Verbesserte Auflösung der menschlichen Bewegungsanalyse wird Innovationen und neue Anwendungen vorantreiben
Technologien zur Bewegungserfassung bilden die Grundlage für Anwendungen in verschiedenen Bereichen wie virtuelle Realität, Animationsfilme, biomedizinische Rehabilitation, Sport und Tanz. Obwohl die Technologien beträchtliche Fortschritte erzielt haben, fehlt ihnen noch immer die hohe räumliche und zeitliche Auflösung, die für eine effektive Wahrnehmung und Vorhersage komplexer Phänomene erforderlich ist. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt EnTimeMent hat einen innovativen neurokognitiven Ansatz zur qualitativen Analyse menschlicher Bewegungen erarbeitet, der sich auf mehrere zeitliche und räumliche Skalen und multisensorische Integration stützt. Das Projektteam bereitet sich darauf vor, die Technologie an ein breites Spektrum von Branchen und Endverbrauchenden zu vermarkten.
EnTimeMent aims at a radical change in scientific research and enabling technologies for human movement qualitative analysis, entrainment and prediction, based on a novel neuro-cognitive approach of the multiple, mutually interactive time scales characterizing human behaviour. Our approach will afford the development of computational models for the automated detection, measurement, and prediction of movement qualities from behavioural signals, based on multi-layer parallel processes at non-linearly stratified temporal dimensions, and will radically transform technology for human movement analysis. EnTimeMent new innovative scientifically-grounded and time-adaptive technologies operate at multiple time scales in a multi-layered approach: motion capture and movement analysis systems will be endowed with a completely novel functionality, achieving a novel generation of time-aware multisensory motion perception and prediction systems. The proposed model and technologies will be iteratively tested and refined, by designing and performing controlled and ecological experiments, ranging from action prediction in a controlled laboratory setting, to prediction in dyadic and small group interaction. EnTimeMent scenarios include health (healing and support of everyday life of persons with chronic pain and disability), performing arts (e.g. dance), sports, and entertainment group activities, with and without living architectures. EnTimeMent will create and support community-building and exploitation with concrete initiatives, including a community of users and stakeholders, innovation hubs and SME incubators, as premises for the consolidation beyond the end of the project in a broader range of market areas.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
Aufforderung zur Vorschlagseinreichung
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RIA - Research and Innovation actionKoordinator
16126 Genova