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Certified smart and integrated living environments for ageing well

Description du projet

Construire des maisons adaptées aux personnes âgées

Les Européens vivent plus longtemps, mais notre environnement domestique est‑il adapté à l’évolution de nos besoins et de nos préférences? Afin de pouvoir vivre en bonne santé les années de vie supplémentaires gagnées grâce à la hausse de la longévité, la capacité de notre foyer à nous aider à réaliser pleinement notre potentiel personnel et social est cruciale. Cependant, une part considérable du parc immobilier européen n’est pas adaptée à ces nouvelles circonstances. Le projet Homes4Life, financé par l’UE, définira un système de certification basé sur une approche centrée sur l’utilisateur et en fonction des spécificités de chaque pays. Le projet permettra de s’assurer que les foyers d’aujourd’hui répondent à l’évolution de nos besoins et de nos modes de vie à mesure que nous avançons dans la vie et qu’ils nous permettent de rester actifs, de prendre part à la vie en société et de préserver notre santé.


Age-friendly environments are one of the most effective approaches for responding to demographic ageing and increasing the Healthy Life Year indicator. However, there is still a huge building stock not adapted to the needs of older people. Even today, new buildings don´t yet properly address the need for creating smart living environments for ageing well.
Homes4Life addresses this challenge by contributing to the development of a common European framework for age friendly living environments, and defining the Homes4Life certification scheme to tackle end-users’ needs and requirements through a holistic and life-course approach integrating Construction and ICT solutions. The different socio-economic conditions (housing ownership, family structure, health system, etc) and building typologies among the EU member states will be analyzed in detail to provide the necessary flexibility to map the Homes4Life certification scheme to the specificities of each country with a user-centric approach. The scope of Homes4Life scheme will cover both new and existing buildings.
The strategy to define the certification scheme will be: i) analyzing the main difficulties and needs faced by older people to age at home, ii) identifying the physical and digital solutions that increase their quality of life and wellbeing, iii) assessing the availability, functionality and quality of service of the existing solutions on a specific home.
Homes4Life scheme aims to foster (public and private) investment making explicit the benefits for each stakeholder of transforming the building stock into a smart and integrated age friendly living environment.
Considering the need for social consensus for the development of this certification scheme the consortium will be supported by an expert board that includes 14 key players in aging at home domain, covering complementary disciplines (investment, standardization, e-health, building and design, public social services) and a Stakeholders Community.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 187 175,00

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Noreste País Vasco Gipuzkoa
Type d’activité
Research Organisations
Coût total
€ 187 175,00

Participants (8)