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A dedicated website along with a logo and promotional material will be made available from the very beginning.
Elaboration and presentation of results from two questionnaires aimed at identifying citizens perception with reference to a the invasion of privacy at border crossings and b trust in the EU security system
Periodic report on citizens’ and stakeholders’ inputs V1This deliverable summarizes the feedback received by the citizens and the EAB experts with respect to the project developments. The report will gather the opinion of citizens with reference to the impact of the project and will present the EAB activities periodically.
Project and Risk Management PlanSpecify the management plan that will be followed. Identifies and evaluates risk factors for the project and dependencies among them. It will also provide an initial version of the risk matrix. Project uncertainties related to qualitative and to quantitative elements will be estimated while their probabilities and impacts will be assessed.
Business models and sustainability planIdentification of the exploitable results and production of effective business models to achieve sustainability after the project completion
Data Management Plan V2Describes the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected processed or generated by the project It outlines how research data will be handled and even after the project is completed describing what data will be collected processed or generated and following what methodology and standards whether and how this data will be shared andor made open and how it will be curated and preserved
Final activity reportThis document presents a synthesis of all the activities performed during the project It describes the outcomes of the project New knowledge handbooks system and system documentation operational and technical assessment and recommendations for future activities and future implementations
Pilot Demonstrations ReportA public report on the two largescale demonstrators of ARESIBO Involved actors and organisations tested modules schedule participants scenarios lessons learned and results will be part of this document
A stable and reliable network for border security operations V2Contribution: MS3] (R, PU) – A public document describing the physical network architecture and the elements composing the ARESIBO networks (sensors, UxVs, antennas, C2 infrastructure, etc.).
2 Data representation model V2A public document describing the semantic model of ARESIBO for incidents, resources and tasks.
Report on standards and synergiesThis document is the main outcome of T72 and will extensively discuss the threetier interoperability of ARESIBO protocols data AR interfaces Also the synergies that have been established with external initiatives and projects will be presented
Dynamic and Adaptive Swarm Optimization V2Twostep public technical report on the adaptive swarming and optimisation algorithms that will be implemented in ARESIBO Preliminary results for the optimised collaboration between humans and robots that will be based on the WP2 KPIs will be included in this deliverable
Public evaluation reportA report on the evaluation performed in T75 and T76 The document will present a separate assessment of the system with respect to the cognitive aspects and the UX of the operators based on the AR technology and interfaces
A reliable software and hardware architecture for integrated situation awareness in land- and sea-bordersThis public deliverable will summarize the sub-modules of the ARESIBO components, their interfaces and the information flows among them to set-up a reliable architecture capable of supporting the border- and coast-guards’ needs
ARESIBO handbook for user trainingThis deliverable will consist a practical handbook for the ARESIBO operators both in the field and in the C2 This report will provide a description of the functionalities from a userperspective and a practical guide on the different ARESIBO tools and equipment A subset of this deliverable will be handed to the trainees before the training sessions to help them get familiar with the system beforehand
AR Data Interface V2A public document with the technical specs the frameworks and the adopted methodology to achieve interoperability between AR interfaces
A stable and reliable network for border security operations V1A public document describing the physical network architecture and the elements composing the ARESIBO networks (sensors, UxVs, antennas, C2 infrastructure, etc.).
External advisory board activity report V3A public report at the beginning of the project describing the planned EAB activities An intermediate report on M18 will summarise the EAB activities and feedback until that time Final version with EAB conclusions right after the Pilot Demonstrations at the ending phase of the project
Border security mission planningThe deliverable will describe the expressiveness of the DSL Mockups of the visual and textual editors will be given Also it will present all the implementation details of the respective tools planner validator etc
Data representation model V1A public document describing the semantic model of ARESIBO for incidents, resources and tasks.
Periodic report on citizens' and stakeholders' inputs V3This deliverable summarizes the feedback received by the citizens and the EAB experts with respect to the project developments The report will gather the opinion of citizens with reference to the impact of the project and will present the EAB activities periodically
AR Data Interface V1A public document with the technical specs, the frameworks and the adopted methodology to achieve interoperability between AR interfaces
External advisory board activity report V2A public report at the beginning of the project describing the planned EAB activities. An intermediate report on M18 will summarise the EAB activities and feedback until that time. Final version with EAB conclusions right after the Pilot Demonstrations at the ending phase of the project.
Periodic report on citizens' and stakeholders' inputs V2This deliverable summarizes the feedback received by the citizens and the EAB experts with respect to the project developments The report will gather the opinion of citizens with reference to the impact of the project and will present the EAB activities periodically
Dynamic and Adaptive Swarm Optimization V1Two-step public technical report on the adaptive swarming and optimisation algorithms that will be implemented in ARESIBO. Preliminary results for the optimised collaboration between humans and robots that will be based on the WP2 KPIs will be included in this deliverable.
Target audiences and Dissemination planReport on the target groups of the project and the planned dissemination activities throughout the project lifetime.
Strategies and actions to support integrated cross-border dialogueDefinition of the main dimensions and variables relevant in border security/management (to be assessed as possible integration to T.1.4.2. for future development of the EU Smart Border Package) and possible actions/strategies to support integrated cross-border management and stimulate cross-border dialogue.
Integration Report V1A public deliverable on the threestep integration process of ARESIBO componentlevel systemlevel integration with national systems
Data Management Plan V1Describes the data management life cycle for all data sets that will be collected, processed or generated by the project. It outlines how research data will be handled, and even after the project is completed, describing what data will be collected, processed or generated and following what methodology and standards, whether and how this data will be shared and/or made open, and how it will be curated and preserved.
System deployment roadmapA stepbystep guide for the deployment of the full ARESIBO system from sensors and UxVs towards software and interconnection with C2 systems in realworld operational environments This handbook will also provide a set of best practices to be followed
Integration Report V2A public deliverable on the threestep integration process of ARESIBO componentlevel systemlevel integration with national systems
External advisory board activity report V1A public report at the beginning of the project describing the planned EAB activities. An intermediate report on M18 will summarise the EAB activities and feedback until that time. Final version with EAB conclusions right after the Pilot Demonstrations at the ending phase of the project.
The prototype ARESIBO system (software & hardware) integrated in second version.
Integrated ARESIBO system V3Third version of the ARESIBO system (Hardware and Software
Sensing infrastructure and collaborative optimized visual sensing V2This deliverable reports on the sensing elements of ARESIBO (fixed sensors, UxVs, cameras, acoustic sensors, etc.) and the communication interfaces between them. Also, the collaborative schemes that will be applied for the visual identification and sensing of objects are included.
Sensing infrastructure and collaborative optimized visual sensing V1This deliverable reports on the sensing elements of ARESIBO (fixed sensors, UxVs, cameras, acoustic sensors, etc.) and the communication interfaces between them. Also, the collaborative schemes that will be applied for the visual identification and sensing of objects are included.
Integrated ARESIBO system V1The prototype ARESIBO system (software & hardware) integrated in first version.
Andreas Tsigkopoulos
Konstantinos Charisis
Veröffentlicht in:
Ναυτική Επιθεώρηση, Ausgabe ΤΕΎΧΟΣ 612-ΤΟΜΟΣ 180, 2021
Hellenic Navy
Riccardo Laterza, Daniele Del Bianco, Olivia Ferrari, Ramona Velea et al.
Veröffentlicht in:
Open Research Europe
Lorenzo De Sabbata, Riccardo Laterza, Olivia Ferrari, Daniele Del Bianco et al.
Veröffentlicht in:
Open Research Europe
V. Conceição, A. Tsigopoulos, G. Galanis, S. Toivonen
Veröffentlicht in:
4.º Encontro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Ciências Militares, Academia da Força Aérea, Granja do Marquês, 2715-021 Pêro Pinheiro, Portugal, 16 de novembro de 2022, 2022
Κ. Charisis, A. Tsigopoulos, S. Kintzios, V. Papataxiarchis
Veröffentlicht in:
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Strategies XXI – Technologies – Military Applications – Simulation and Resources, 2021
STRATEGIES XXI - Command and Staff College
Alberto Tremori, Sasha Godfrey, Luca Berretta, Arnau Carrera Viñas, Pavlina Nikolova and Iliyan Hutov
Veröffentlicht in:
Information & Security: An International Journal,, Ausgabe 08615160, 2022, Seite(n) p.255-272, ISSN 0861-5160
Procon Ltd
Georgios Orfanidis, Konstantinos Ioannidis, Stefanos Vrochidis, Anastasios Tefas, Yiannis Kompatsiaris
Veröffentlicht in:
25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Conceição, Vítor P. da
Pereira, Miguel
Moreira, Rúben
Brioso, Sara
Tsigopoulos, Andreas
Veröffentlicht in:
Livro de Atas 3.º Encontro de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Ciências Militares, 2021
Academia Militar
Kostas Kolomvatsos, Maria Kalouda, Panagiota Papadopoulou, Stathes Hadjieftymiades
Veröffentlicht in:
Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business: 17th International Conference, TrustBus 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14–17, 2020, Proceedings, 2020, Seite(n) 223–233
Pereira, Miguel Ângelo da Silva Faria
Veröffentlicht in:
Portugal Open Access Science Repository - RCAAP, 2021
Escola Naval - Marinha
Gonçalves, Eduardo Filipe
Veröffentlicht in:
Portugal Open Access Science Repository - RCAAP, 2021
Escola Naval - Marinha
Francisco, Luís Manuel Antunes da Silva Batalha
Veröffentlicht in:
Portugal Open Access Science Repository - RCAAP, 2021
Escola Naval - Marinha
Moreira, Rúben Eduardo Neto Gomes
Veröffentlicht in:
Portugal Open Access Science Repository - RCAAP, 2021
Escola Naval - Marinha
Brioso, Sara Andreia Presado
Veröffentlicht in:
Portugal Open Access Science Repository - RCAAP, 2020
Escola Naval - Marinha
Lauri Haasto
Veröffentlicht in:
RAJAMME VARTIJAT, Ausgabe 4, 2021, 2021, ISSN 0483-9080
Helsinki : Rajavartiolaitos 1962-
Michail Chatzidakis, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
Veröffentlicht in:
Computer Communications, Ausgabe Volume 187, 1 April 2022, 2022, Seite(n) 155-163, ISSN 0140-3664
Elsevier BV
A. Tremori, S. B. Godfrey, L. Berretta, A. Carrera Viñas, P. Nikolova, I. Hutov
Veröffentlicht in:
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2022, ISSN 1865-0929
Springer Verlag
Karatzinis, G. D., Michailidis, P., Michailidis, I. T., Kapoutsis, A. C., Kosmatopoulos, E. B., & Boutalis, Y. S.
Veröffentlicht in:
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Ausgabe 10692509, 2022, Seite(n) pp. 411-429, ISSN 1069-2509
IOS Press
Apostolidis, S. D.; Kapoutsis, P. C.; Kapoutsis, A. C.; and Kosmatopoulos, E. B.
Veröffentlicht in:
Autonomous Robots, Ausgabe 09295593, 2022, ISSN 0929-5593
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Andreas Tsigopoulos, Konstantinos Charisis
Veröffentlicht in:
Navy Review - Hellenic Navy Magazine, Ausgabe Ausgabe 612, Vol. 180, June - July - August 2020, 2020, Seite(n) 58 - 63, ISSN 0000-0000
Ipiresia Istorias Naytikou
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