in the process to confirm their uptake in the ongoing improvement of the services and its usefulness and value to the users themselves The users opinion is of prime importance to adjust the way the services are being provided and getting wider acceptance This deliverable will be the final report of four deliverables in total

Operational modelling procedures

In the framework of this deliverable the necessary actions to import model forecasts will be defined, existing providers (e.g. Copernicus Service, GFS, etc.) identified and, where necessary, the required operational ‘chain’ of models to run in the platform (hydrodynamics, waves, oil dispersion, biogeochemical). All these model results will be made available through the HiSea platform. These results will be later implemented in the framework of WP5.

Report on State of the art

Make an assessment of the current state of the art relating existent similar services; scan all potential data sources (including satellite/Copernicus data, in-situ systems, and online models) and identifying and assessing data gaps. Determine feasibility and availability of current archived satellite data. Also determine in-situ observations that may be required to support the validation process.

Periodic report for the technical review

The Innovation Manager will make periodic reports to all partners on the activities/outcomes/decisions arising from task 7.5: IPR management & technology transfer. It will include web-based tables covering issues related to the project implementation such as work packages, deliverables, milestones, etc. Additionally, answers to the questionnaire about the economic and social impact, especially as measured against the Horizon 2020 key performance indicators and monitoring requirement will be explained. An explanations of the work carried out by all beneficiaries and linked third parties during the reporting period and an overview of the progress towards the project objectives, justifying the differences between work expected under Annex I and work actually performed, if any are given.

Initial report on the users feedback

The deliverable will gather feedback from users and analysis and identify points and ways forward in the process and possible adjustment. The task will be carried out throughout the whole project in iterative way to ensure that the user’s community requirements are met at all stages of the project and to facilitate the uptake of their needs and requirements in the process, to confirm their uptake in the on-going improvement of the services and its usefulness and value to the users themselves. The users’ opinion is of prime importance to adjust the way the services are being provided and getting wider acceptance. This deliverable will be the first report of four deliverables in total.

Interim report 2 on the users feedback

The task will gather feedback from users and analysis and identify points and ways forward in the process and possible adjustment. The task will be carried out throughout the whole project in iterative way to ensure that the user’s community requirements are met at all stages of the project and to facilitate the uptake of their needs and requirements in the process, to confirm their uptake in the on-going improvement of the services and its usefulness and value to the users themselves. The users’ opinion is of prime importance to adjust the way the services are being provided and getting wider acceptance. This deliverable will be the third report of four deliverables in total.

HiSea auditing procedures manual

The maintenance of a complex service chain such as the one that is being proposed requires the definition and maintenance of periodic audits to the system in order to adopt the required corrective and preventive measures that arrive after the analysis of the failures records or inefficiency records. The objective of this deliverable is to define appropriate auditing procedures aiming to keep a continuous verification of the service quality. These auditing procedures will take into consideration specific requirements to improve the quality of the services following three steps: 1) procedures; 2) indicators for each procedure and 3) quantification of each indicator.

Guideline for communication flow

The communication flow will be bottom-up and top-down through the typical communication methods such as: meetings, e-mail, phone, etc. In particular a cooperative working method using a website will be established. The system will be organized with a structure in which all participants can leave and download information to and from the different WPs and tasks according to their role and responsibilities. Passwords will be generated to all partners as well as to the EC. Minutes and guidelines will be made available through the internal communication system.

Establishing governance structure

The Governance structure will be implemented in line with the management structure (see 3.2.1), which defines the roles, responsibilities and activities of the different committees and other decision rules. The Coordinator will be responsible for the coordination of the different WPs and scientific and technical aspects of the project. For this purpose, the Coordinator will be supported by a RTD Manager, Innovation Manager and an Administrative Manager. Together they form the Project Executive. The Coordinator will also be responsible for the day to day com¬munications with the European Commission (EC), all technical, administrative, financial, ethical and legal issues as well as for the management of the knowledge. WPs leaders will be in charge of the coordination of their WPs and task leaders will be responsible for the coordination of their respective tasks. The Coordinator will be the chairman of the General Assembly and the Project Executive.

HiSea backend architecture guidelines

Currently the existent backend platforms (including the ones being proposed here FEWS and AQUASAFE) work in more “traditional” workstation environments. By moving to a cloud based system will need some adjustments in the overall architecture, but will allow moving to the next level of micro services concept based on docker containers. This approach will make the platforms independent of the infrastructure supporting an easy deployment in a cloud environment such as DIAS but also enabling the services to run in any type of operating system (Linux or Windows). This task will be focused on defining the backend design and assessing the required work to achieve this goal.

High resolution model requirements and specifications

Set up new models or refine existing models for the user areas according to user needs Improve modelling for water quality parameter by calibrating models with existing data at the user cases

A final communication and marketing report

A communication and Marketing plan will be finalised in consultation with other partners in M3 defining key messages positioning statements and target audiences and selecting appropriate tools and channels including relevant conferences and events to meet the information needs of the target audiences This plan will be divided between activities to be carried out by Agora for marketing on a Europewide basis and activities to be carried out by individual partners within their own countries and local stakeholder networks Partners will provide information for communication and marketing both by Agora and at partner national levels The plan will be updated annually and a media monitoring report will be consolidated Towards the end of the project a marketing report and a sustainability plan will be delivered

Report on the ethics requirements related to collection, storage and processing of personal data

This deliverable will address the requirements related to collection, storage and processing of personal data. The document will include the main issues (e.g. obtaining ethical approvals for the collection of personal data by the competent National Data Protection authority) that need to be taken into account by the partners when dealing with the data protection and privacy aspects. This document will also provide guidance for the identification of the privacy and data protection aspects and how such issues need to be dealt with in the project along with a description of the measures that need to be taken in order to comply with the relevant EU rules.

Report on the uses cases

The services requirements user stories will be translated into use cases to identify user requirements and translate them when necessary in operational and performances requirements The objective is to keep a validation process with the users so that they can validate the use cases definition before the final and complete definition of the user stories

A mix of communication tools

A communication and Marketing plan will be finalised in consultation with other partners in M3 defining key messages positioning statements and target audiences and selecting appropriate tools and channels including relevant conferences and events to meet the information needs of the target audiences This plan will be divided between activities to be carried out by Agora for marketing on a Europewide basis and activities to be carried out by individual partners within their own countries and local stakeholder networks Partners will provide information for communication and marketing both by Agora and at partner national levels The plan will be updated annually and a media monitoring report will be consolidated Towards the end of the project a marketing report and a sustainability plan will be delivered

Report on technical requirements for the service platform

The use case scenarios are analysed and translated into platform requirements as soon as they are described. Functional, robustness and stress requirements will provide top level services description in line with use cases description and data governance. These requirements are described without any consideration of the HiSea platform architecture to ensure an end-to-end services definition.

HiSea frontend drafts

The service frontend (e.g. desktop, web, mobile) is a key component of any service. Through the frontend users have access to the service. So its level of acceptance is closely related with the service capability to properly answer to the user’s questions but also with its design and effectiveness. In this context this is a critical service component that must be developed in close cooperation with potential users to ensure that the required functionalities are integrated and that the information is delivered in the most comprehensive way (e.g. content, formats, design, etc.). This task will be focused on preparing some service mock-ups (e.g. web and mobile clients) to enable an informed exchange of ideas with different potential users that lead to a first draft of how the services looks like.

Data processing algorithms

The work within this deliverable will start by defining in detail the Big Data processing functionality required by the platform to support users Requirements will be defined for three broad categories of functionality data management data mining and realtime stream processing The partners will identify all the sources of data both internal and external that will be handled by the platform For internal data sources the partners will specify the expected data characteristics format data rate and transfer method eg streaming or batch uploads For external data sources the partners will also specify volume and access method Expected future data sources will also be considered Once the data sources have been identified and described in technical detail the partners will specify the types of storage methods and tools employed for storing and processing this data distributed file systems keyvalue databases document databases etc the types of preprocessing performed on data from each source and the interface between data management layer and the higher services layer including the types of queries and aggregations supported by the data management layerThe partners will identify the type of machine learning and data mining tasks involved in producing the secondary data to be provided to the various stakeholders Also the relevant data sources and define appropriate features for each data mining task Classifications labels on training datasets will be provided for supervised learning tasks The partners will address issues such as concept drift and will define clear and realistic performance goals such as accuracy and recall for each data mining taskThe partners will specify the realtime alerts to be detected by the platform Exact performance goals will be set for each alert including false positive and false negative rates and detection latency The relevant data sources will be specified and triggering conditions and thresholds will be set for each alert The partners will consider employing machine learning when conditions or threshold for triggering an alert are not clear

Minutes of General Assembly

The Project Executive (PE) will be responsible for continuous risk management (i.e. technical, financial and administrative risk) and for an effective implementation of the contingency plan, which will be periodically reviewed. After each major stage of the project, the PE will conduct a risk assessment of the achieved results and determine in advance if a correction action should be carried out for the next stages. This includes (i) reporting any minor deviations from the project plan to the General Assembly (GA); (ii) implementing the GA recommendations in the contingency plan associated with the specific WP in question; (iii) drafting additional or alternative contingency plans, if needed, together with other relevant persons (e.g. the WP Leader in question; (iv) communicating the conclusions from the GA, regarding the revised strategies, to all project members, and include them in the project plan; and (v) in the event of more serious problems, convene with the GA the best route forward; the Coordinator w

Report on sustainable supply chain

The deliverable focuses on establishing the most operational supply chain in terms of data information flow through the platform. This deliverable will analyse the potential to improve the operational performance of algorithms and workflows to provide HiSea services as well as process and display data. It will generate operational components, which are required for the service provision, such as metadata sheets, quick looks and quality descriptions. In order to make the service ready to be integrated into client’s workflows and day to day work activities, customized solutions to the platforms are provided. Further making sure that tools developed integrate with client operation procedures, workflows and security requirements. Provide user administrative functions and organizations administrative functions.

Interim report 1 on the users feedback

The task will gather feedback from users and analysis and identify points and ways forward in the process and possible adjustment. The task will be carried out throughout the whole project in iterative way to ensure that the user’s community requirements are met at all stages of the project and to facilitate the uptake of their needs and requirements in the process, to confirm their uptake in the on-going improvement of the services and its usefulness and value to the users themselves. The users’ opinion is of prime importance to adjust the way the services are being provided and getting wider acceptance. This deliverable will be the second report of four deliverables in total.

Marketing Material

Two project leaflets will be produced in English one presenting the projects main elements at the beginning and another summarising project achievements at the end to be distributed through partners networks and at relevant conferences and events and translated as necessary by partners for local usePress releases on the project and its results will be written in English They will be sent to the European press and national journalists the latter with the help of partnersPopular articles written by participants for nonspecialists will also be placed in relevant international and national magazines for relevant audiences eg consumer magazines using Open Access to ensure articles are accessible to everyoneAn infographic explaining the technology of advanced robotics as applied in precision agriculture for a general public audience will be produced and translated as necessary by partners for local useA social media presence will be established to ensure wider marketing and reach target audiences and drive traffic to the HiSea website

Service Tools Prototype I

This deliverable consists of the development of different tools that may provide are meant to be used by the service users in order to tailor customized derived products adapted to their needs. At the most basic level, a toolset of statistical methods will be provided to extract means, limits, trends, patterns, etc. in order to deliver uniform, easy to use forecast information both to generic users and premium services alike. On top of this layer, a customizable engine will allow the combination of these outcomes under the form of more complex events, facilitating the composition of triggering rules for notifications and reports on meaningful events for the users. There will be two deliverables in total.This will be the first one.

Service Routing and Deployment Prototype II

Services of HiSea will be realized on top of Docker as described in T51 As such they will be available as independent services micro services which can be used by the clients of T52 Task 54 will interconnect those micro services using a service routing approach which will most likely be handled via a reverse proxy such as Traefik httpstraefikio The component will ensure that requests from clients are reaching the correct services The task will also shield all services via an HTTPS layer and it will allow the detection of attacks Additionally services will be monitored for their availability As soon as a service becomes unavailable new services instances will be deployed via T55 and team members will be notified There will be two deliverables in totalThis will be the second one

A project identity and specific project website

A corporate identity for HiSea will be created to ensure a common graphic line (project leaflet, website, mobile app, presentation templates etc.) for all communications material produced by the consortium. A specific website for the project will be set-up and maintained by Agora for the duration of the project and for a further 3 years after the project completion. After three years it will be owned and eventually maintained by the Consortium. Its structure will be: i) An external website (accessible to everyone) that will be the main information resource of the project (describing project objectives, partners, work areas and results), coordinated by Agora and updated with the help of all partners. An external website (accessible to everyone) that will be the main information resource of the project (describing project objectives, work areas, results and partners), coordinated by Agora and updated with the help of the participating partners. ii) An additional internal platform or extranet (restricted area),

Service Routing and Deployment Prototype I

Services of HiSea will be realized on top of Docker as described in T5.1. As such, they will be available as independent services (“micro services”), which can be used by the clients of T5.2. Task 5.4 will interconnect those micro services using a service routing approach, which will most likely be handled via a reverse proxy such as Traefik ( The component will ensure that requests from clients are reaching the correct services. The task will also shield all services via an HTTPS layer and it will allow the detection of attacks. Additionally, services will be monitored for their availability. As soon as a service becomes unavailable, new services instances will be deployed via T5.5 and team members will be notified. There will be two deliverables in total.This will be the first one.

Service Tools Prototype II

This task consists of the development of different tools that may provide are meant to be used by the service users in order to tailor customized derived products adapted to their needs At the most basic level a toolset of statistical methods will be provided to extract means limits trends patterns etc in order to deliver uniform easy to use forecast information both to generic users and premium services alike On top of this layer a customizable engine will allow the combination of these outcomes under the form of more complex events facilitating the composition of triggering rules for notifications and reports on meaningful events for the users There will be two deliverables in totalThis will be the second one

Outline of ORDP

The data governance approaches should cover the following topics: Define data management strategies. Historical maintenance, data formats, meta-data, etc. For instance the issue of the management of the historical data (what to keep, for how long, with which level of accessibility) is an issue that is a common ground of discussion between the service providers; Data access procedures: import data, point to original data sources, caching levels, etc. It includes EO data and environmental data retrieval for the entire project. The data will be adapted and pre-processed when needed to feed the service operation with needed inputs; Big data issue approaches: how to manage the large data sets that will be available daily; Data integration and fusion: merge of different data sources, build best available data sets, fuse different data sources to produce derived data sets, etc.; Data privacy policy: methods to ensure the rules established by the data owners are effectively observed); Data quality control (deal


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