Seniorenbetreuung mit intelligenter Bewegung
Aufgrund der raschen Alterung der europäischen Bevölkerung leisten mehr als einhundert Millionen Menschen inoffizielle, unbezahlte Pflege für ihre älteren Angehörigen. Etwa 50 % dieser unbezahlten Pflegekräfte sind zudem voll erwerbstätig. Da sich die altersbedingten Probleme jedoch verschlimmern, sind einige Menschen gezwungen, ihre Arbeit aufzugeben und sich voll und ganz der Pflege zu widmen, was schwerwiegende Folgen für ihr wirtschaftliches und psychisches Wohlbefinden hat. Das EU-finanzierte Projekt SAFELDER wird dieses Phänomen entschärfen, indem es eine neuartige Lösung auf den Markt bringt: ein Multisensorgerät, das auf einer fortschrittlichen Erkennung von Geräuschen und Bewegungen basiert. Es wird ältere Menschen und deren häusliche Umgebung überwachen, ihre Privatsphäre respektieren und gleichzeitig für ihre Sicherheit und Unterstützung sorgen.
In the middle of 21st century Europe will become ‘the oldest continent’ in demographical terms. Obviously, the older we get the more susceptible to age related diseases (i.e. Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease) and inevitable physical limitations we become. Many seniors cannot live without daily care, either formal or informal. Today, more than 100 million of Europeans provide informal care for their relatives and half of them combine unpaid and informal care with employment. About 7% of male and 11% of female employees regularly share their time between job and care duties. It equals from 50 % to 90 % of the overall cost of formal long-term care provision.
As the disease progresses, a senior usually requires more and more care. This, sooner or later, leads an informal caregiver (most of them are women) to the decision on job resignation: 21% of informal carers in Europe reduced their working hours and 18% withdraw from the labour market. Currently approx. 42% of non-working carers are in the lowest income quartile and 59% of non-working carers have difficulty making ends meet (compared to 24% and 46% for non-carers respectively). The prevalence of mental health problems among informal carers is 20% higher than among non-carer
We have developed Point - a smart, multi sensor device for home security. Point strikes a balance between privacy and the need for monitoring. Thanks to its unique sound and motion recognition capabilities Point is a credible alternative to cameras. Point can also detect changes in the home environment, i.e. temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, ambient light and smoke. Through Point’s mobile application, families, neighbours and friends can communicate and work together to look after their homes.In this project, we will define the technical and business requirements for a successful commercial launch of Point in the elderly care market segment.
Wissenschaftliches Gebiet
- engineering and technologyelectrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineeringelectronic engineeringsensorsoptical sensors
- medical and health sciencesbasic medicineneurologyparkinson
- social scienceseconomics and businessbusiness and managementemployment
- natural sciencesearth and related environmental sciencesatmospheric sciencesmeteorologyatmospheric pressure
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