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CORDIS - Forschungsergebnisse der EU

EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2019)

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - InnoManage BB 2019 (EEN Innovation Management Berlin-Brandenburg (InnoManage BB 2019))

Berichtszeitraum: 2019-01-01 bis 2019-12-31

The overall aim of the action is to help to enhance and accelerate the economic returns from innovation in Europe, by increasing the innovation management capabilities of SMEs. The project sought to address and strengthen the area of innovation management for innovative SMEs in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg.

The first objective was to provide beneficiaries of the EIC Accelerator Pilot (SME-I) under Horizon 2020 with specific targeted assistance to support coaching assignments addressing specific innovation weaknesses which may hinder the outcomes of the SME-I project proposed by the SME. The Key Account Manager in both organisations provided following services to the beneficiaries:

- support to identify weaknesses in their innovation capacities,
- help with identifying suitable coaches to address the identified weaknesses,
- a moderation of the coach-client relationship
- continued support to the beneficiary throughout the entire project.

Through the delivery of these work packages, beneficiaries would increase their chance of overcoming the obstacles to growth and enhance the probability of a successful exploitation of the innovation project.

The second objective was to deliver a service designed to enhance the innovation management capacity of SMEs by providing in depth support services to SMEs in the area of innovation management. The beneficiaries of these services were to be SMEs with existing, significant innovation activities and which have a high potential for internationalisation.
The action offered support services to SMEs in Berlin and Brandenburg in two different lines: “Key Account Management” (KAM) and “Enhancing innovation management capacity” (EIMC).

During the reporting period Key Account Services were offered to SMEs that have been successful in their applications for funding under the Horizon 2020 EIC Accelerator Pilot (SME-I). Through a needs analysis the service helped SME -I beneficiaries to detect where they will need support to gain maximum value from the grant, to provide guidance in sourcing and selecting coaches for that purpose and to access finance.

Enhancing innovation management capacity service was offered to SMEs which wanted to increase their ability to manage and implement innovation processes successfully. It covered an individual assessment of the status of innovation management in the company, development of an individual action plan for improving it and monitoring of the implementation. Both KAM and EIMC Services are successfully established in the region of Berlin and Brandenburg.
In total, 43 support service were delivered to SMEs in Berlin and Brandenburg during the reporting period, 29 KAM services and 14 EIMC services. 14 cases could be completed successfully in 2019. The remaining cases will be continued in 2020.
The services supported the SMEs to increase their strategic and operational capability and to innovate in an international environment.
The KAM and EIMC services were fully integrated in the Enterprise Europe Network’s service portfolio, namely the provision of advisory and partnering services. Synergies were utilised wherever possible. This included the combination of different services, e.g. identification of high potential SMEs and projects, signposting to the H2020 SME Instrument or alternative funding opportunities, mentoring during innovation projects, facilitating cooperation with third parties.