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ENHANCing Human Performance in Complex Socio-Technical SystEms


Ausbildung der Besatzung zur Verringerung von Unfällen auf See

Menschliches Versagen ist für drei Viertel aller Unfälle auf See verantwortlich. Deshalb muss sichergestellt werden, dass die Besatzungen zur Bewältigung komplexer Aufgaben fähig sind. In diesem Zusammenhang wird das EU-finanzierte Projekt ENHANCE Möglichkeiten zur Verringerung von Entscheidungsfehlern und Kompetenzdefiziten untersuchen. Daher wird es Fachkräfte aus Technik, Betrieb und Psychologie zusammenbringen, um für die Besatzung Wege zum Umgang mit neuen Technologien zu finden. Durch die Verbindung von Wissenschaft und Industrie wird ENHANCE neue Schulungs- und Leistungsbewertungsmethoden entwickeln. Das Projekt hat sich auf die Fahne geschrieben, dass die Erkenntnisse zwischen Wissenschaft und Industrie, zwischen den Sektoren und zwischen den Kontinenten ausgetauscht werden sollen.


Rapid technological development within the maritime industry has improved efficiency, productivity and safety. However, this advancement is creating increasingly complex socio-technical systems, for which training has left human operators ill-prepared. Over 75% of all maritime accidents are attributed to human error, and smaller crew are handling more complex tasks. If safety is to be maintained or improved, it is vital to equip crew with the skills needed to manage them effectively.
ENHANCE specifically investigates these issues for maritime applications by utilizing knowledge sharing between process and maritime industries. We will bring together the expertise of engineers, psychologists, human factors specialists and operators to generate solutions to cope with technological development. The project has two main objectives: a) to better understand the human role in complex socio-technical systems through close collaborations between the academic and non-academic sectors; and b) to develop new training and performance assessment methodologies designed to enhance the human performance.
To ensure knowledge transfer, ENHANCE will connect academics and industry through an extensive secondment programme. This will bring together expert academic knowledge of advanced training techniques with the needs of the maritime industry and the best practice of the process industry. We will share knowledge across academia and industry, across sectors and across continents. Ultimately, this research will enable the maritime sector to improve the performance of humans within their complex socio-technical systems. This, in turn, will reduce the frequency and severity of incidents, reducing the negative social, economic and environmental impact of the sector. In addressing the needs of the maritime industry, we will also generate new cross disciplinary research initiatives, new career paths for researchers and new opportunities for long-term industry-academia collaboration.


€ 335 800,00
3184 Horten

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Norge Agder og Sør-Østlandet Vestfold og Telemark
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
€ 381 800,00

Beteiligte (6)

Partner (3)