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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Innovative quality inspection methods for CFRP primary structural parts

CORDIS proporciona enlaces a los documentos públicos y las publicaciones de los proyectos de los programas marco HORIZONTE.

Los enlaces a los documentos y las publicaciones de los proyectos del Séptimo Programa Marco, así como los enlaces a algunos tipos de resultados específicos, como conjuntos de datos y «software», se obtienen dinámicamente de OpenAIRE .

Resultado final

Data Management Plan

The data management plan describes the data that will be collected during the project and how the data will be made available for later use by other researchers. The main source of data considered in the project will be raw ultrasonic scanning data and ground truth information (where available).

Inspection demonstration and validation report

This deliverable will consist of a demonstration of the scanning of a full-scale component (within the limits of the robot’s kinematics and other physical constraints) and a report of the detection results achieved during these scanning processes.

Plan for the Communication and Dissemination of results

This deliverable will contain an initial report about dissemination, communication including a description of the project's web page.


An integrated robotic work cell for highly automated ultrasonic inspection of complex CFRP parts

Autores: Schlachter Klaus; Zambal Sebastian; Eitzinger Christian; Bulavinov Andrey; Pinchuk Roman
Publicado en: SAMPE Europe Conference Proceedings, Edición 1, 2020
Editor: Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4301957

Automatisierte Pfadplanung für robotergestützte Ultraschallprüfung von CFK-Komponenten mitkomplexer Geometrie

Autores: Klaus Schlachter, Sebastian Zambal, Christian Eitzinger, Andrey Bulavinov, Roman Pinchuk
Publicado en: ZfP-Zeitung, Edición 170th edition (July 2020; frequency: four editions per year), 2020, Página(s) page 33, ISSN 1616-069X
Editor: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung e.V. (DGZfP), Österreichische Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (ÖGfZP) and Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (SGZP)
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4304332

Robotic coverage path planning for ultrasonic inspection

Autores: Kastor Felsner, Klaus Schlachter, Sebastian Zambal
Publicado en: Applied Sciences, Special Edición Control and Motion Planning in Industrial Applications, 2021, ISSN 2076-3417
Editor: MDPI
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5720196

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