CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Disrupting Orthotics and Prosthetics Market with Open Digital Platform


Offene Plattform erleichtert Design maßgeschneiderter 3D-gedruckter Orthotik und Prothetik

Aufgrund der zunehmenden Alterung der Bevölkerung und immer mehr Krankheiten wie zum Beispiel Gefäßerkrankungen und Diabetes wächst der Markt für maßgefertigte Orthesen und Prothesen schnell. Bis 2027 wird jedes dritte maßgefertigte Orthotik- und Prothetikprodukt per 3D-Druck angefertigt werden. Das Ziel des EU-finanzierten Projekts OP-PLATFORM ist die Demokratisierung des 3D-Drucks für alle medizinischen Fachkräfte. Die Forschenden werden eine revolutionäre digitale Plattform entwickeln, mit der klinische Fachkräfte patientenspezifische hochwertige Vorrichtungen entwerfen und diese direkt bestellen können. Das Team wird künstliche Intelligenz, maschinelles Lernen und modernste Algorithmen einsetzen, um den gesamten Entwurfsprozess zu automatisieren.


Custom-made orthotic and prosthetic (O&P) market grows rapidly as the global population ages and suffers from civilisation diseases. In the next 10 years the O&P industry will be disrupted by digital economy (automatisation, 3D printing and 3D scanning). Due to rising costs of O&P products and patients’ demand for improved comfort, function and aesthetics, every third O&P product will be 3D printed by 2027. However 3DP products need to be custom designed and that is costly, know-how & time demanding. With our proprietary technology and 25 years experience in the O&P market, Invent Medical set to become the Uber in orthotics and seize this market share with the Open Digital Platform by leveraging 3rd parties and automating & democratising the whole process in an ultra scalable and affordable way. We are offering benefits of digitalisation to medical facilities to improve people’s life worldwide as custom-made orthoses and prostheses are the only effective solution in a treatment of difficult injuries, deficiencies and civilisation diseases.
The goal of Phase 1 of the project is to assess the feasibility of the Open Digital Platform business model. Activities will be focused on advanced Market analysis, IP research, Licensing of products, a Business Plan preparation and Pilot tests. Pilot testing of the platform will be conducted on two product lines to verify viability of the platform and cooperation with 3rd parties providing sales & support, manufacturing and computing. The project will have an impact on the global market due to global availability of a new generation of 3DP O&P products. Our disruptive business model complies with the EU strategy in healthcare to promote good health and healthy ageing by developing innovative solutions.

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€ 50 000,00
708 00 OSTRAVA

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Česko Moravskoslezsko Moravskoslezský kraj
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
€ 71 429,00