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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Safe Copper Engineered for Release and Efficacy on Agricultural Land

Description du projet

Valider la durabilité des pulvérisations de nanoparticules de cuivre dans l’agriculture

De nouvelles recherches dans le domaine de la nano-agrochimie laissent entendre que l’application de nanoparticules de cuivre (CuNP) directement sur les feuilles (pulvérisation foliaire) du blé pourrait résoudre la carence en cuivre de cette variété de céréale, lutter contre les phytopathologies courantes et réduire le volume des polluants du cuivre. Il est cependant impératif de comprendre parfaitement les conséquences que les CuNP sont susceptibles d’avoir sur l’environnement avant d’en faire usage. Le projet SafeCEREAL, financé par l’UE, vise à évaluer les dangers environnementaux et les avantages pour l’agriculture des CuNP dans les cultures de blé. Il examinera la réaction du blé après une application foliaire de CuNP et réalisera une évaluation des risques pour les sols et les eaux souterraines à l’aide de simulations pratiques. La validation des CuNP se traduira par une nette amélioration du rendement et de la qualité des cultures céréalières.


The most recent scientific investigations in the field of sustainable nano-agrochemicals show that foliar application of copper
nanoparticles (CuNPs) to plant leaves can be new strategy to reduce Cu deficiency in wheat, decrease Cu bulk emissions to
the environment and reduce diseases (e.g. wheat leaf rust, tan spot, and Fusarium head blight) that are heavily affecting
wheat production sector in the EU and globally. Therefore, resolving the environmental fate of CuNPs after foliar application
will be an important step for their practical use. The goal of this Marie Sklodowska Curie Fellowship and SafeCEREAL
project is to allow reliable assessment of environmental risks and benefits of using CuNPs in agriculture. Major research
targets are to investigate the complex interactions between CuNPs and wheat after foliar application (WP1), gain further
knowledge of the possible CuNPs’ interaction with soils under more realistic scenarios (WP2), and perform risk assessment
of CuNPs’ release to groundwater by reproducing environmentally relevant release scenarios (WP3). The achievement of
these goals requires a multidisciplinary approach including environmental nanotechnology and chemistry, plant physiology
and applied geophysics – all of which are part of the research conducted at the University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences,
Serbia, who will readily engage all its resources and mobilize its international partnerships. This fellowship will involve
carefully planned public outreach activities and focus on a wide range of transferable and technical skills that will strengthen
the Applicant, the Host, and the scientific community in the European Research Area and globally. Importantly, this project
will lead to greater professional maturity of the Applicant by providing her the interdisciplinary expertise to design, lead and
deliver future research projects; and identifying her as leading young scientist in the new area of research focused on
realistic scenarios.


University of Novi Sad Faculty of Sciences
Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 140 021,76
Trg Dositeja Obradovica 3
21000 Novi Sad

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Србија - север Регион Војводине Јужнобачка област
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 140 021,76