Descrizione del progetto
Incrementare l’efficacia delle PMI lituane nel campo dell’innovazione
Il progetto SME Coach LT 2018, finanziato dall’UE, potenzierà le capacità di gestione dell’innovazione delle PMI lituane al fine di incrementare l’efficacia e l’efficienza degli investimenti in R’S e innovazione. I servizi di gestione dei clienti strategici supporteranno i beneficiari dei programmi Strumento per le PMI, Corsia veloce per l’innovazione e Tecnologie future ed emergenti aperte, nell’ambito di Orizzonte 2020 al fine di identificare le debolezze e le lacune nelle loro capacità di innovazione e di selezionare i coach più adatti per superare tali problematiche. Il progetto si avvarrà di un modello di innovazione aziendale olistico e dinamico. SME Coach LT 2018 valuterà inoltre i risultati del sistema di gestione dell’innovazione delle PMI caratterizzate da una forte attività di innovazione e da un elevato potenziale di internazionalizzazione ma che mostrano carenze nelle capacità di gestione dell’innovazione.
The aim of SME Coach LT 2018 is to increase effectiveness and efficiency of investment in R&D and Innovation by enhancing innovation management capacity of the Lithuanian beneficiaries of the funding schemes SME Instrument, Fast Track to Innovation ( FTI) and Future and emerging technologies (FET Open) under H2020 and SMEs with significant innovation activities and a high potential for internationalisation.
Specifically, the project will support beneficiaries of the SME instrument in identifying project-specific barriers and weaknesses and gaps in their innovation capacities that hinder realization of growth opportunities and point to suitable coaches to address the identified weaknesses. The Key Account Manager will support SMEs SME Instrument beneficiaries in identifying critical issues and gaps with regards to their innovation idea and guide them to relevant lead coach who will support the company throughout their innovation journey. To identify SMEs challenges, the Key account Manager will use a holistic and dynamic business innovation model, supported by Business Innovation Roadmap Tool, available under Creative Commons License from smE-MPOWER network. The second specific objective aims at SMEs that have significant innovation activities and a high potential but lagging innovation management capacities. To assess the performance of their innovation management system, we will use IMP3rove Academy’s diagnostic tool or similar tools. Further action plan will be developed. In supporting SMEs we will use action- based (and case-driven) learning approach to addressing identified gaps in the innovation system. smE-MPOWER tools will help support the coaching process.
- H2020-EU.2.3. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Innovation In SMEs Main Programme
Meccanismo di finanziamento
CSA - Coordination and support actionCoordinatore
LT-03223 Vilnius