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Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - INNOWWIDE (Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets)

Berichtszeitraum: 2020-07-01 bis 2021-07-31

INNOWWIDE aims to bring European highly innovative SMEs to the forefront of international markets by prototyping and shaping a new and unique financial scheme -Viability Assessment Projects (VAPs)-, targeted to design and assess the technical, financial and commercial viability of new business models or new business units (product-country packages) based on co-creation and international open innovation.

VAPs will be ideally implemented in a target pilot third country (pilot & landing market) in close cooperation with local stakeholders and potential partners in future RTDI colaborative projects. Two VAP calls, with a total budget of 7,2M€, will allow to fund 120 VAPs (60k€/VAP) targeting in an evenly distributed way developing countries, large emerging economies and developed countries.
The first reporting period (M1-M9) comprised:

1. The fine-tuning of the proposed instrument, in particular its scope, main features and eligibility and admissibility conditions

2. The preparation and rolling out of the procedural framework for the launch and implementation of the first call, including the call and internal processes supporting documentation and workflows, the proposal submission platform and the allocation of human resources, in particular external experts selection and recruitment, in close alignment with H2020 specific rules and guidelines on financial support to third parties.

3. The preparation and launch of the dissemination and communication campaign for the first call including webinars, infodays, keynote speeches in congresses, trade fairs and symposia, workshops, social media contributions, project webpage launching, posters and brochures etc.

4. The design and implementation of an ex-ante counterfactual impact assessment at call closing date to allow for a comprehensive sutdy on both selected proposals and rejected ones (control group), and basic design of the overall impact assessment conceptual framework.

5. The final design of the External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) mandate and Terms of Reference and the selection and recruitment of high level potential candidates.

6. The monitoring of critical risks occurence and implementation of appropriate contingency plans and the innovation management within the consortium, with specific brainstormng sessions for the conceptual optimization of the VAP instrument, the design of the impact assessment framework and streamlined call management procedures.

Along the second reporting period (M10-M18) the followng work was carried out:

1. Signature of all Grant Agreements of the first 50 top ranked proposals from the first call for proposal.

2. INNOWWIDE Call 2 design, improvement, launch and wide dissemination and promotion.

3. INNOWWIDE Call 2 was started (Stage 1), and almost finished (Stage 2). It was finally completed early July, with the provisional ranked list approved by the General Assembly, conditioned to the result of the Ethics clearance (Stage 2 Step 5). The outcome of the Call 2 has been excellent; 597 proposals were submitted (nearly 50% more than in the first call), and after the eligibility check 439 proposals (similar percentage as in Call 1) passed to the evaluation process.

4. The External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB) members were selected, and they were invited to join the INNOWWIDE General Assembly tele meeting held in July, 15th.

5. Several trilateral EC-Eureka-INNOWWIDE dialogues within the frame of Eureka specific HLG and Plenary sessions. An important policy related online meeting was held in July with different EC Directorates and Eureka staff to look for the future prospects of INNOWWIDE in Horizon Europe.

6. Management of COVID-19 related incidences in ongoing INNOWWIDE Call-1 funded VAPs. Nearly 30% of them asked for changes in their work plans, mainly suspesnsion / extension in their end dates and in their travel plans; most managed to set up and deploy contingency plans, mostly entailing online meetings, demos and alike. The majority of them did it by June, 30th.

Right after this second reporting period, in September 2020, all Call 2 contract negotiations concluded and all Call 1 funded VAPs Final Reports reviews were carried out, with just a very small delay in the execution of INNOWWIDE CSA.

Concerning the Reporting Period M19-M31 (July 2020 - July 2021) the most relevant activities performed were:

1. The INNOWWIDE Call 2 evaluation was concluded (early July 2020) and all its contracts signed (September-October 2020)

2. INNOWWIDE Call-1 VAPs implementation was monitored and all final payments were allocated (up to April 2021)

3. INNOWWIDE Call-2 VAPs implementation was monitored and all final payments were allocated (up to July 2021)

4. The INNOWWIDE Call-2 ex ante impact assessment and Call-1 and Call-2 ex post impact assessment were carried out, with specific focus and control groups sessions with successful and unsuccessful applicants

5. The INNOWWIDE D&C follow-up strategy was designed and deployed

6. The INNOWWIDE External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) met three times (July 2020, April 2021, and June 2021) and reported at the INNOWWIDE Final Event in July 2021

7. There were continuous, bimonthly joint meetings between the Eureka Representatives (7 out of them members of the INNOWWIDE Consortium) and the EC ones to discuss about INNOWWIDE implementation, impact and follow up within Horizon Europe.

Main cumulative results achieved by M31 are:

1. Successful implementation of both INNOWWIDE Call 1 and Call 2 with nearly one thousand applicant SMEs in total, coming from almost all over the EU and Associated States (35 countries involved) and targeting nearly 65 third countries worlwide, with a fairly balance amongst country groups (developed, emerging, developing)

2. Timely signature and implementation of all Call 1 and Call2 expected contracts (120)

3. Intensive D&C with relevant impacts in social media, project webpage and webinars and events attendance (see specific section on D&C statistics)

4. Relevant stakeholder ex ante conclusions on the interest, usefulness and optimal design and impact of the VAP instrument both in Call 1 and Call 2 (specific surveys conducted in both cases amongst applicants and beneficiaries. Focus groups surveys and counterfactual analysis -contrast groups- conducted

5. Robust, fine tuned, ex post quantitative & qualitative impact assessment methodology used for INNOWWIDE Calls. Outstanding results come out and presented at the INNOWWIDE Final Event

6. Solid and stable institutional policy dialogue with significant EC (DGs, SFIC) and international (Eureka Initiative and related Member Countries) bodies / stakeholders (EEAB)
The proposed VAP model builds on previous experience and detected gaps worldwide. It is a brand new comprehensive solution including in a balanced and flexible way technology uptake facilitation and Marketing and practical prospection.

Expected impacts include:

- Economic growth, competitiveness and job creation, both in Europe and in the target countries. Win-win collaborative innovative product & market development schemes with third country counterparts meeting local needs

- Societal and environmental benefits by preemption of environmental and social criteria at proposal evaluation stage

- Excellence and participation in international value chains

-R&I policy conclusions based on better connections and larger insights into market conditions outside Europe
INNOWWIDE workshop in Germany April 2019
INNOWWIDE roadshow in Bulgaria
INNOWWIDE infoday in Seville (Spain) April 2019
INNOWWIDE consortium meeting atThe Hague July 2019