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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

New Market: an exploration into the changing nature of business environments, informal barriers and emerging markets in the post-Soviet region

Description du projet

Connaitre le risque d’investissement dans les ex-républiques soviétiques

Au cours des deux premières décennies du XXIe siècle, de nombreuses ex-républiques soviétiques ont mis en place des réformes économiques destinées à attirer les investissements étrangers. Toutefois, les investisseurs s’y trouvent souvent confrontés à des risques liés à un fort niveau de corruption et à l’ingérence des oligarques locaux. Le projet NEW MARKETS, financé par l’UE, se penchera sur l’identification des risques non visibles et non officiels qui pourraient nuire à l’activité des entreprises étrangères. Le projet comparera l’évolution des réformes économiques dans deux groupes de pays: ceux qui ont été les plus rapides à adopter une libéralisation complète (Estonie, Géorgie et Kirghizstan) et ceux qui n’ont ouvert leurs marchés que récemment (Biélorussie, Kazakhstan et Ouzbékistan). Il procédera également à une évaluation empirique des politiques visant à améliorer l’environnement entrepreneurial dans les pays susmentionnés.


The past ten years have seen several changes in post-USSR business environments. From Kazakhstan to Belarus, and eventually Uzbekistan in 2016, a growing number of post-USSR republics have gradually begun economic reforms to allow foreign businesses to operate in their territory. These declared intentions, however, are sometimes contrasted by non-official, or informal, barriers into domestic and regional markets. Indeed, from rampant corruption to the necessity to get protection from local oligarchs, entering post-Soviet markets involves several risks. New Markets addresses the current limited existence of clear instructions that could enable new, and existing economic actors to gain an overview into the hidden risks associated with business activities in the post-Soviet region. Our research follows a three stage approach:

First, we will conduct a review of policy measures adopted in the past 10 years (2008-2018) to liberalize the markets in our target countries. Our analysis will compare three countries that have fully opened to foreign investors already in the early 2000 – Estonia, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan - with three countries that have only recently shown a more cooperative attitude - Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. We will survey the major mechanisms, and policies, adopted in these six countries to evaluate how they have ended up affecting the business environment.
Second, we will conduct an empirical evaluation of the measures adopted for improving the business climate in the target countries. This will be done through a national survey of core business actors in each country
Third, building upon results of the second stage, we will map challenges and opportunities in the region comparing macro and micro perspectives and testing government-led decisions against their results.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 220 800,00
9 Dublin

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Ireland Eastern and Midland Dublin
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 220 800,00

Participants (7)

Partenaires (4)