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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - KAM2CY4 (Provision of services for enhancing innovation management capacity of the Cypriot SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus)

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-01-01 bis 2019-12-31

The objective of the project was the provision of high-quality innovation management capacity assessment and support services to SMEs in Cyprus aiming at the enhancement of their competitiveness, smart growth and profitability.

The services were provided by the Research Promotion Foundation (RPF), the Coordinator of the Enterprise Europe Network Cyprus (EEN-Cy). RPF has already provided relevant services through preceding projects funded by EC (KAM2CY in 2014 and KAM2CY2 in 2015-16 and KAM2CY3 in 2017-18).

The project targeted two groups of SMEs, as described below:

(a) Key Account Management (KAM) services were provided to SME-beneficiaries of H2020 SME Instrument, FTI and FET Open aiming to:
• identify weaknesses in SMEs’ innovation capacity and bottlenecks in their innovation management approach hindering realisation of growth opportunities (using smE-MPOWER Tool);
• identify suitable coaches to address the identified weaknesses through tailor-made coaching activities;
• provide support and accompany the SME throughout the implementation of the SME Instrument (SMEI) project, facilitating SME needs for further funding, financing and support.

(b) Services for Enhancing Innovation Management Capacity (EIMC services) were provided to promising SMEs with potential for growth via innovation as follows:
• diagnostic audit / assessment of the innovation management capacity of each SME involved;
• root/ cause analysis of the audit results;
• development of a tailor-made action plan;
• assistance provision in action plan implementation and monitoring.

The project foresaw the provision of eight (8) service packages: five (5) EIMC service packages and three (3) KAM service packages, depending on the evaluation results of the H2020 SME Instrument, FIT and FET-Open proposals.
The project was implemented successfully with the provision of nine (9) service packages: one (1) KAM and eight (8) EIMC Service Packages. Four (4) additional KAM cases were handled but not completed during the reporting period.
Within the duration of the project and the context of Work Package 2 (EIMC services), the innovation management capacity assessment was conducted for four (4) companies with the support of the IMP3rove assessment methodology and four (4) using the smE-MPOWER Tool. Communication with a number of SMEs that expressed an interest to receive EIMC services but did not manage to respond within project duration is foreseen to continue within the KAM2CY5 project in 2020.
The implementation of the project has helped the involved SMEs to improve and increase their innovation activities and understand better the potential benefits from the enhancement of their innovation capacity. SME Instrument beneficiaries were helped with coaching and guidance for their future activities and the feedback received from them was extremely positive.
EIMC services to promising SMEs with potential for growth via innovation provided them with a better understanding of the benefits of innovation and of the current state of their innovation management capacity. The resulting discussion, report and action plans caused the SMEs to improve their innovation management, get more involved with innovation activities and gradually improve their processes and procedures.
Moreover, synergies emerging from the rest of the services provided by the EEN-Cy were exploited in order to enhance impact on the SMEs. Clients receiving KAM and EIMC services as well as a number of SME Instrument participants receiving a “Seal of Excellence” were introduced and directed towards the wide range of services provided through the Enterprise Europe Network such as partnering activities (participation in brokerage events, profile creation and dissemination, etc), provision of support in relation to their participation in national Research and Innovation funding Programs and the H2020, including SME Instrument calls as well as other innovation and business opportunities. Additionally, NCP services were also provided to SMEs interested in participating in SME Instrument Phase II by the SME NCP, who is also member of the project’s implementation team.