CORDIS fornisce collegamenti ai risultati finali pubblici e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti ORIZZONTE.
I link ai risultati e alle pubblicazioni dei progetti del 7° PQ, così come i link ad alcuni tipi di risultati specifici come dataset e software, sono recuperati dinamicamente da .OpenAIRE .
Risultati finali
Documment summarising main conclusions from R&I policy discussions.
“INNOWWIDE Call for proposals” guide for applicants"Document gathering the released ""Guide for applicants"" in the frame of the calls."
Final Dissemination, Communication and Outreach Plan (DCOP)Final version of the DCOP.
Interim report on dissemination and exploitation activitiesSummary of activities done so far for dissemination and exploitation.
Interim report on “INNOWWIDE Policy Working Group” activitiesSummary of main actions carried out in collaboration with the project working group.
Impact assessment report at European levelSummary of the evaluation exercise at European level.
Impact assessment report at International levelSummary of the evaluation exercise at international level.
“INNOWWIDE Call for proposals” implementation reportSummary of main actions carried out for calls implementation.
Final report on “INNOWWIDE Policy Working Group” activitiesUpdate of main actions carried out in collaboration with the project working group.
“INNOWWIDE Call for proposals”- Call 1 interim reportDocument summarising the progress of the first call for proposals.
Initial Dissemination, Communication and Outreach Plan (DCOP)First version of the DCOP.
“INNOWWIDE Call for proposals”- Call 2 final reportDocument summarising the second call for proposals.
First Call Promotion and Stakeholder Mobilization Activities ReportSummary of mobilisation and promotion activities for the first call.
“INNOWWIDE Call for proposals”- Call 1 final reportDocument summarising the first call for proposals.
Second Call Promotion and Stakeholder Mobilization Activities ReportSummary of mobilisation and promotion activities for the second call.
Report on contributions to H2020 and EC Knowledge databasesSummary of actions involving H2020 and EC KDB.
“INNOWWIDE Call for proposals”- Call 2 interim reportDocument summarising the progress of the second call for proposals.
Document summarising how research data will be handled in the frame of the project.
Interim Data Management planSubsequent version of the first draft of the data management plan.
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