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CORDIS - Risultati della ricerca dell’UE

The strong interaction at the frontier of knowledge: fundamental research and applications

Descrizione del progetto

Uniti per la ricerca e nuove tecnologie nel campo dell'interazione forte

Nella fisica delle particelle, un meccanismo fondamentale chiamato interazione forte è responsabile della forza nucleare forte. Ciò sta alla base della teoria del modello standard. I ricercatori stanno cercando di comprendere e spiegare meglio gli argomenti di base in questo campo estremamente promettente. Lo fanno conducendo studi sperimentali e teorici, principalmente attraverso collisioni di particelle a basse e alte energie e calcoli. Gli sviluppi nei rilevatori all’avanguardia sono tra i loro obiettivi. Il progetto STRONG-2020, finanziato dall’UE, sostiene una stretta collaborazione in un consorzio che coinvolge 44 gruppi, 14 Stati membri dell’UE, il CERN e altre istituzioni di numerosi paesi. Creerà nuove possibilità, sia nella scienza che nella ricerca applicata, per applicazioni mediche e tecnologiche avanzate.


"The strong interaction is one of the cornerstones of the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics, and its experimental and theoretical study attracts an active community of about 2500 researchers in Europe. The list of fundamental open questions at the frontier of our current knowledge in the strong interaction is very rich and varied including a full understanding of (i) the partonic structure of hadrons, (ii) exotic hadronic states, properties of (iii) dense quark matter and of (iv) hot and dense quark-gluon plasma, as well as (v) precision tests of the SM. Such research topics are studied experimentally and theoretically mostly via particle collisions at low (a few tens of GeV) and high (up to 14 TeV) energies. Associated developments in state-of-the-art detectors/data-acquisition/beams/targets are required, as well as in theoretical (lattice, effective field, perturbative) calculations. The STRONG-2020 project brings together many of the leading research groups and infrastructures involved today in the study of the strong interaction in Europe, and also exploits the innovation potential in applied research through the development of detector systems with applications beyond fundamental physics, e.g. for medical imaging and information technology. The Consortium includes 44 participant groups, embracing 14 EU Member States, one International EU Interest Organization (CERN), and one EU candidate country. Together with host institutions of 21 other countries, without EU funds benefits, the project involves research in 36 countries. The project is structured in 32 Work Packages (WP): 7 Transnational Access Activities, 2 Virtual Access Activities, 7 Networking Activities and 14 Joint Research Activities. Furthermore, 2 WPs take care, respectively, of the “Management and Coordination” of the project and of “Communication and Outreach""."

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Meccanismo di finanziamento

RIA - Research and Innovation action


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 000 484,50
75794 Paris

Mostra sulla mappa

Ile-de-France Ile-de-France Paris
Tipo di attività
Research Organisations
Costo totale
€ 2 000 484,50

Partecipanti (45)